Monthly Archives: April 2020

Maths Shape Activity 3

Hello Everyone.

I hope you manages to make some interesting patterns with rectangles or squares,

Today why not try making a pattern with circles?

Find a lid or coin and draw around it to make circles.                                                                             Now make a pattern with the circles.                                                                                                           Is it easier or harder to work with circles than rectangles?                                                                     What’s different about circles?                                                                                                                     Would tiles that are circles be a good shape to use to cover your bathroom wall?                          Why?

Here is a Jack Hartmann maths song to get you counting and moving

Sensory Play shaving foam

Hi Everyone.

It’s not too long till Easter so I thought you could try 2 activities in 1.

Why not try making some shaving foam Easter egg pictures.

You will need :

shaving foam, paint or food colour, a tray, paper, something to stir the shaving foam with. and a scraper to take off excess foam, scissors.

What to do:

Put shaving foam in try,  add some drops of colour,  drag a stick through it to make a pattern,  place a piece of paper on top and gently press down. Scrape the excess saving foam off and leave to dry.

When you have made your marbled paper you can cut out some Easter Egg shapes.

Here is a link to help you:

Don’t worry if you don’t have any paint or colour you can have fun playing in the shaving foam!



Group 5 Story time

Hi everyone,

Today’s story is What a Mess. It is a slightly longer story so it is in two parts. I hope you like it as much as I do. I just love the pictures.

Tomorrow’s choice (the final choice before the Easter holidays) is …

In this story Slinky Malinki (a cat) goes out to meet his friends. Find out what they get up to and where they all settle down at the end of the night.

or …

After the Storm (Percy the Park Keeper) - book, teaching resources ...

A good one for a windy day. Find out what Percy and his animal friends get up to after a storm messes up their park.

Reply to this post to let me know which one you would like to hear.

Group 8 – Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Group 8

Here are some activities for today

Why not try some story massage. Use the guide below and while you are reading a story you can use the exercise on the young person.

How about some messy play.

For lunch today why not try making your own sandwich. Here are the instructions for a chicken mayo filling.

Make sure you are helping around the house too.

You can go on a treasure hunt around the house and find as many different colours as you can. Then why not try sorting them into different colours.

Time for some relaxation with some breathing exercises

Next click on the picture below to explore the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo

Hope you all have a good day and manage to get some fresh air too.


Orange Class – Thursday 2nd of April

Good morning everyone.

On Thursdays we start the day by doing PE.

How about three of the action songs for warm up?

Alphabet Exercise

Hi all,

Here is a fun activity to get you moving.

Ask an adult to help you spell your name and do the exercise for each letter. What other words can you spell.


Good morning song:


The days of the week song:


The weather song

What’s the weather?

Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!  Search for sign of the day.

Time to get outside!

What about a walk?

Walking is a great exercise for your body and mind and it’s not every day we have this good weather in Scotland. To make it more interesting we can agree some challenges with our family like, count the trees we see, count the birds, look for bears and rainbow in windows, we can even make it a competition who can see more birds, trees, red objects etc. Just remember you should always walk close to home (no driving) and keep social distance.

Another great idea would be to Join Vicky community group page we’re going on a bear hunt, just follow the link:


Now for something new.  Why not try Nicole’s Story Massage.

Today’s story massage will be ‘A Monster Surprise’

Please remember to ask permission before starting a story massage.

The Strokes

Story Massage Strokes handout

You can do it as you please but here are the strokes I have used

  • The downward fan
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The bounce
  • The walk
  • The claw
  • The semi circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The claw
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The circle
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The squeeze
  • The sprinkle
  • The walk
  • The wave
  • The claw
  • The bounce
  • The calm
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The squeeze
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The calm
  • The sprinkle
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The walk
  • The circle
  • The squeeze

If there are strokes your child does not like then miss them out and replace with ones they do.

If you want to access the book, it can be found here


Maths  –  Time to look for some shapes in your house!

 There are 2 sheets for you to try on 2D and 3D shape. ( Just click on the link at the bottom) Have a search in your house or garden for these shapes.

What shape did you find most of?

What is your favourite shape?

Can you make a pattern with 2D sahpes?

Can you build something with 3D sahpes?

You can practice some pattern work with shapes at TopMarks

How many 2D shapes can you find                 

How many 3D shapes can you find

Let me know how you get on or send a picture.

Time for some numberjacks!

We are on episode 4

Finally time to chill with some Yoga.  We’re going on a bear hunt

Click on the picture below to explore the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo.  Just like Augustus!

Hope you all have a good day and manage to get some fresh air too.

Have a great day!




THURSDAY 2nd April

Ola Yellow Class!

Hope you are all well and everyone is keep safe.

Here is a guide to Thursday  

Circle Time – We start our circle time singing “hello – super simple songs”

This is also the time we started to learn some Spanish. Leave you here some Spanish translations.

Good morning – “Buenos Dias”

Hello – “Hola”

How are you? – “como estas?”

We then talk about how we are feeling today (happy, sad, tired, and excited). We find how does the weather look like and what day it is – You can do your calendar book.

And we finish our circle time sharing the last day news – Feel free to share your news, by email, posting here on blog some videos, photos or comments. J

 MovementHere some of our favourite movement songs. You can use this ones or any other of your preference

Life skills – Life skills – challenge of the week: make your own bed. Help mum or dad to make your bed.

Maths – Do you remember the “Elmer, the elephant” story? Can you count how many elephants do you see on pics?

Fiddly Fingers – Let’s have fun with playdogh today!

  • Can you make letter “E”?
  • Can you make a trunk of an elephant?
  • Can you make an elephant?
  • Can you make Easter eggs?
  • Can you write your name?

STORY – Today for story time have fun with one of your books, Tell me which one is your favourite.

Sign of the day – Don’t forget to be practicing the sign of the day

Music – Go to the Music section and choose one of the activities that your Music teacher prepared for you. Have fun J

Sensory – Time to go outside. Tell me what you can hear. Can you hear the birds? Can you hear people talking, can you hear the cars….

Dance – Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that your Dance teacher prepared for you. Have fun J

HWB – It’s time to go outside and get some fresh air. Take some toys to play in your garden.

Art using a fork!

Try using a fork and some paint to create wonderful pieces of Artwork. Perhaps a painting of some tulips for Spring? An Easter chick? Below are a couple of videos to help you:

and while we’re on the topic of forks, why not have a go at making ‘Forky’ from Toy Story 4:

Language (Secondary)

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all well.

This Easter holiday is going to be quite different for us all.

Have some fun and keep busy by making an Easter To Do List (look out for this activity later today, as there appears to be limited storage on our blog, so I will send it to Graeme and ask if he can help).

Take care and keep safe.

Laura Leathem (Language and Communication Teacher)