Monthly Archives: April 2020

Group 1 Monday 20th April

Hello Everyone. I hope you’ve all enjoyed your holiday from school work and have found some fun things to do.

I have been reading, doing some sewing and getting outside for some exercise. I have loved seeing the new lambs in the fields and they have made me feel very happy.

I love this song too

What has made you feel happy? Was it a game you played,playing outside or maybe having an Easter egg?

Draw a picture of what has made you feel happy and say what made you happy and why.

Perhaps you could send me your pictures?


Today we would have been out in the community if we had been at school.

Instead I want you to go outside and see how many signs you can see.

It might be a road sign, a traffic sign or a bus stop.

What do the signs say?

What do they mean?

Take a photo of anything you see.

Look at the other blogs for more learning and don’t forget sign of the day and of course Maths.

Have fun!


Monday 20th of April – Pink Class

Welcome back Pink Class! What shall we do today?


Calendar –

What day is it today? What day will it be tomorrow?

Let’s sing our favourite:


Have a look at the movement section, let’s get moving!

Life Skills – 

What jobs can you do to help around the house today?

Maths –

Can you make different amounts of money using some coins from your piggy bank. Get someone from home to make up some different amounts like below:

P.E. –

Check out the P.E section, Gerry and Pedro have posted some ideas to keep you and your family active.

Story –

I have been enjoying watching a huge variety of birds from my garden and on my walks in the woods. Let’s learn about birds.

Now let’s enjoy an action bird story.

Sign of the Day –

Check out the Signs of the Day section, what signs will we learn today?

Art –

As the weather is still lovely, what about some outdoor art?

Outdoor Learning –

What birds will you spot today? What are the birds doing?   

HWB – 

healthy eating sorting activitiy

Challenge of the Day –

Can you see a tiny creature camouflaged in the leaves? It’s a little caterpillar I spotted on my walk yesterday. Can you spot any clever little camouflaged creatures today?

Have a great day Pink Class!



Monday 20th of April

Good morning everybody, I hope you had a nice holiday and enjoyed the sunshine.

Let’s get started!



Did you see lots of rainbows and lots of bears in the windows when you went for walks?


2. Help around the house today,

3. Maths – sort into colours

Look at your toys and sort them by colours.  Can you put the same coloured toys together?  All the reds together, all the blues etc.

Eva, you could look at shapes, listen to the songs



4. PE

Check what Pedro had planned for today, go into the PE section.

5. Snack

after your snack, remember to put your plate in the sink.

6. Story

7. Sign of the day

What sign are we learning today with Lorna?  Check her post.

8. Art

Check David or Steve’s posts in the Art section.

9. Lunch

remember to wash your hands

when you’ve finished eating, safely put your plate in the sink

10. Outdoor learning

What can you see when you go out for a walk?

you can also have fun with mummy or daddy, jump on the shapes!

11. HBW – 

Can mummy or daddy help you find lots of things that feel different?  Put them on the floor, take your shoes and socks off, walk on those things.  You could also listen to some really nice relaxing music …


and let’s finish with a story


Have a lovely day, remember you can take photos and email them to me.  I would love to see what you do!  Stay safe!




Welcome Back! Monday 20th April

Good Morning P2!  I hope you all had a lovely Easter Break & enjoyed the amazing weather we have been having.

Let’s start the day with the morning circle! (click link below for songs)

Morning Circle Time

Life Skills

Can you help with one of the chores below?

  • When helping with the washing – can you sort the clothes by colour (whites/darks/colours).  Can you pair up the socks?



Try this warm up dance before joining in with Joe Wick’s live on Youtube. What a fantastic way to start the day! Send me your videos (parents join in too :P)


Today we will be practicing our counting.  Start by watching this numberblocks video

Then see the below for some counting activities and today’s lesson.



Since it has been such nice weather, why not make some ice lollies to keep you cool.  A fruit salad would also be lovely in this weather!  If you make any of these send me a picture.



Read your favourite book together


Sign of the Day

Remember to watch Lorna’s sign of the day!  What will we learn today?



Lets make some pictures using lego and paint to print!  Use lots of different colours  to brighten up everyone’s day.  What can you make?  If you don’t have lego what else could you use to print?  THIS SHOULD BE A LOT OF FUN!! 

some ideas

  • sponges (cut into shapes)
  • pasta
  • marbles
  • apples/potatoes


Outdoor Learning 

Go outside and enjoy the sunshine.  Why not have a picnic lunch outside?  While you’re outside why not have a a go at drawing some animals using the sun and the shadows and tracing the outline?



Time for a daily feelings check in and talk

Take part in some mindfulness breathing


STEM challenges will start next week


I will be in the school HUB this week but will try to upload as best as I can.  Remember keep in touch and stay safe

Monday 20th April

Good Morning Group 6


I hope you had a nice time with your families at Easter?

Hope you are all ready to start school again today?

Remember our Morning Routine to help us start the day



Maths – check out Claire’s activities for today.

PE – see what Gerry and Pedro have to keep you fit.

Today’s Story – The Cat in the Hat, by Dr Seuss

Story Challenges –

  • Can you design a new type of hat for the Cat? It can have stripes, spots, be all one colour.
  • Can you make up a new game called ‘Fun in The Box’?
  • The cat can balance lots of objects in his hands. How many objects can you balance in your hands at one time? Can you challenge some-one in your family too?
  • Can you hear some of the rhyming words in the story, for example CAT, HAT.

Lorna’s Sign of the Day

Art – Steve has put some awesome drawing challenges on the Blog today.

Outdoor Learning – See what Gerry has asked us to do for outdoor learning today.

HWB – This week we are going to be looking at how we keep healthy. Please see the link below:


HWB -Healthy Eating Challenge

  • Look in the cupboards and sort out any healthy and unhealthy foods you can find. You can use packets, tins or fruit from the fruit bowl.
  • Sort out the healthy and unhealthy foods on the worksheet attached in the e-mail today.
  • Make a healthy snack for come-one in your house today (remember – no Easter eggs!!)

Have a fun day, and enjoy eating your healthy snacks!!







Go to this Sway




Monday 20th April – Group 2

Hello! I hope you had a good holiday and you’re ready for some more online learning!

  1. Morning Activities:(play the video & pause at anytime to do the activities or have a break)
  2. Maths:  See what Clare has in store for you today by clicking on the ‘MATHS’ section
  3. PE: Have a look in the PE section to see what Pedro has for you to do today
  4. Snack
  5. Story: This story is all about hiding and seeking. It has lots of rhyming words in it. Can you answer the questions after the story?

  6. Sign of the Day:Check out the ‘sign of the day’ video for signs all about Special Days
  7. Art: Check out the ART section to find out what steve has planned for you.
  8. Lunch
  9. Outdoor Learning: Click on the ‘OUTDOOR LEARNING’ Section to find out what Ana would like you to do today.
  10. HWB: The weather is changing now that it’s spring time. We might have to wear different clothes when we go outside. Follow this link to play the game ‘Dress Lecky’ to practice what clothes you need to wear for different weathers.