Tag Archives: morning activities

Group 4 – Thursday 30th April

Hello everyone.

Here are some activities for your timetable today:

Circle Time

What is the day today?

What is the date?

How many days are left in April? Let’s find out.

Life Skills

After some breakfast, it is time to help around the house. There might be some jobs in the kitchen to do.


Have a look at the Maths section to see what Steve wants you to do.

Fiddly fingers

Try helping in the laundry by folding some clothes and matching the socks.


Today’s story is “Just for you” by Mercer Mayer.

Little Critter really wants to do something special for his mum. Will Little Critter ever be able to find something that he can do for his mother? Let’s find out.

  1. Have you been kind to your Mum or Gran?
  2. What was the nicest thing you have done to your mum or Gran?
  3. Think about one nice thing to do for your mum or Gran today.

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Check for Connie’s post.


Here are some sensory ideas – choose one or two, relax and have fun.  You could print this chart off and tick off the ones you have completed.

Or you can try this great sensory art from David (Art teacher).

cling film Art


Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that Rachel has prepared for you.

Have a nice day.


Thursday 30th of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class – how are you all today?

Let’s wake up! What day is it today?

Calendar –

Wow, it’s the last day in April today. What month will tomorrow be?

Let’s remind ourselves with one of our months of the year song.

It’s May tomorrow! How many days are there in May?

Free Printable May 2020 Calendar - 2019 Calendars for Students ...

Movement –

What does Pedro and Gerry have planned for movement today?

Life Skills –

Could you do some dusting today?


Maths –

Let’s use some of those seeds you have gathered –

  • count the seeds, how many do you have?
  • how many ways can you sort the seeds (think of colour, size, shape)?
  • make a symmetrical picture with the seeds
  • make shapes and patterns with the seeds
  • order your seeds by size (smallest to largest or largest to smallest)

DIY Spring Kids Craft: Watch out the Snails are here!, with their houses made from dried beans and seeds. ⭐️⭐️⭐️DIY Lente Kinder Knutsel: Pas op daar komen de slakken......met een huisje van gedroogde peulen en zaden.                Counting beans maths activity  seed sorting activity for preschool

Fiddly Fingers –

Can you thread to make a daisy or flower chain. I used to love doing this when I was a wee girl!

Daisy crowns and daisy chains.            DIY: How to Make a Daisy Chain - Mothering How to Make a Daisy Chain - YouTube

Story –

Let’s enjoy some more plants stories.

Here is one of my favourite stories from when I was a wee girl….. all about a princess and a pea!

Did you like these stories?

Signs of the Day –

What will Lorna be teaching us today?

Music –

Pop over to the music section, what does Connie have planned? It’s singalong today too! Yippee!

Sensory –

Growing a Magic Potion Garden - Picklebums   Pin on The Natural World

Another thing I liked to do when I was a little girl was to make ‘perfumes and potions’.

Here’s how you do it:

You need a small plastic cup or a jar and a stick.

Now you need to collect some potion ingredients such as little pieces of herbs, leaves, grass,  earth or flowers.

Put your ingredients in your cup or jar, add a little water and stir.

You have made a perfume or potion, you decide.

Try smelling it with your eyes closed. What can you smell?

Who in your family can make the nicest perfume or the smelliest potion?

Give your perfume or potion a name!

Dance –

What does Rachel have planned for you? Have a look!

Challenge of the Day –

Watch how different insects and birds fly.

Try to follow some of them. How do they move? Do they move in a straight line?

Have a fun Thursday Pink Class!



Orange Class Thursday 30th April

A very good morning to the Orange Class!   How are you today??

Shall we have our Morning Circle?


On Thursdays we have P.E.  first thing in the morning so let’s get going!

Here is a fun activity to get you moving, if you have limited mobility then you can adapt the exercise or repeat one from another letter.

Ask an adult to help you spell your name and do the exercise for each letter. What other words can you spell.

How about some reading?

I hope you enjoyed that story.  Dads always get a hard time of it!

Can you answer the questions?

Did you like the story?


Jobs:  Can help to wash the dishes today?

Time for some zoo work!  Thanks to Sophie in the Red Class.


Then have a look at these,


How about some cooking?  An Orange Class favourite!


Time for Yoga 


And finally time for relaxation!

Enjoy your Thursday.



Thursday 30th April – Group 2

Hello Everyone,

  1. Morning Activities:
  2. Maths: See what Clare has in store for you today by clicking on the MATHS page
  3. Fiddly Fingers:
  4. SNACK
  5. Story:   Sign along to Rumble in the Jungle here: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/rumble-in-the-jungle/
  6. Sign of the Day
  7. Music Click on MUSIC to find out what Connie has planned for you today
  8. LUNCH
  9. Sensory: 
  10. DanceFind out what Rachel has planned for you by clicking on the DANCE section

Group 4 – Wed. 29th April

Good Morning everyone.

