All posts by Miss Plenderleith

Virtual Assembly Friday 22nd May 2020

Good afternoon everyone

Please find the link to this week’s online assembly.

We hope you enjoy watching.

Don’t forget to tweet us with photos and videos of you joining in, as well as your responses to our challenges.

We look forward to seeing what you all share.

P1 – 3 Assembly

Good morning everyone

Please use the link below to access the first online P1 – 3 assembly.

We apologise for the delay and thank you for your patience whilst we become familiar with the new delivery format and  technologies involved.

Please click the play button to access sound whenever you see this image.

We hope you enjoy our assembly.


Expressive Arts – Primary Three

Primary three pupils can continue our drama lessons using this link  –   (this should work with a BBC iplayer account login)
Have a go at the stories we have already used or try a new one! (your adult might want to find the story on youtube first just to remind you what happens).
You could also teach an adult one of the songs/rhymes we have been learning.
  • A Sailor went to sea
  • Fuzzy Wuzzy
  • John Kanakanaka
Nycos are sharing a new song daily on their website if you want to learn some new songs.
My Twitter is Miss Aikman @cara_aikman if you don’t already follow. I would love to see some pictures of your home drama and music lessons (remember not to name your child).

Expressive Arts – Primary One

Primary one pupils can continue our drama lessons using this link  –   (this should work with a BBC iplayer account login)
Have a go at the stories we have already used or try a new one! (your adult might want to find the story on youtube first just to remind you what happens).
You could also teach an adult one of the songs/rhymes we have been learning.
  • Queen, Queen Caroline
  • Cowboy Joe
  • A Sailor went to sea
  • Early in the morning (postman song!!) – you could use a saucepan and wooden spoon instead of a drum for this!
  • Old Mr Woodpecker
My Twitter is Miss Aikman @cara_aikman if you don’t already follow. I would love to see some pictures of your home drama and music lessons (remember not to name your child).