Primary 2A Wednesday 6.5.20

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you had a lovely weekend with your families and are all healthy and well.

I enjoyed going for some walks and bike rides with my family this weekend.  I love to walk and cycle along the river and it makes me smile to see so many butterflies and birds and bees all fluttering and flying and buzzing about.  Miss McDermott told me that she had seen a beautiful painted stone when she was on a walk.  So my family decided to paint some stones.  Here they are.

You could look for a stone and paint it or write a message on it.  When you go for a walk or a cycle you could leave your stone somewhere for other families to see.  Or you could put your stone on your doorstep or in your garden.  I would love to see photos of your stones.  Have fun choosing a stone and painting it.

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison

P2/1 – Wednesday 6th May

Hello P2/1

Welcome back again ! Hope everyone managed to have some time off from home learning over the holiday weekend.

As you will see our home learning plan is a bit different as this is such a short week for you.  Grown ups please be aware that I  will be in my hub school on Thursday and Friday so won’t be immediately available on these days for checking and replying to  emails and messages.

One of the home learning tasks this week is to create a stay safe stone and I have posted a picture of the stones that I have decorated below. I haven’t managed to go for a walk yet and leave them somewhere but hopefully I can do this later in the week.  I found it much easier to do the writing using felt pens but you can try different things depending on what you have at home.

This week I  will be  posting the Story Time from Home link on a separate blog page as it includes some literacy tasks for you to try.  You will need a grown up to help but hopefully you will enjoy these for a wee change.

Please note grown ups – there is no story writing task this week.

I can see that quite a few of you have been have been logging on to  the Sumdog website. Remember that like Numbots, this is your choice and I will not be setting work on here for you to do. It can be good fun playing games online but you should not be doing this all the time.

Enjoy the sunshine today – it is a lovely day here in Bathgate and hopefully it is in Linlithgow too!

Miss McDermott

P2a P2b P2/1 Story Time From Home Activities – Wednesday 6th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to today’s story.

You will need to watch it before you can do these literacy tasks which are part of this week’s home learning plan.

The tricky words below were all in today’s story. Find out what these words mean. Try to use them in different sentences throughout the day.  You DO NOT need to write your sentences down.

  • lurked
  • pounced
  • creepy
  • weary


How good are your listening skills? Remember you don’t need to write your answers down – you can just tell a grown up or big brother or sister if you have one.

  • How many cats are in the Tibbles Family?
  • What is the name of Billy’s baby brother?
  • Why did Billy not like the shed?
  • Why was Billy glad that he wasn’t by himself when he went upstairs?
  • How did the bed get broken?
  • Who was not happy about sharing at the end of the story?

Talk about why sharing is important.  Can you think about a time when you have had to share something? It might have been at home or even when you were back at school.

If you’ve time here’s a link to a simple  how to draw a cat video that you might like to try . The cat looks a little bit like Billy Tibbles in the story. When you  open the link you might need to scroll down to get the video..

Here’s my drawing!

Miss McDermott






Good Morning Primary 1, Friday 1st May

Good morning. Hope you all had a lovely evening.

It is the 1st of May already. You have been doing so well at adjusting to home learning. All the teachers are very proud of you!

Again thank you for sending in photos of work that you have been. It is so nice to see so many different ideas and your lovely smiling faces.

I have been busy this week too. My boys did the #DesignYourSuperBear for the John Lewis competition and I couldn’t resist designing my own Super bear too. (Of course I won’t be sending mine into the competition…I’m far too old.)

Did you do a Super bear design?

Remember it is a long weekend so no school on Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can enjoy some sunshine.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Stay safe.Meet a Care Bear Named Bo, the newest member of the Care Team at ...


Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning Primary 1!

I can’t believe it is May already. It looks like we are in for another lovely weekend with some sunshine. I hope that you have all worked hard this week and please keep sending your photos- it makes all the teachers smile.

Miss Jamieson has written lots of very useful information in the post below so please have a look.

I am going to relax this weekend with my family and maybe play some board games. Our favourite is Ludo, do you have a favourite? We will also be busy looking after our new kitten called Ace. He arrived just before lock down and has been taking time to settle in and getting to know his family and furry friends. He is very lively and active and we are having lots of fun with him (maybe not during the night).

Have a lovely holiday weekend and we will be back on Wednesday.

Mrs Menmuir 

Primary 2A Friday, 1st May

Good morning, everyone.  Happy Friday!

