Monthly Archives: June 2020

Friday 19th June Group 6

Good morning everyone – today I have that Friday Feeling!

Friday Feeling GIF

Lets start with morning circle

Now go and see what has been in happening in Secondary round up – or you can go to the Assembly.

Movement: Choice of two dance offs today, choose you character and follow their movement. we have Under the Sea:

or we have the Ghostbusters!

On Fridays you have Literacy and Social Studies head over and see what has been planned for you.

Story: Today’s story is called Every Friday. I hope you enjoy it.

Sign of the day: go and see what Lorna has planned for you today.

On Fridays you have food technology,ICT  and Music- head over and see what has been planned.

Its Friday so that means Friday challenges. Hope you enjoy them. Remember you can do one, two or all three.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3 (click on picture to enlarge)



Orange Class – Friday 19th June

Hello everyone and good morning!Hello

First of all today we have to say …….Cute Happy Birthday Card with Colorful Balloons - GIF

To one of our classmates who’s birthday is today!                                                                                All your friends in Pinewood hope you have a super birthday!

We will start the day with AssemblyClick on the link.

Let’s have some movement!

It is time for circle time.

It’s time for Lorna’s sign of the day.

Do you want to see what your friends have been up to?

Story Time.  This is for anyone with a birthday today!

Time for jobs for today.  Which ones will you do?

How about a bit of sensory fun?

It’s Time for Yoga.  We’ll take it easy as it’s Friday!  Level 1.

Finally, we can relax.

Have a fun Friday.






Music with Gordon 18 June: Secondary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Not all of the activities are for everyone, so just do the ones you enjoy and as many times as you like.

Play along using any kind of instrument or use body percussion – clapping, tapping, clicking, stamping your feet.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello Song
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Old King Glory. Watch the video first to see how to do it. Then you can get join in or else watch and sing.
  4. The Rainstorm sound story: Copy the actions and sounds to tell the story of a rainstorm
  5. The Wind Blows East: Join in with the sounds and signs for this song. Also join in with the sounds and actions from the Rainstorm Sound Story, which go well with the song.
  6. Karaoke Corner: Roar by Katy Perry. Look out for more Karaoke Songs in other blog posts. Have fun!
  7. Time to move. Play the instruments along to the video or get up and dance. If you like, get a scarf to play with. This week we have two songs. The first is a song about Portobello in Edinburgh by the Jennifer Ewan Band and has a relaxed summer feel. This week’s classic is Soul Bossa Nova by Quincy Jones that was featured in an Austin Powers movie.
  8. Time to relax. This week we are listening to a song in Gaelic from the Western Isles of Scotland, a love song called Calum Sgaire, sung by Donnie Munro, who used to be in the band Runrig. Finally, a gentle piece on piano by classical/ jazz legend Keith Jarrett, who plays his version of I Loves You Porgy from Porgy and Bess by George and Ira Gershwin.
  9. Goodbye Song

Hello Song

More ideas with this video

  • If you can’t tap along, maybe a friend can tap your arm or foot for you so that you can feel the beat of the music.
  • Can you stamp your feet to the music? Can you tap your shoulders or your head? Move your fingers
  • Maybe try playing along with a shaker, or tap something that makes a sound that you like. A box of cereal?

Bounce and Catch

Old King Glory

What can you find that sounds like rain?

Copy and join in: The Rainstorm sound story

Sing, sign and clap: The Wind Blows East

Sing: Roar

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Music with Gordon 18 June: Primary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Not all of the activities are for everyone, so just do the ones you enjoy and as many times as you like.

Play along using any kind of instrument or use body percussion – clapping, tapping, clicking, stamping your feet.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello Song
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Bounce a favourite soft toy on a scarf as we sing Charlie Over the Ocean
  4. Sing and clap along to 123 Together and Hickory Dickory Dock
  5. Clap and join in with your own soft toy for Yoshi Whoops!
  6. Sing along and join the actions to Five Buzzy Bees
  7. We All Went on Safari: Get an instrument and join in with counting the animals in this story set in Tanzania in West Africa.
  8. Jam along, sing and do the actions to Funga Alafia
  9. Time to move. Play the instruments along to the video or get up and dance as we revisit some songs from earlier in the year.
  10. Time to relax. Two relaxing pieces by Erik Satie that we listened to earlier in the year
  11. Goodbye Song

Hello Song

It’s a time to settle down for some music and there are lots of ways to join in. Use it on its own or before doing another music activity.

  1. Join in and sing, clap, tap and move along to the song!
  2. Maybe you can try using your voice
  3. Sign hello
  4. Tap fast and slow
  5. Sign “Stop” at the end
  6. Have fun!


Hello, hello
Very nice to see you
Hello hello,
How are you today?
Hello, hello
Very nice to see you
Hello hello,
How are you today?
We say “Hello”
We’re very pleased to see you
We say “Hello”

(can you say and sign hello?)

We say “Hello”
We’re very pleased to see you
We say “Hello”

(tap along with the music, sign “Stop” at the end)

More ideas with this video

  • If you can’t tap along, maybe a friend can tap your arm or foot for you so that you can feel the beat of the music.
  • Can you stamp your feet to the music? Can you tap your shoulders or your head? Move your fingers
  • Maybe try playing along with a shaker, or tap something that makes a sound that you like. A box of cereal?

Bounce and Catch

Sing and join in: Charlie Over the Ocean

Sing and clap: 123 Together

Sing and join in: Hickory Dickory Dock

Sing and join in: Yoshi Whoops!

Sing and join in: Five Buzzy Bees


Count and clap: We All Went on Safari

Play and clap: Funga Alafia

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song


Painting with toy cars – Art

You can create some lovely paintings using toy cars. Combining play with creating a piece of artwork. Different textures and lines can be explored depending on the scale of the toy vehicles that you use. Simply roll the wheels into some poster paint and off you go! Have fun! Below are some examples:

a rainbow:

a nice pattern:

Perhaps you could create a road and enjoy driving your car along it?

Whatever you choose make sure to have fun!