News from Castlehill Primary School

Primary 5 Garden Project
Last week, Primary 5 wrote letters to staff at Springbank and Mr MacArthur at the Garden Shop asking if they could kindly help out with their garden project. Very quickly, we got barrels from Springbank Distillery and plants and flowers from the Garden shop.

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Achahoish Art Exhibition

This term our art project has been about Our Identity and what we have in Common. During this learning we took lots of photographs of our favourite things at school – in the class room and the playground – and at home. We took photos of our families, our toys, our pets and our bedrooms.

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Teacher locks P5 up in jail

P5s in Dunoon Primary School went to Inverary Jail on Wednesday as part of their Scotland topic. They got there by two mini buses. When they got to the jail the children got changed into prisoner’s outfits and went to the Court Room to listen to some cases. After the Court Room they went to the Airing Yard. The Airing Yard is where the prisoners did exercises like running and walking. Next they went to the Old Jail; it was sort of cold but it’s a lot different nowadays.

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Stand Up To Cancer

At a request from our local Charity shop Cancer Research UK, we agreed to take part in ‘Stand Up To Cancer’ National Fundraiser. The children paid a donation in exchange for wearing clothes other than school uniform.

We raised a incredible £130.00

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Skipness and Clachan Schools News

Wee Cup of Tea – Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

The children of Skipness Primary School had a wonderful time on Thursday 25th September. They spent the morning preparing delicious cupcakes with green icing which were to be sold in the afternoon to their many visitors. The school also received many delicious delights from the parents and residents of Skipness. Even though it was a drizzly day, this did not prevent people from joining the children for their “wee cup of tea”.

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Inspired by the Ryder Cup

The Ryder Cup wasn’t the only closely contested golf match this week, as twenty three pupils from some of the smaller Cowal Primary schools took part in their very own golf challenge at Blairmore and Strone Golf Course. As part of Strone Primary’s Health Week, they hosted a golf festival for teams of players from; Innellan, Toward, Tighnabruaich, Strone, Strachur and Sandbank Primaries, in conjunction with Blairmore and Strone Golf Club and Active Schools.
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Primary 1 and 2’s Health Day

In our class we work hard at keeping healthy. So we were delighted to take part in the primary Health Day.

We prepared a selection of fruit and then chose pieces to create our very own Fruit Kebab. Everyone enjoyed the Bhangra dancing in the hall and we had great fun trying new moves.

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CAST CPD menu venues announced!

We can confirm that the twilight CPD sessions for this year will be held in the following venues:
Oban High School: Rothesay Joint Campus: Salen Primary: Islay High: Castlehill Primary: Lochgilphead Joint Campus: Rhu Primary and St. Mun’s Primary. There are still places available if you want to book. Please see below for full details. To book a place on any of our courses please email: Continue reading CAST CPD menu venues announced!

Rothesay Primary School P7 Beetle Drive

Miss Henry’s P7 class have excelled themselves this week with their Beetle Drive. A total of £541.36 was raised at the event. We had a grown-ups raffle, a children’s raffle, a tuck shop and 9 exciting games of Beetle Drive! The pupil council sold ‘kabooglies’ (rocks from the beach made into little creatures with paint and googly eyes) and George Reynolds sold delicious cupcakes made by his mum and gran. A bonus game was played at the end in aid of Jeans for Genes, raising £57.

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Charity Work at St. Joseph’s

Last week St. Joseph’s staff and children were delighted to welcome along to assembly Stacey Cameron of Mission Matters Scotland (Missio). The school has a long standing association with Missio as it is one of the foremost charities we support in any academic year. Stacey gave a very informative and colourful presentation to the children about how Missio’s money is spent to assist children throughout the world.

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Active Girls Day at Dalintober PS

Dance Leaders from Campbeltown Grammar School came along to Dalintober Primary on Friday 3rd October to teach some energetic routines to P1-7 girls as part of the celebration of Active Girls Day. Everyone had a fantastic time and Dalintober would like to thank Morgan, Kathryn, Chloe and Hannah for giving up their time and showing us some new moves!

Red, White and Blue Day at Rosneath Primary School

On Friday 3rd October staff and pupils at Rosneath Primary School wore an array of red, white and blue to raise money for three main service charities: Royal Navy and Marines Charity; ABF The Soldier’s Charity and RAF Benevolent Fund.

Miss McLean would like to thank parents for generously donating on the day and helping the school to raise a fantastic £107.15 for these very worthy charities.

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St Joseph’s Wins Local Street Naming Competition!

Recently Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) ran a local competition to name a new housing development in Helensburgh and invited local schools to take part. This month Ms. Collins, Head Teacher of St. Joseph’s, received information from ACHA to inform her that St. Joseph’s had won the competition! The whole school was delighted! A P7 pupil had submitted the winning entry and as a result ‘Duchess Court’ has been chosen by ACHA as the name they wish to submit for the naming of the new development next to Hood Court.

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DGS Physics Phenomenons Storm into Semi-Finals

Three senior physics students at Dunoon Grammar School enjoyed success in the first round of the West of Scotland Physics Education Group competition.
S5 pupils Rowan Oxland, Peter Swift and Scott Morton worked on a number of University standard physics experiments before putting their knowledge to the test in a series of quiz style tasks.

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Scottish Parliament Visit

The Primary 6’s and 7’s from Dunoon Primary School along with the Primary 7’s from St Mun’s Primary School recently visited the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. This followed visits to our school from the Outreach Workers from the Scottish Parliament. The children have been learning about Democracy in Scotland through their Interdisciplinary Study. They are learning about the benefits of living in a democratic society and how we should value and respect the views of others who may differ from our own.

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An appeal – DGS Young Musicians looking for Instruments

Do you have an unwanted woodwind instrument gathering dust under the bed or in the loft? If so, why not put it to good use and donate it to the next generation of woodwind players at Dunoon Grammar School?
Former DGS pupils Iain Collinson has returned to the school and has established a new wind band and a saxophone quartet.
Iain commented:

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Dalintober PS Supports STV Appeal’s National Milkshake Day

P7 pupils and School Catering Staff worked together to make and sell panda cookies and flavoured milkshakes to raise money for this year’s STV Appeal/Muller-Wiseman Scottish Schools National Milkshake Day. The fundraiser was very well supported by our Dalintober families and a fantastic £105-33 was raised on the day – well done, all!

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