Road Safety at Rothesay Joint Campus

The Eco Committee has been working with PC Heather Simpson on the 20 mph speed limit area outside the school. Heather told the pupils that when the lights flash it means that drivers are reminded to be aware of pupils traveling to or from school and to slow down.

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Dunoon Primary Head Boy/Girl and new Clan Captains.

Dunoon Primary School were delighted to announce at our recent assembly that we have a new Head Boy – P7 Logan and a new Head Girl – P7 Emma. The hall was full of enthusiastic parents and pupils when it was announced by Mrs Sylvia Clark our Headteacher. The Pupil Council were all given colourful badges, well done for all their hard work in our school!

Continue reading Dunoon Primary Head Boy/Girl and new Clan Captains.

Rothesay Primary WW1 talk

Pupils from Primaries 5-7 had a fascinating interactive talk from Stephen Grant, a Children’s Worker from Hope Hall Church, Bridge of Weir this morning. The talk was based on a WW1 stretcher bearer – Willam Coltman, whose grandson is a friend of Stephens. He talked to the children about William Coltman’s upbringing and how his strong Christian beliefs and faith helped him choose to join in with the war effort in 1914 as a medic to help his fellow man.

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Scottish International Storytelling Festival 2014 at Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary had a fantastic start to the day today with an inspiring talk and production by Neil Adam and Judy Turner, visitors from Australia, as part of the 2014 Scottish International Storytelling Festival. Our visitors were organised by Patricia McArthur from Rothesay Library and they were a huge hit with Primary 6 and 7 pupils from RPS.

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Red Hot at St. Joseph’s!

Last week the children of St Joseph’s were delighted to welcome to school Craig Munro, a member of the band ‘The Red Hot Chilli Pipers’. Craig was in fact taking part in a partnership programme which had been set up by Mrs McLean who specialises in Technology at St. Joseph’s. Mrs McLean had written to parents and family members to ask if any engineers would come into school and give the children a presentation on the life of an engineer.

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Primary 7 of Dalintober Primary School have had a very busy start to session 2014-2015.
During September and October they have been involved in a “Smoke Free Me” presentation by Raenbow Productions, organised a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support which raised £286.73 and visited a First World War Exhibition in Campbeltown’s Heritage Centre.

Really Small Scientists Win Prizes

Following the Nano-Science workshop in September, Primary 3 and 4 pupils from Dunoon Primary School produced posters about Nano-Jelly. During the workshop, run by the Really Small Science Group from Strathclyde University, the pupils became ‘Really Small Scientists’ for the day and learned about the world of Nano-Science. They discovered how everyday items such as jelly and even their own bodies are made up of tiny nano-sized molecules.
Continue reading Really Small Scientists Win Prizes

Victorian’s trip

Primary Six pupils at Rhu Primary School journeyed back in time to find out what life was like for Victorian children.
The class visited New Lanark Heritage Centre, which was well-worth the slightly longer travel time. New Lanark is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and proved a perfect venue to stimulate interest in this 18th Century topic.
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One of our tutors scoops the ‘ultimate accolade’ !!!!

One of Argyll and Bute’s instumental music tutors Stuart Liddell, from Inveraray, has been crowned the Glenfiddich Piping Champion. The event, now in its 41st year, is seen as piping’s “ultimate accolade”. The championship is only open to those who have achieved success in other solo piping competitions earlier in the year. Pipers from around the world converged on Blair Castle in Perthshire to take part in the event, which was established in 1974. Continue reading One of our tutors scoops the ‘ultimate accolade’ !!!!

Trip to Tesco

The children went on a trip to Tesco this week and this is some information about it.

The children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools have started their latest IDL of food and religion. They began with a WOW day which took them away from school. Tesco had invited them to spend the day in their Campbeltown shop. The children were very excited to discover that there was more the Tesco than they see when they go on their shopping trips with their parents.

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Castlehill Primary visit Muneroy Tearooms

P7 pupils from Castlehill Primary recently visited Muneroy Tearooms as part of their work leading up to the Kintyre Fun Food Festival event which will take place in CGS on the evening of Wednesday 19th November. The class had read of Francis and Ian’s success at the Scottish Baking Awards. Fifteen pupils travelled down to Southend to present them with a “Congratulations” card and to interview Francis herself.

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Port Ellen Success at the Mod

Port Ellen Primary School have again been very successful at the National Mod, which this year was held in Inverness. The schools gaelic Choir, Coisir Bun-Sgoil Port Ilein, won the choral unison rural primary, choral Puirt-a-beul and choral 2 part harmony learner. Their was success for individuals also, with Rebecca coming first and Rowan coming second in the solo singing 7-8, Eva coming first in the solo singing 9-10 and Abbie coming first in the solo singing 11-12 girls and Asher in the boys category. Continue reading Port Ellen Success at the Mod

News from DGS

Marvellous Macmillan Coffee Morning at DGS

DGS Staff and invited visitors enjoyed a fantastic coffee morning organised by pupils from the school’s learning centre on Thursday, 2 October – all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

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What a load of rubbish!

As a conclusion to their IDL (Inter disciplinary Learning) of Eco, the children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools put on a show stopping performance. As part of their learning the children had completed either a beach clean or a litter walk around their village.

Continue reading What a load of rubbish!

Strachur Primary School Coffee Morning

Primary 6/7 at Strachur Primary School held a very successful coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

The children organised the event and did all the baking themselves. They created posters to advertise the coffee morning and encouraged other pupils in the school to try their hand at baking too. They were very pleased with the turnout in the Memorial Hall in the village and raised the sum of £367.05

Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update

In September, children in Dunoon Primary School’s Gardening Club harvested their first crop of potatoes. After throwing away the bad ones and cleaning the soil from the rest, the children piled the potatoes into the barrow and delivered them across the road to the local health food store, Eco Grain, to be sold. (They also kept a few behind for tasting and all agreed that they were very tasty!) Local shoppers had to be quick off the mark as already we’ve heard that the potatoes have sold out! We’ll need to start working on a bumper crop for next year …

Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update

Porridge Day in the Woods @ Kilmartin

Friday 10th October is National Porridge Day and to celebrate this, the children cooked and ate their own porridge in the woods during Forest School.

They kept a close look-out for that rascal Goldilocks so she couldn’t creep up and eat all of their porridge while they weren’t looking so to help, the children all brought their favourite bears to act as lookouts!

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One Planet Picnic at Strath of Appin Primary School.

The One Planet Picnic initiative is part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful Eco-Schools programme and Clean and Green Legacy 2014. It is designed to raise awareness of where food comes from, and how it is produced.

Strath of Appin Primary School’s picnic took the form of a Harvest lunch where all the children and staff in the school were invited to enjoy fabulous foods that had been freshly prepared in the school kitchen.

Continue reading One Planet Picnic at Strath of Appin Primary School.