Monthly Archives: April 2020

Spring on a farm

Hello everyone,

It is Springtime. Spring is the busiest season of all on a farm.

In spring:

  • Snow melts and fields and roads flood.
  • Weather warms and animals get outside.
  • Young animals are born.
  • Fields are prepared for planting crops.

Spring is here, the leaves on the hedgerows and trees start to grow and they are transformed from brown to green. The crops also change, the oil seed rape starts to grow and later in spring, it will flower and go bright yellow.

One of the best but most tiring parts of spring for the farmer is lambing time! It is brilliant to see all the new born lambs.

Have a look at this video about spring on the farm.

Spring activities

(You can find in here activities for iPad or netbook) – Drawing, colouring, matching games, puzzle – all about spring.

Why not try to make this craft below– woolly peg sheep.

Have a look at this excellent idea from David, art teacher.

Create an Easter Garden

Have a lovely Easter Break. Linda & Ana

Silver – Friday 3rd April

Hello song, Calendar and Movement songs – usual routine 🙂

Life Skills


Try building your name from lego! You could also use magnetic letters if you have them. Or go outside and use sticks, twigs, stones and leaves!





Then you could watch some Alphablocks!

Social Studies

Living vs Non Living Things



Signs of the Day with Lorna

Food technology 

A lovely little Easter recipe!



Go out for a walk and take a photo of these items in someone’s window:

  • a rainbow
  • a teddy bear

Music with Gordon/Connie – in the “music” tab on the right


Have a good day and enjoy your Easter holidays!!

Group 8 – Friday 3rd April

Good morning Group 8

Here are a few activities for today.

Why not make some jigsaws out of cereal boxes or any other box you can find

If you have some playing cards in the house, try putting the cards in number order, or sort them into the different colours or shapes.

Next is some yoga. Click on the link below to access an episode from Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids – Sleeping Dragom

If you have some paint in the house why not try some hand painting or paint a rainbow,

Lets get some exercise and have another treasure hunt round the house


Orange Class – Friday 3rd April

Hi to the Orange Class!

It’s Friday so it is time for Assembly  – (Tag assembly).

Story Time  – David has recorded another video story. Check it out below.

Chester Zoo  have another Virtual Tour this morning starting at 10.00 am.                                    It was great last time so I know I’m going to watch it!

We are opening our VIRTUAL GATES for the second time!
On Friday 3 April, you are invited to JOIN THE FUN, as we take you on virtual tour of of our zoo for a whole day of ANIMAL ANTICS, fun facts, and exclusive behind the scenes knowledge from our AMAZING zoo keeper team!

10:00 Meerkats (WARNING: There may be new babies!)
11:00 Eastern black rhinos
12:00 Beautiful birds (feat. weaver birds building nests and lilac breasted rollers swooping for insects)
13:00 Poison dart frogs
14:00 Jaguars
15:00 Okapi

Available on Facebook and YouTube…os/…ive


Check out the movement section (tag Movement) and choose your favourite ,or join in with ‘Shake your sillies out’ below.

Time to help around the house.

Have a look at your room, can you tidy it?

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

Sign of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video (Tag sign of the day). Today is all about Toys.


You can use our Pinewood Recipe Book and try your favourite recipe. Resources Pinewood recipe book – menu on the right hand side.


Go for a walk in your local area. Take some photos of some interesting things you find.      


Easter Singalong with Connie

Category Music

It’s nearly Easter holidays time so I’ve added another link with ideas to do indoors from the scouts.  Did you know that david is a Scout leader??There a lots of fun things to do so have a look!.

and finally

Happy easter rabbit with eggs decoration - Download Free Vectors ...

Take care everyone and enjoy your Eater egg (if you haven’t eaten it already!)

The Orange Team are all missing you!





Group 1 4-4-20

Good Morning Everyone!

How are you all today? I’m happy today  because the weather on Sunday is going to be sunny!

What’s the weather like today?

How are your household chores going? What have you managed to do?

Laura has also posted a story for language. Its PE today so put on one of the PE workouts and have a go.

