Dunoon Primary P7 visit to Dunoon Sheriff Court.

Dunoon Primary P7’s were delighted to be invited to attend a tour of Dunoon Sheriff Court on Friday 31st January 2014.
The pupils were given a guided tour of the cells underneath and really detailed information on the history and day to day running of the court by Mrs Mel Drummond, Sheriff Clerk. There were quiz sheets to complete and parts were given out to pupils to create a mock court case, Harry Potter style! Continue reading Dunoon Primary P7 visit to Dunoon Sheriff Court.

Chinese Week – Lismore Primary School and Pre5s

The last week in January was China Week at Lismore Primary School. The children had suggested this themed week earlier in the year as they were keen to learn more about the country and compare it with their own. They had a brainstorm planning session where they decided what they wanted to find out about and the week was developed from these ideas. Continue reading Chinese Week – Lismore Primary School and Pre5s

Furnace celebrate their 3rd Green Flag..with FROGS!!!

To mark the achievement of getting their 3rd Green Flag, the children decided on a ‘frog’ themed party to celebrate, as the school mascot is Frankie Frog. On Thursday 30th they played leapfrog, sang ‘frog’ songs, played games and made frogs from fondant icing to sit on chocolate logs. At 3p.m. we were joined by parents and friends for the raising of the flag in the school garden. Ms Rhona McKenzie, the school cook, was asked to raise the flag, alongside our P1 and our P7, as she had been a wonderful help to the children in the garden. After the flag raising everyone came back into school for teas, cake and the frogs on logs!

Dunoon Grammar School – Portavadie Marina Chef Visit

Head Chef John Hyslop and Training and Development Manager Chris MacNaughton from Portavadie Marina worked with the S3 National 5 Hospitality class to make bread rolls using different types of savoury toppings eg sesame seeds and pink peppercorns.
Sarah Fulton 3C6 and Taylor Belkevitz 3C5
‘It was interesting to see how the chef shaped the bread rolls and put different toppings onto them. It was fun to see them made by a professional chef and then to learn a new skill ourselves.’ Continue reading Dunoon Grammar School – Portavadie Marina Chef Visit

Dunoon Primary School Open Afternoon Antics!

On Thursday Primary 3 held an Ancient Egypt Open Afternoon. There was a fabulous turnout of parents, grandparents and siblings. The children of P3 led their visitors round the five activities including puzzles, problem solving, inventing and playing Ancient Egyptian games. Everyone enjoyed their wonderful afternoon and overall our classroom was a place of shared learning, engagement and lots of laughter! Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Open Afternoon Antics!

National Swimming Success

Congratulations to Kimmi Rae who has qualified for the Girls’ 12 and Under 50m backstroke event at the 2014 Scottish Schools’ Swimming Finals. Kimmi, who is a member of the Islay and Jura Dolphins A.S.C. , will be representing Bowmore Primary School at the Finals in East Kilbride on the 7th March. She is the first pupil from Bowmore Primary School and only the 4th swimmer from Islay and Jura to qualify for the Finals. Go for it and best of luck!

Rockfield’s Drovers Monday 27 January 2014

In Rockfield School two classes, P5/4 mainstream and P7/6/5 Gaelic, have worked together to learn about the life of the ancient Drovers in Argyll.
They have worked in partnership with Joyce Gilbert from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and Sally Harkness, Storyline Scotland, with both classes following Sally’s world renowned Storyline Approach. It has been a wonderful example of Curriculum for Excellence at its best and a thematic approach to Social Studies.
Continue reading Rockfield’s Drovers Monday 27 January 2014

Ulva Primary School Burns Lunch 23rd January 2014

At Ulva Primary School on Thursday 23rd of January we had a fabulous Burns Lunch. We fed 24 people Cock-a-leekie soup, followed by delicious Isle of Mull Haggis, neeps and tatties. Later we finished off with Granny Carol’s scrumptious cloutie dumpling and custard.
We played Scottish Pass the Parcel and some forfeits were hilarious, like having to do the highland fling.
Continue reading Ulva Primary School Burns Lunch 23rd January 2014

Traditional Music at Easdale!