This has been a very quick week and I have really enjoyed reading all your emails about the many different activities you have all be doing with your families.  It is just wonderful to hear, and sometimes see, what you been doing as a family.  So a huge Thank You to everyone!

Have any of you designed a Super Bear this week?  I would love to see your designs! 

Today is the beginning of a new month.  It is the first day of May, the 5th month of the year.  Do you remember how many months there are in a year?  Can you say the months in order?  You could try to begin with a different month each time and not always begin with January!  Here is a link to a song about the months.  You could sing this song with your family.

It is a holiday weekend so our learning grid activities will begin next Wednesday.  Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this time with your families.

Have a great day, everyone.

Mrs Herbison 


Good morning P1! Friday 1st May 2020.

Good morning everyone!

Today is a special day because it is the very first day in a new month. Last month was April, can you remember which month comes next? You might have to think back to when we explored calendars or to the months of the year songs that we often sing together.

Here is one of them in case you need a clue:

Remember to check out the school twitter page today to see some of the lovely photos people have been sending us in a celebration ‘Sway’. If you sent me some photos today, thank you so much – we’ll pop them into next week’s celebration ‘Sway’ post so everyone can see your hard work!

Everybody should have a username and password for the SumDog website now, why not have a go at logging in today and explore the site a little.

An important reminder about SumDog is that the first set of games/questions are part of a diagnostic assessment tool that is used to set future learning at the correct level for your child to work at, so please only help children to read the questions, not to answer them, or it will set the level too high for them to play independently!

I hope you have a lovely weekend – remember that Monday and Tuesday are special holiday days. I wonder if anyone is planning a really fun activity for the holiday weekend? Our learning grid and activities for next week will be posted on the blog/website on Wednesday.

Take care and remember – just do what you can and make plenty of time to play!

Miss Jamieson

P3A Friday 1st May

Good Morning 3A 🙂

Happy Friday!  Thank you to everyone who has emailed myself and Ms Occardi.  It’s great to hear how you are getting on at home.  A boy in 3A got in touch to say he’d been learning about Morse Code.  Here’s a little challenge for you!  Can you work out what this message says? Comment or email if you think you’ve got it!

 …. / .- / .–. / .–. / -.–

..-. / .-. / .. / -.. / .- / -.– / .-.-.-

…. / .- / …- / .


–. / — / — / -..

 .– / .  /. / -.- / . / -. / -.. / .-.-.-

Hope you have a great weekend. Please remember Monday next week is a holiday and Tuesday is an In Service day.   Ms Occardi will be back on the blog on Wednesday.

Mrs Bell 🙂

Good morning!

Good morning, everyone!

Just a quick reminder – Monday 4th May is a school holiday and Tuesday 5th May is an in-set day. These will not be formal learning days.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing your news on Wednesday.

Mrs Webster

P3b Friday 1st May


It’s Friday and we have a long weekend ahead of us. It is a bank holiday on Monday and an inset day on Tuesday so we will not be uploading blog posts on those day.

This morning have a look at the blog posts from throughout this week and see if there are any activities you have not managed yet. Have a last look at this weeks spelling words. My girls love playing games when spelling like snakes and ladders. Each time they roll they also have to spell one of their words.

I leave you with a long weekend challenge to learn a little about maps. The link below is for a lesson all about them including an activity to design a map of your local area.

And here is a challenge from me.

And Here is the link to the map to print off.

Have a super weekend,

Mr Brice


Good Morning everyone. I can’t believe we have reached the end of another week. Well done for all your good learning this week.

Today is the start of a new month. Can you say the months of the year in the correct order?

You could get active and practise them with this fun song.

Earlier this week we were thinking about Superheroes. Some of you might already know about this fun competition to design a Superhero bear.

Children of Britain invited to share their designs to create a “super-bear”’ cuddly toy using #DesignYourSuperBear to be sold at Christmas – with 100% of the profits going to the NHS

Here is the link and more information if you would like to take part.

If you choose to do this activity I would love to see all your Super-Bear designs. Someone from our class has already designed a fantastic bear. I think it looks amazing. Well done!

We had a few questions yesterday about Maths. You should have received a password for Heinemann Active Maths but you will not be able to use it until we assign activities to our class. We are planning to do this for the week beginning 11th May. We will let you know via this blog when we have done this. If you want to use Sumdog, remember you must do the diagnostic test first as this will then allow your child to access work at the appropriate level. I have attached the link with information to help you.

Please read – important information regarding Sumdog (3)

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend. Enjoy spending time with your families. We look forward to hearing from you next week.

Mrs Mills