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

It’s nearly Easter holidays time so I’ve added another link with ideas to do indoors from the scouts. There a lots of fun things to do so have a look!.

and finally

Happy easter rabbit with eggs decoration - Download Free Vectors ...

Take care everyone and enjoy your Eater egg (if you haven’t eaten it already!)


Group 4 – 3rd April

Here are some activities for your timetable today:

Circle Time

It’s Friday!!!

What is the weather like today?

Photo from my window this morning

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

Choosing time

For good listening, being kind and polite, and being helpful you will get 5 min for each day.

How many minutes is your choosing time?

You can choose a favourite game on the device or game console of your choice.

Make a good choice!

Life Skills

Choose your job to help clean your house today.


Have a look in the language section to find out what Laura has planned for you today.


Today our story is “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”. Have you been outside for a walk? Have you seen any bears out in the windows? Do you have any bears in your windows for other children to spot?

Enjoy your story!

Social studies

Linda has planned something for you today in the SOCIAL STUDIES section.

Signs of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video. Today is all about Toys.

Food Technology

Check for some ideas post by Hazel in Food technology or you can use our Pinewood Recipe Book and try your favourite recipe.


Check on Easter singalong with Connie and Gordon.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter break. Keep helping at home, be kind and spread smile and happiness around you. Enjoy the time with your family.

Happy Easter!

Red class – Friday 03-04

Good morning,

Remember to check Tracey’s assembly.

Remember to sing along the songs for our morning routine.

I thought we could try and sing a new song for the weather today.  Tell me what you think.

the day of the week song,

and a movement song,

I have a lot of washing to do today, can you help me sort it?

literacy, check the story that David is reading, let me know if you want David and I to read more stories for you.

and don’t forget to check Nicole’s story massage, here it is again,

The Strokes

Story Massage Strokes handout

You can do it as you please but here are the strokes I have used

  • The downward fan
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The bounce
  • The walk
  • The claw
  • The semi circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The claw
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The circle
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The squeeze
  • The sprinkle
  • The walk
  • The wave
  • The claw
  • The bounce
  • The calm
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The squeeze
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The calm
  • The sprinkle
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The walk
  • The circle
  • The squeeze

If there are strokes your child does not like then miss them out and replace with ones they do.

If you want to access the book, it can be found here


Time for some song  now then an Easter story



You could help with the dishes today, so remember, when snack (or lunch) is finished, to put your plate and spoon or fork in the sink.

I hope you continue to learn the signs that Lorna is teaching us, you will soon be as good as her.  I am practising my signs at home.  Check Lorna’s post.

We haven’t done a lot of cooking so why not try Gina’s Easter bake tray?  It looks yummy doesn’t it!


technology: check Helpkidzlearn

Please click on the link below to access the resources available to parents during the school closure. Please note they are not all free although this is a site which is very accessible for our pupils and certainly worth considering.


and now for music …

lots of songs with Connie and Gordon, don’t forget to check under the music section.

Remember to sing the song for the Friends of Pinewood which you will find in Connie’s post.

Don’t forget, you  can also relax with some yoga or some meditation, check my previous posts, check other classes.  Remember to go out and have fun when you play in the garden or when you go for walks.

Have a good day!

Group 10 – It’s Friday!

Good morning Group 10.

Morning routine – What day is it today? What jobs can you help with around the house?

life-skills_photo.jpg (914×624)

Literacy- Look at Challenges for Group 10 from Monday to see what to do or have a look in the Literacy section and see some of the work Laura has been doing.

Social Studies –  Linda has lots to do about Easter in the Social Studies section. Have a look and see

Story – We have our weekly story. Find somewhere quiet to watch and share.

Signing – check out what Lorna’s sign of the day is.

Food Tech – The school recipe is now on the blog. Have a look and see what you can make

ICT – Kirsty has games and activities for all in the ICT section. How many can you do?

Music –  See Gordon’s blogs to find lots of music activities to do


It’s Easter break now, so have a chilled and relaxing break and I will speak to you in two weeks. Have a great day!