Achaleven Goes Green for the 5th Time

Achaleven Primary School pupils and staff were very proud to receive their 5th Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland last week. This follows an assessment at the end of January where Eco-Schools assessor Paula Love commended them on their collaborative approach by working with local environmental organisations including The Grab Trust and AliEnergy, and for the work done in the community by involvement in recycling, village litter picks, charity fundraising and promotion of Fairtrade.

Continue reading Achaleven Goes Green for the 5th Time

‘Food for Thought’

Lochgilphead Joint Campus has successfully been awarded a £3781 grant from ‘Food for Thought’ – a funding initiative of Education Scotland. The money is being used to build a fully adapted polytunnel, large fruit tree planters and soft fruit growing areas. The aim of the project is to get students involved in growing more produce for the canteen and home economics department and learning how food is produced.

Technology Challenge

Bringing their interdisciplinary topic to a close, Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Thursday 6th February. Incorporating Technologies, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress had to be recorded in form of a booklet and PowerPoint presentation. Continue reading Technology Challenge

Strone Primary School Breakfast Week

At the end of January, Strone Primary School took part in National Farmhouse Breakfast Week, which raises awareness about the importance of making a healthy start to the day. With donations of vouchers from our local Dunoon CO-OP and eggs from Marshall’s Farm, the pupils were able to tuck into delicious breakfasts with omelettes, cereals, toast, croissants and pancakes. We raised a magnificent £100.00 which the pupils chose to donate to Mary’s Meals, a global project that sets up school feeding projects. Our children wanted to give something back to support children in some of the world’s poorest communities, where hunger and poverty can prevent children from gaining an education.

Penguin In A Box

Kilchrenan Primary pupils are trying to work out what to do with a ridiculous number of penguins. Arriving at a rate of one a day, they are working hard to find ways to store them. Mathematical ways. If you have a cube 6×6 how many penguins do you have? How many will we have on the last day of term? What happens if we stack them in threes? And, what mathematical adventures will they have when they go home? Please note that no penguins were harmed in the making of this learning, though quite a few cubes were stood on. We all recommend the book “365 penguins”, but it does help if you have a large back of unused penguins in your janitor’s cupboard! Continue reading Penguin In A Box

Lochgilphead Joint Campus: Run, Parents, Run!!

This year’s Campus Fun Run is fast approaching; medals have been ordered, marshalls are being recruited and Clyde, the Glasgow 2014 mascot, has been booked to present the prizes. The Fun Run usually attracts about 400 entrants making it one of the biggest running events in Argyll and this year we would like to make it even bigger by inviting parents to compete for the first time. Continue reading Lochgilphead Joint Campus: Run, Parents, Run!!


Everyone in Dalintober Primary’s P7 class had a super time during their Mini Commonwealth Games which were held in school last week. The Games marked the end of an Interdisciplinary Task all about The Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Games.
A variety of activities had been enjoyed by the class leading up to The Dalintober Games, including compiling factfiles about some Commonwealth countries, making clay tiles to advertise the Glasgow Commonwealth Games and using a Diamond Nine to make group decisions about which events were most important. Continue reading MINI COMMONWEALTH GAMES AT DALINTOBER PRIMARY SCHOOL


We know how good our school meals are and how much effort the catering staff put into making tasty food which appeals to pupils but also promotes sustainability and healthy eating. It was no surprise therefore that a visit to the kitchen by the Soil Association assessor was instrumental in securing the Bronze Food for Life Catering Mark for the council.


Kilmartin celebrate Chinese New Year

This week, at Kilmartin P.S, we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We watched some films showing how people celebrate this festival and Benjamin in P.2 told us that this is the year of the horse. We all researched our Chinese zodiac sign and discovered that we are mainly sheep, pigs or monkeys! Benjamin brought in his Chinese dragon from home and then gave out fortune cookies. This is a traditional way of giving good luck messages for the new year.

Continue reading Kilmartin celebrate Chinese New Year

Project Wild Thing!

Stramash Social Enterprise and Oban Phoenix Cinema have joined forces to present a showing of the feature length documentary Project Wild Thing. The award winning film is currently touring the UK. It brings the complex issue of the ways in which our children do (or don’t) interact with the natural world to our attention. The project has gathered significant support throughout the United Kingdom from the RSPB, the National Trust, schools, nurseries and other educational organisations.

