Please use the link below to access our assembly on Mental Health which was presented via Teams on Friday 29th January 2021.
Tag Archives: Home learning
Primary 3 and P3/2 Home Learning – Thursday 13th August
To Parent/Guardian
Below are guidelines for Home Learning activities to be completed on Thursday at home as part of a phased return to school.
1. All About Me Activity (Health & Wellbeing & Literacy)
For this activity children should use the worksheets provided and draw four items which are special to them in their lives and write a few sentence explaining why they are so important to them.
For example, Miss Butler would draw goggles and write about how she loves to swim and how often.
Note: Children should bring this work into school on Friday where they will share their special items with the class.
2. Addition and Subtraction (Numeracy)
There are three Numeracy activities – children are encouraged to choose and complete a minimum of one task.
Challenge Activity – Children should try to challenge themselves to create their own numeracy board game or an addition & subtraction colour-in activity.
Many thanks,
Miss Butler, Miss Gillespie, Miss Blyth, Miss Azam
P3 Home Learning Week 9
It’s our second last week of home learning before the summer holidays! Hasn’t the time flown in?
Starting on Friday (19th), there will be another West Lothian Sumdog contest that ends on Thursday 25th – all you need to do to be a part of it is play the games on Sumdog! Simpson Primary did an amazing job last time so we’d love to see that happen again!
Below are the home learning grid and supporting documents. As always, do what you can and choose the routine that works for you!
P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 15 6 20
P3-Week-9-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 15_06_2020
P3 Week 9 Literacy Activties wc 15 6 20
P3 Home Learning Week 7
Happy Monday, everyone! Please find below the grid for this week, along with the supporting documents. As always, remember to just complete what you can.
Our suggested timetable is just to give you a little bit of structure if you need it, but we recommend trying to complete one Literacy, one Numeracy and two other curricular area activities per day. There is no pressure to complete every activity on the grid – we have given you lots of options, some very active tasks and some that require you to be sitting down and writing or drawing, so you should have plenty of ideas to choose from that will work for your needs!
P3 Week 7 Home Learning Grid wb 1 6 20
P3 Week 7 Literacy Activities Document wc 1 6 20
P3 Numeracy tasks document wc 1 6 20
P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 1 6 20
Maths blog post wb 1 6 20
29052020 P3-Week-7-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 01_06_2020
I (Miss Blyth) have also been experimenting with some new formats this week. This week’s Art lesson has been created using a Microsoft Sway presentation, with videos of me demonstrating the task and explaining the instructions. It should be a case of simply swiping up to get the next slide and pressing play on the video to get the next task!
I have also created a Google Classroom that looks just like P3B’s classroom in school! Download the PDF below and you can click/tap the items in the classroom to take you to various online games and activities!
Virtual Classroom wb 1 6 20
Online Resources
Hi everyone! Hope you’re getting on well. I just wanted to pop on to list a few extra resources which we’ve found that might be helpful!
BBC Bitesize have been posting daily lessons and challenges, like this maths challenge here:
There’s loads of variety of topics and activities on the website.
West Lothian have created a resource with weekly challenges to keep everyone inspired:
Topmarks have lots of games and resources that can be sorted by topic or by level, including P3B’s favourite Hit The Button!
For reading, Oxford Owl has a fantastic free library of ebooks that can be sorted by age or by ORT stage. You need to make a free account to access the ebook library but it is completely free to access!
I have been posting daily challenges on my Twitter account @missblyth1 which everyone is welcome to access and try out too!
I hope this has been useful, and keep up the hard work everyone! We are so proud of everything you’ve been doing to keep your brains engaged and learning over the last few weeks!
P3 – Holidays Home Learning
Happy Friday everyone! It’s nearly time for the Easter holidays! We know that most of you will be at home and sometimes it can get a bit tricky to think of new activities to do. We have made up a grid for you to use over the next couple of weeks to give you some ideas of great activities you can do that will be really fun and engage your brain! There is no pressure to do all/any of these activities, but if you’re looking for some ideas, check out the grid below!
P3 Home Learning Grid
Here is a copy of our Home Learning Grid in P3
Here are the links to the games listed on the grid:
ICT – Numeracy and Maths
Time –
Division –
ICT – Literacy
Grammar –
Spelling –
Have fun learning!
P3 Teachers
#SPSSnowDay Number 3
Good Morning P6
Despite the bad weather preventing us getting to school, we can still continue our learning at home.
- You can continue to work on allocated Snow Day activities on Education City. Why not explore some of the other curricular areas too?
- You could also log on to Sumdog or play some games on Top Marks for further Maths and Numeracy practise.
- Continue to read your novels for our First Minister’s Reading Challenge and if you have your passport at home remember to add any books you finish.
- Find out more about your favourite author – e.g. when and where were they born?; have they always been an author?; who or what inspires them to write?; what other books have they written if any?; what other interests do they have?.
- Create a poster or factfile with the information you gather. Why not use ICT and upload your work to Teams or Yammer?
Be creative, use your imagination and have fun!
Don’t forget to upload your photos #SPSLovestoRead, #SPSSnowDay
Another #SPSSnowDay
Happy World Book Day!
All P6 pupils should continue to access the variety of Numeracy, Reading and Spelling activities allocated in the Classwork tab of Education City. The allocated activities can be accessed by clicking on the Snow Day folders, but please explore some of the other areas of the curriculum and activities too.
Since we are not at school to celebrate World Book Day please also visit the website and try out some of the fun activities on here.
It would also be great to see everyone get a little creative in celebration of the the day and send pictures of you reading somewhere a little different. We had some great examples in the snow yesterday – can we add some more today? Why not create something in the snow related to one of your favourite novels or characters? Or if you’d rather be warm indoors how about creating a model, painting a picture or even baking and decorating a cake along the theme of your chosen book?
We’d love to see your ideas so don’t forget to tweet #SPSSnowDay #SPSLovestoRead