Bha sgoilearean AS2/AS3 agus AS1 a’ gabhail pairt anns an co-fharpais ‘FilmG’ an seachdainn seo. Rinn iad suas sgeul aca fhèin agus chaidh iad a-mach anns a’ choimhearsneachd airson fiolmadh a dhèanamh. Tha iad uile a’ coimhead air adhart ri gearradh an ath-sheachdainn le Cailean agus Caxy, oidean FilmG. Air 16mh den t-Samhain, bidh ar sgoilearan as sinne a’ fiolmadh an sgeul aca fhèin.
Cùm d’ shuil a-mach airson fiosrachadh mu bhotadh. Tha ar fiolmachadh bho an-uiridh agus 2013 air an làrach aig FilmG.
S2/S3 pupils and S1 pupils have been taking part in the filming competition ‘FilmG’ this week. They worked hard to create their own stories and then went out on location to film them. All of our pupils are looking forward to the editing process next week, with the help of Cailean and Caxy, two of the FilmG tutors. Our senior pupils are also gearing up to film their own story on the 16th of November.
Keep an eye out for information about voting when the competition officially opens. Previous entries from DGS can be found on the FilmG website, click HERE