Category Archives: Rights Respecting School

RRSA Group

P2/1 Welcome to Term 4

Good morning P2/1. I hope you have enjoyed a break and are ready to try a little more learning from home. I am missing you all and have been wondering how you are all doing.


Home Learning Grid 3 has been attached for P2 children in our class. P1 children should still be working on the activities listed on the grids issued in your home learning folders. (Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Maths). P1 children can also complete the yellow column on the P2 grid as this covers our whole class topics.

Click here – week 3

There are new Spelling, Maths and Grammar challenges on Sumdog so please have a go.

UNICEF are publishing an article alongside some activities every week which explore children’s Rights. This week the article is all about ensuring children have the right to the best possible health.

Remember to take time to relax, have regular breaks and have fun.

Stay safe P2/1 and let me know how you are doing,

Mrs Davies x

Playground Competition

Hello everybody,

I hope you are enjoying spending time with your family this Easter. As you know, we have been working to improve our school playground and have recently had a number of new playground markings/games painted on the ground. Our Parent Council have told us about an amazing competition where we have the chance to win £10 000 to make our playground even better.

Click here and it should direct you to the competition documents. I’d really like you to complete the tasks and ask your parents to submit your competition entry via email to by 1st May. I would also ask that you include the school email address ( in your entries so I can get an idea of the improvements you would like to see. There are quite a few tasks to do so make sure you don’t run out of time!

Creative Play and I want to see what you’re doing, so please ask parents to share your photo on social media tagging @CreativePlayUK, @SimpsonPrimary and the hashtag #playgroundprize. Please make sure your name is not posted alongside your picture due to West Lothian policy. If we get a lot of people using the tags, it will get our school really well known with the company and hopefully improve our chances of winning!

Have fun, get creative and I’m looking forward to seeing your ideas.

Mr Weir

Primary1- HWB-Rights Respecting Schools

Here are Jack and Ruby helping us to understand our Rights…..

We have the Right to Play

Fair Play – Prompt Cards (1)

Activity- with your child explore the meaning of words ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’ . Then look at the pictures above from the Fair Play PPT – discuss which show a situation that is fair? And which show a situation that is unfair? How do you know this?