Young Green Fingers!

Rothesay Green Fingers 1The pupils at Rothesay Primary were delighted to scoop a number of prizes at their local horticultural show. They entered peas, runner beans, broad beans, lettuce, carrots, grapes, tayberries, tomatoes, courgettes, cooking and eating apples, pears and giant stalks of rhubarb and won 9 first, 3 second and 2 third prizes! To top it off, the school also won the cup for the best salad display and the schools cup, which they received from Jim McColl of the Beechgrove Garden – the man who helped to build our garden!
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Southend Primary School – MacMillan Cancer Support coffee afternoon.

Southend Coffee Morning 3P5-7 at Southend Primary School organised and held a MacMillan Cancer Support coffee afternoon on Friday 25th of September. Seasonal healthy vegetables, grown and harvested by the children, Christmas cards, and delicious home baking were on sale. A fantastic amount of £513 was raised. A huge thank you to all parents, the local community, and to those who were involved in supporting this worthwhile event.

Continue reading Southend Primary School – MacMillan Cancer Support coffee afternoon.

Dalintober PS Elects Pupil Council 2015-16

Pupil Council 1516 SALThis year’s elected Pupil Council members held their first meeting of the new school year on Friday. Pupils discussed ideas for promoting healthy eating and decided this would be the first venture they would like to undertake and promote – watch this space…!
Thank you to our new Pupil Council members for committing themselves to their roles with such enthusiasm.

Dalmally does Ready, Steady Cook!

Dalmally Ready Steady Cook 2In celebration of ‘School’s Food Day’ and as part of our Health and Wellbeing project, pupils at Dalmally Primary took part in a special clan challenge to design and create their very own healthy pizzas. Led by Miss MacKechnie, the whole school, including the nursery, joined in and enjoyed the opportunity to learn lots of new skills in the process. We even had a special guest judge, Sally Macleod from Glenorchy Lodge Hotel, who showed us how to toss a pizza base and helped our school cook Julie to judge our finished pizzas.
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I’m A Hostel-Lebrity Get Me Out Of Here!!

Dunoon School Hostel 10Dunoon School Hostel was full of Jungle fun last night (Tuesday 29th September). The hall was decorated in full jungle theme, with giraffes, camouflage and lots of animal print!
Young Cameron started off by introducing the two very smartly dressed hosts Paddy Mulholland and Brandon Wilson.

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School Food Day at Parklands

Parklands School Food Day“Parklands School joined in with ‘School Food Day’ on Wednesday 23rd September with staff and pupils munching on apples together. The school met in the hall to receive their apple from Betty our cook. In addition, the Selkie Class chose the menu for the day which included spaghetti carbonara then followed by chocolate cake and custard. What a day!”

Community Spirit at St. Joseph’s

St Josephs Zumba 2The staff and parents of St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh were delighted with the community support given to them last week at their ‘Sponsored Zumba’ event. In a bid to raise the remaining funds for the school’s newly built Trim Trail, the parents and staff ran a fund-raising event with a ‘Health’ theme. However, the event was also open to the community and everyone was delighted with the fantastic support from the ladies of ‘Angela’s Zumba Class’.

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Strone Primary School get crafty!

Strone PS get crafty 1On Friday 25th September we took six pupils from the P5-7 class to a Textile Workshop with artist Deirdre Nelson at the Burgh Hall Pop Up Gallery in Dunoon, as part of Craft Scotland’s Meet your Maker campaign. Deirdre showed us round the exhibition of textile art at the gallery, and then we were given the chance get creative, using embroidery techniques to make pictures of the local area.

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Global Citizenship Alive and Well at St. Joseph’s!

St Josephs Missio 2The children of St. Joseph’s Primary in Helensburgh were delighted to welcome Sr. Stacey of the order of ‘The Sisters of St. Peter Claver’ at assembly this week. Sr. Stacey gave a superb presentation on the work of ‘Missio Scotland’, a charity close to the heart of all the children at school. At specific times in the academic session, in a bid to support the missions, the children collect money for this charity.

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Dalintober PS Marks ‘School Food Day’

Dalintober PS Grow Your Own Food DayPupils, staff and Catering Staff decided to mark ‘School Food Day’, celebrating ‘Scotland’s Year of Food’ by holding an ‘Eat What You Grow’ lunch. Fruit and vegetables, grown on the school allotment, was harvested by members of the school’s Eco-Group and brought fresh from the site to the kitchen. The Catering Staff used the produce to make potato soup, potato salad, broad bean frittata and apple crumble – a sumptuous feast that was enjoyed by all!

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FilmG 2015 – 2016

Gaelic dgsS1Fiolmadh3Bha sgoilearean AS2/AS3 agus AS1 a’ gabhail pairt anns an co-fharpais ‘FilmG’ an seachdainn seo. Rinn iad suas sgeul aca fhèin agus chaidh iad a-mach anns a’ choimhearsneachd airson fiolmadh a dhèanamh. Tha iad uile a’ coimhead air adhart ri gearradh an ath-sheachdainn le Cailean agus Caxy, oidean FilmG. Air 16mh den t-Samhain, bidh ar sgoilearan as sinne a’ fiolmadh an sgeul aca fhèin.
Cùm d’ shuil a-mach airson fiosrachadh mu bhotadh. Tha ar fiolmachadh bho an-uiridh agus 2013 air an làrach aig FilmG.
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On the Road to Rio!

Tarbert PS Road to Rio 1Pupils in Primary 7/6 at Tarbert Academy have taken up the Team GB challenge of running the distance to Rio de Janeiro (9450 km from Tarbert) before the Olympic Games there next summer. Running three mornings a week, counting distances run in PE lessons and they are nearly 5% of the way there! After four weeks of running pupils have noticed a definite improvement in their fitness and are enjoying running as a great start to their day.

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Dunoon Grammar School – Advanced Higher German Work Experience Trip

dgsadvancedhighergermanworkexperiencetripEarly on Saturday 12th September, Ruby Brown, Caitlyn Meaney, Chloe Macdonald and Calum MacKinnon set off for Schwarzenbach an der Saale in Germany with their teacher Mrs Clark to undertake work experience. Ruby and Caitlyn worked for Sandler AG, a company which makes textiles, Chloe worked in a Nursery and Calum spent his three days working for an Architect.

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Transition Time at Dalintober ELCC

Dalintober ELCC TransitionThe move to the ‘Big School’ is already underway for the children of Dalintober ELCC.

Dalintober Primary School have been looking at ways to improve their quality of transition and now staff have developed a Transition Calendar with activities such as Story Telling Sessions beginning in September. Other activities will be running most months throughout the year helping the pre-school children to grow in confidence and build relationships with the class teachers.
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