Purple class 1.4.20

Good Morning Purple Class!
It is Wednesday 1st April, April Fool’s Day! Are you going to play a joke on anyone in your family today??
Let me know what you get up to 😉
Here is a guide to Wednesday!
Wednesday Activities 
Hello song – Sing a hello song to your family. “Hello -super simple songs” YouTube
Calendar – What day is it today? Can you write out the date? Can you name the months of the year? Sing ” How’s the weather- super simple songs” on Youtube.
Movement – Get moving this morning with Just Dance or Jack Hartmann  on YouTube.
Life skills- Help with preparing lunch or dinner. Can you set the table and get the cups ready?
Literacy- It’s nearly Easter so lets learn the Easter rhyme Hot Cross Buns (see email).  Can you copy any of the words from the rhyme sheet? Use the bunny hop sheet to practice controlling your pencil. If you don’t have a printer, use crayons and pens to draw big scribbles and then colour them in! Write your name on your work.
PE- Go outside in the fresh air to do some exercises- jumping, skipping, can you hop like the Easter Bunny? Do you have a trampoline or balls to play with?

Buster Bear loves jumping on the trampoline!

Story-Listen to ‘The story of the Easter Bunny’ by Katherine Tegen on Youtube. Discuss what happens in the story and ask you child to rate the book out of five. What is your favourite part?
Signs of the day – check through the Blog – Lorna has made another video.
Art-Easter craftsdesign your own Easter egg, paint an Easter chick or Easter bunny. We would love to see some of your art work! What do you think of Buster’s Easter egg design?
Science-Life Cycles- Remember the the life cycle of a frog from last week. Can you describe the different parts of the life cycle?
Move onto learning about the life cycle of  a hen. In the email,  I’ve attached life cycle sequencing cards for you to cut and sequence. For an extension there are other life cycles to complete too! If you don’t have a printer, google life cycle of a hen and talk about what you can see. Encourage your child to label the different parts.
 Health and Wellbeing – How are you all feeling today? Sing “The feelings song” on YouTube! Give each other a big hug, you are all doing great!
Have a super day! I look forward to seeing all your Easter crafts.

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