Circle Time

Today I’m feeling


How are you feeling today?

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


Have a look at the language section to find out what Laura has planned for you today.


Check the blog for ideas from Gerry. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today’s story is “Wacky Wednesday” by Dr Seuss. I hope you enjoy it.

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the Science section to find out what Sarah has prepared for you to do.


Are you having a wacky Wednesday? How can you fix it? It’s time for you to stop, breath and relax.

Choose for the list below 2 things to do that make you feel calm and relaxed (good idea from Tracey).

Feel calm

Have a lovely day.


Friday 24th of April – Pink Class

It’s Friday!!!!!

Calendar –

Is this the last Friday in April? Check the April section of the calendar? How many days are there left in April?

April 2020 Printable Calendar Free PDF with Notes - Learnworksheet ...

Assembly –

Tracey has this weeks assembly ready for us – have a look and join in with the songs.

Movement –

Check out the movement section and get moving!

Life Skills –

Can you help make lunch for your family today?

Literacy –

Click on the link below. Can you read these words? Make up a sentence using some of the words.

Initial sight words

Enjoy this story then see if you can answer the questions.


Social Studies –

Can you make a map of your walk today or your garden?

Story –

Let’s listen to some more stories about the earth.

Signs of the Day –

What signs will we learn today. Pop over to this section to sign with Lorna.

Food Technology –

Have a look through Pinewoods recipe book (using tab on right hand side). What could you make? Or make these yummy flapjacks again.

ICT/Technology –

Music – 

What does Connie have planned for you today? Did you join in with singalong yesterday?

Challenge of the Day –

Use some of that sunshine to draw some shadow animals. What else would create a shadow for you to draw? Be creative!

Another challenge for you –

We have been working on birds this week and I’ve just found a great spotter sheet. Use this on your daily walks, see how many birds you spot over the weekend.

Have a great day and a restful weekend Pink Class!



Thursday 23rd of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class! It’s going to be another beautiful day!

Calendar – 

What month are we on again? What was last month? What is next month?

Let’s practise our months of the year:

Movement –

What is in the movement section for you to try today?

Life skills –

Mmmmmm, I have a lot of these jobs to do today, how many can you help out with?

Maths – 

We have been looking at birds this week. How many have you spotted?

Click on the sheets below to help you keep a record over the next few days.



Fiddly Fingers –

Another use for those toilet tubes –

Story –

Yesterday was Earth Day and we were all thinking about ways to help save our planet. Here are a few stories about Earth Day.

Signs of the Day –

Pop over to this section to learn some signs from Lorna.

Music –

Pop over to this section Connie and Gordon have some great ideas to try out,

Sensory –

Have you ever painted with feathers? Try to find some feathers when you are out on a walk and have a go. Can you imagine what the sky would be like if birds did make marks with their tails when they flew?

Gordon has also popped on some great art ideas to do with Earth Day for you to try. Have a go, Be arty!

Dance –

Has Rachel got a new part of the dance sorted? Have a look!

Challenge of the Day –

Can you make a face using a plate and some things around the house? Challenge your family to do the same. Give your family of plates names.

Have a fantastic Thursday Pink Class!


Orange Class – Friday 3rd April

Hi to the Orange Class!

It’s Friday so it is time for Assembly  – (Tag assembly).

Story Time  – David has recorded another video story. Check it out below.

Chester Zoo  have another Virtual Tour this morning starting at 10.00 am.                                    It was great last time so I know I’m going to watch it!

We are opening our VIRTUAL GATES for the second time!
On Friday 3 April, you are invited to JOIN THE FUN, as we take you on virtual tour of of our zoo for a whole day of ANIMAL ANTICS, fun facts, and exclusive behind the scenes knowledge from our AMAZING zoo keeper team!

10:00 Meerkats (WARNING: There may be new babies!)
11:00 Eastern black rhinos
12:00 Beautiful birds (feat. weaver birds building nests and lilac breasted rollers swooping for insects)
13:00 Poison dart frogs
14:00 Jaguars
15:00 Okapi

Available on Facebook and YouTube




Check out the movement section (tag Movement) and choose your favourite ,or join in with ‘Shake your sillies out’ below.

Time to help around the house.

Have a look at your room, can you tidy it?

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

Sign of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video (Tag sign of the day). Today is all about Toys.


You can use our Pinewood Recipe Book and try your favourite recipe. Resources Pinewood recipe book – menu on the right hand side.



Go for a walk in your local area. Take some photos of some interesting things you find.      


Easter Singalong with Connie

Category Music

It’s nearly Easter holidays time so I’ve added another link with ideas to do indoors from the scouts.  Did you know that david is a Scout leader??There a lots of fun things to do so have a look!.


and finally

Happy easter rabbit with eggs decoration - Download Free Vectors ...

Take care everyone and enjoy your Eater egg (if you haven’t eaten it already!)

The Orange Team are all missing you!
