Tag Archives: writing

Primary 1 – Writing

Good Morning Primary 1!

Can you believe you only have one more week left in Primary 1?

Task 1 – Everyone changes even your Primary 1 teachers. Can you guess which one is your teacher?


Task 2 – Listen to the story ‘When I was a Baby’ and listen and learn ‘The Growing Up’ song.

Task 3 – Start to reflect on some of the changes you’ve made already.

  1. Have a chat with someone at home and think about the things you did as a baby.
  2. Reflect on your first year at school. Think about one thing you can do now that you couldn’t do before you came to school.
  3. Begin to think about next year and something you would like to learn or be able to do.
  4. Have a look at Mrs MacCallum’s Example
  5. Complete your own writing task – Writing 17th June


Task 4 – Watch the animation below and think about what you might like to be when you are older.

This would be a nice thing to draw and write about so you can look back on when you are older. When I grow up…    

Primary 1 – Writing

Good Morning Primary 1!

I have attached a short video clip for you to watch this morning.

Can you guess the story we are acting out?


To help children to write stories they need  to hear stories, tell stories and read stories. So today’s writing task has three options which you can pick from.

Option 1: Choose a story and act it out using puppets or props. Someone could record you and you could send to your Primary 1 teacher to see if they can guess the story.

If you feel this is a suitable task for your child then your child should be encouraged to draw or write what they can and perhaps write/draw a list of props/puppets they require to retell the story.

Option 2: Choose a story and make adaptions to the story. You could adapt the characters in the story or what happens in the story by changing either the start the middle or the end.

If you feel this is a suitable task for your child then your child should draw and write one sentence or more to change the story they have picked.

Option 3:  You can create and write your own story and then act it out using puppets or props.

If you feel this is a suitable task for your child then they should be encouraged to draw a detailed drawing and write at least one sentence to create a story with a start, middle and end.

I have also attached an updated Writing Planner including worksheets to match each suggested activity and these can be found by clicking the link below.

Writing Blog Materials 03_06_20


Primary 1 – WRITING

We just wanted to take this opportunity to tell all our Primary 1 pupils we are so proud of you. You are our little heroes.  Keep up the great work, keep smiling, having fun and sharing your learning with us. 


This weeks writing task is to draw a picture of someone you are proud of.  This might be yourself, a family member, a friend or someone who has inspired you.

You should write a description below your drawing to describe who you are proud of and why you are proud of them.

It has been a challenging few weeks but there is still so much to be proud of.


 Below are some pictures to help you start to think about your own proud moments.


What we are looking for:

  • a detailed drawing of the person you are proud of – this may include them doing the thing that makes you proud of them
  • a sentence describing who you are proud of
  • a sentence describing why are you proud of them
  • capital letters, full stops and finger spaces
  • correct spelling of common words
  • attempts to sound and spell other and tricky words accurately
  • well presented work

Challenge yourself: 

  • draw a picture of you and write a sentence to describe something your are proud of yourself for
  • then draw a picture of someone you are proud of and write a description of who and why you are proud of them.




Thank you Primary Ones for sharing some of your fantastic writing. Please keep up the great work and keep sharing with us.



We know you will be still busy working your way through the packs we made before the Easter Break but we have added a few more writing ideas to this blog.


Formation Fun                                                                                                                        Below are some examples of formation activities that could be done outdoors in the wonderful sunshine or indoors. Many of you will have formed letters, keywords,your names and sentences in rice, Lego, shaving foam, using chalk and ‘magic’ paint (water!). Just use what you have.

Remember to have fun but now we move into the final term we are looking for your writing to be as neat as it can be.


Main Activity                                                                                                                          The Easter holidays may not have been the holidays that we were expecting but I am sure you must have  some exciting information to share. So we would like you to write a letter to a friend, family member or even your class teacher to tell us the best thing about your holiday.

Your letter should include:

  • who it is to
  • the date you have written the letter
  • what you have enjoyed best about your holidays
  • sentences including; capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
  • who the letter is from

Challenge yourself 

  • you could ask a question in your letter
  • think about the presentation of your letter –  is your writing neat with well formed letters?
  • proof read your letter before you send it to check for any mistakes


Writing activities you can do everyday

  • help write the shopping list
  • write a daily timetable
  • create a fitness routine for you and another to complete
  • keep a daily diary
  • create a food menu
  • write a song
  • create a 2020 scrap book

Finally the more we make writing meaningful and fun the  more we want to do it. So I hope this last idea is a fun one.



Good Morning Primary 1!

We are so impressed to see all the learning and play you are doing at home. We have been enjoying seeing your messages and pictures on the blog or Twitter and hope to see many more.


Before we finished we had been learning about procedural writing. We used sequencing words – First, Next, Then and Finally to write sentences to help others wash their hands in the correct order.

So before we start our writing the first thing we need you to do is complete an Easter Project this can be either making a chocolate nest cake  or designing an Easter card or painting an Easter egg.

Then we need you to write instructions for people to follow to help them recreate your Easter Project.

Remember to Include a title that matches your activity e.g. Make a Easter Cake , Painting a Patterned Egg or Making a Bunny Card.

You will also need to include a list of what Ingredients or materials are required.

Then write or cut and stick your instructions for someone to follow to recreate your project.  If you feel it would be too much for your child to write all the sentences you can write the instructions on bits of paper, cut them up and get them to stick in the correct order  e.g. write each of the following words on separate pieces of paper – chocolate. melt the First – Children would then order this – First melt the chocolate.

Children should be encouraged to read and write words they know and then use their sounding out skills to help with other words. Sentence punctuation can also help determine the order of the sentence and clues such as “Where would we find the capital letter?”or “Where would we find the full stop?” will help your child.

Remember to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your instructions but most of all remember to have FUN!

Finally post lots of pictures for your Primary 1 teachers to see.


We are aware that these activities might be challenging to do in the current situation so should you not have access to the required materials then please complete one of the writing tasks from the writing grid in your child’s home learning pack. You can find a copy of the grid below.

Primary 1 Writing Planner