A huge thank you to the fabulous Traditional Music Group from Oban High School for visiting our school last Wednesday and playing for us.
Their audience ranged from Pre 5 to P7 and was very much enjoyed by pupils and staff. It was a great opportunity for the older members of our school strings orchestra to play along prior to their own performance at our Burns Celebration.
We enjoyed an excellent finale with The Traditional Group playing and the whole school dancing the Gay Gordons.
Continue reading Traditional Music at Easdale!

Dalintober Infants Celebrate Burns

Children in Primary 1 and 2 at Dalintober Primary held a Burns morning in school. They came to school wearing something tartan and kicked off the morning with a Scottish dance. All the children took it in turns to recite a Scottish poem to a large audience. After the recital the children enjoyed a wee dram of Irn Bru and some delicious shortbread. Both children and staff thoroughly enjoyed their morning!

Fruitshare at Sandbank

After the Christmas holidays, Sandbank Primary Pupils got back to work and planted their fruit trees which arrived in January. The eco-committee had applied for the trees through the fruitshare scheme which was advertised on a cookery programme on TV. We were very fortunate in being one of the first schools to apply and we were successful in receiving 4 well-grown fruit trees for free.

Continue reading Fruitshare at Sandbank

Holocaust Memorial Day

Monday 27th January marked Holocaust Memorial Day where communities across the world are asked to come together to remember those affected by genocide. The theme for 2014 is ‘Journeys’ and S3 students at Lochgilphead High School decided to use the Kindertransport, where Jewish children were removed from their families and sent to safety in Britain, as the focus for their presentation to P7 and S2 students in the campus.

Continue reading Holocaust Memorial Day

Burns celebrations at Minard Primary

Minard Primary School celebrated Burns Day in style by inviting guests to their Burns Supper(Lunch!) on Friday 24th of January.
After much peeling, boiling and mashing they served up a delicious feast of haggis, neeps and tatties followed by scotch trifle and clootie dumpling.

Continue reading Burns celebrations at Minard Primary

Benmore Fundraising Disco at DPS!

Dunoon Primary danced the night away at the recent disco in their school hall. They were delighted to welcome P6/7 pupils from other local primary schools There was no shortage of pupils on the floor as the DJ Steven Simpson played top chart music along with some old favourites like the Macarena! Mrs Clark Headteacher, Mrs Stewart Deputy Head and Mrs Wakefield Principal Teacher along with our terrific parent helpers who were on the scene to take care of entrance tickets and refreshments.

Continue reading Benmore Fundraising Disco at DPS!

In-reach/Out-reach at Parklands

This week has seen the start of the new in-reach/out-reach programme at Parklands School. The programme sees pupils from mainstream schools in the Helensburgh and Lomond cluster attending Parklands for sessions through the week. Pupils may attend The Sunshine Room or The Evergreen Room where they will work on social and emotional well-being, social skills, play and independent skills for life. Pupils may also access our sensory room or hydrotherapy pool. Everyone at Parklands is looking forward to working with the pupils attending.

Luing’s Burns Lunch

The children of Luing Primary School held a Burns Lunch and invited parents and friends to join them.

Mr Robertson played the haggis in and the older children gave the Address to the Haggis. After the Selkirk Grace, everyone was served a wonderful lunch cooked by Liz and Linda.

Continue reading Luing’s Burns Lunch

The Education Minister Outdoors

Stramash was delighted to welcome Michael Russell MSP , to view the projects and work of the organisation. He began the day by visiting the children at the outdoor nursery site to explore the site and discover more about the learning taking place within the early years setting outdoors. The children were very inquisitive to meet their special visitor!

Continue reading The Education Minister Outdoors

Janis Mackay, Scottish Children’s Book Awards author, visits Kirn Primary

Kirn Primary School were so lucky to welcome Janis Mackay, one of the authors whose book “The Accidental Time Traveller” is currently shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards.

Janis came in to speak to our P6 and P7 pupils, who are reading the book as part of their ‘Milestones in Scottish History’ topic.

Continue reading Janis Mackay, Scottish Children’s Book Awards author, visits Kirn Primary