Continue reading Project Wild Thing!

Dalintober Primary School; Mary Queen of Scots topic

Dalintober Primary 6 pupils treated their parents and relatives to a Scottish themed concert to celebrate the end of their Mary Queen of Scots interdisciplinary topic. The pupils were fully responsible for the planning and organising of the event. The guests were treated to a variety of musical performances which included solos and duets from brass instrumentalists, drummers, a chanter player and a violinist. The concert ended with the class singing two Scottish favourites, ‘Will Ye Go Lassie Go’ and ‘Caledonia’.
Continue reading Dalintober Primary School; Mary Queen of Scots topic

Gymnastics courses coming soon………

The following courses have been organised for primary class teachers to assist with the teaching of gymnastics and dance. The courses will be led by Anne Murphy, Development Officer with Education Scotland.
– Wednesday 26th February 10am-3pm, Inveraray Primary, gymnastics and dance.
– Tuesday 4th March 3.45pm-5.45pm, Colgrain Primary, gymnastics.
– Wednesday 5th March 3.45pm-5.45pm, Sandbank Primary, gymnastics.
– Thursday 13th March 10am-3pm, Oban (venue TBC), gymnastics and dance.
To book a place please email Rona Young, PE Co-ordinator:


The pupils of Clachan and Skipness Primary participated in the ‘Cloth Uncut’ project offered by CAST. Pupils from P1-P7 practised their block printing technique to create a unique cloth design based on traditional scottish images. Our photograph shows the proud artists with some of their designs, which include an irn bru can and some lovely tartan prints. All pupils loved the element of personalisation and choice which the workshop offered. Pupils and staff would like to thank Alison McAlpine for such an inspiring morning and to CAST for funding such an excellent learning opportunity.

Parent Volunteer/Enterprise Visit – Experience of nursing in War Zones

As part of their interdisiplinary project on World War 2 on Thursday 27th February 2014, P7/6 pupils at Dunoon Primary were delighted to welcome Mrs Aileen Danby, mother of Lili, p.6. who gave an excellent presentation about her exciting career as an officer and a midwife/nurse during the Gulf War and Afghanistan conflicts. She enthralled us all about her various brave rescue missions which also involved her being lowered down into the Jungle of Brunei to rescue wounded soldiers. Continue reading Parent Volunteer/Enterprise Visit – Experience of nursing in War Zones

Debi Gliori Visits Kirn’s Primary 3

On Tuesday 28th January 2014 Debi Gliori came to visit Kirn Primary and talked about her book “”What’s The Time Mr Wolf?”. She told us that you can find hundreds of stories within stories. She has very nice illustrations and has made more than 75 books! We have read 6 of Debi’s books, they are fabulous!!!
By Andrew Stirling, Primary 3
(Thanks to Kirn’s PTA and Scottish Book Trust for making this visit possible) Continue reading Debi Gliori Visits Kirn’s Primary 3

Burns Supper and Ceilidh

Easdale Primary School welcomed parents and friends to Seil Community Hall on Thursday 23rd January to enjoy our Burns Celebration. The Children planned and led the evening which comprised of a Burns Supper, cooked by Mrs Ruth MacKechnie our school cook, a variety of toasts, speeches, poems, songs and dances. The strings orchestra, led by music tutor Hazel Clark, was very well received by the audience. We are grateful for the donations received from Campbell’s Dairy, Tescos, Bookers, Highland Arts and Parents. A great evening was had by all. Continue reading Burns Supper and Ceilidh

Loch Fyne Oyster Bar Masterclass

Martin Furlong Head Chef from the Loch Fyne Oyster Bar at Cairndow gave a superb masterclass in how to make fish chowder to the S4 Hospitality class. The pupils involved made the recipe which introduced them to different types of fish and shellfish along with how to prepare and cook them eg cockles. Martin went on to show the class how to cook mussels from Loch Fyne using three different sauce flavourings eg curry. Martin prepared and cooked some fresh salmon along with some cabbage which the class tasted. The class were encouraged to try slicing some smoked salmon and taste that as well. The class learned a lot of different tips and advice from Martin which they expect to use during their school lessons or at home.