Tag Archives: Fairyland

Fairyland in Primary 1.

Once upon a time …

The boys and girls have been super busy these past few weeks ! Well, we have turned our classrooms into Fairyland !  You may ask yourself why ? What has been going on ?  Well, sit back and we will tell you.

First of all we returned one day from lunch to a trail of glitter, a burnt out letter and a ‘D- Mail’ box.  Upon investigation, we soon realised that we had been visited by a Friendly Dragon.  He left us a letter telling us how sad he felt and left us with a challenge.  He asked us to rebuild Fairyland, (as the real Fairyland has disappeared leaving our favourite fairytale characters with nowhere to go) and read lots and lots of fairytales.  As you can imagine, we said ‘YES’ straight away. And so, we have been spending time making beanstalks, a giant castle, making little castles in groups, reading fairytales including: ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, ‘The Three Little Pigs’, ‘The Princess and the Pea’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood, ‘Chicken Licken’,  and ‘The Ugly Duckling’.  We have rewritten these stories in our special castle books and cannot wait to see if the dragon returns with more letters for us.


Primary 1b’s Magical Morning

Primary 1b had a very fun morning, imagining we had a Fairy Godmother, just like Cinderella!

We had some lovely wishes to ask her. We will soon be making magic wands to see if we can help make some of them come true. Photos will come later.

Grace – I would wish to be magic so I can decorate my room

Freyja – I would wish all of the world was made of chocolate 

Gabrielle – I would wish for a fast, flying, spectacular pony with magic

Lucas C – I would wish for a hundred dollars 

Lily – I would wish to have 5 fluffy cats

Hamza – I would wish to live in a castle 

Alicia – I would wish to have a beautiful unicorn 

Brooke – I would wish to be a Fairy Godmother

Lucas T – I would wish to go to Disneyland 

Adriana – I would wish for a bunny

Holly – I would wish I had a magic wand 

Mia – I would wish to live in a ball

Liam – I would wish for Mrs Baty to live with me

Martyna – I would wish for a sparkly cat

Mya – I would wish for a crown with gems

Nicola – I would wish for 5 cats

Gabriel – I would wish for Goofy to come to my house

Leonard – I would wish for 3 dogs

Oliver – I would wish to be stronger

Safaa – I would wish to be a princess with magic

Wojciech – I would wish for blue dogs

Catherine – I would wish to be a really fast runner

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that (some of them) come true!

Taking care of our plants

Primary 1 have been learning about living things and how to take care of them. Our ‘beanstalks’ were looking quite squashed in their small pots, their roots definitely needed more space. We decided to replant them into bigger pots before we take them home next week. Halfway through replanting, we ran out of soil! This was a great opportunity to get out in the sunshine and collect some more.

Well done primary 1.

Miss Toner

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P1 and the hunt for Goldilocks


Today we all made a WANTED poster , appealing for help to find  Goldilocks. We will stick  some of these  up around our school , just in case she decides to come back. We hope that we find her because we would like to have a chat with her about breaking other people’s things. We will also be telling her off for going into the bear’s house . So silly as she didn’t even know any of the three bears. Our teachers  have reminded us all today about what we do to keep ourselves safe.

World Book Day

Happy World Book Day 2015, from Primary 1!


Little Red Riding Hood x2! (Mirin and Emilie)


Harry Potter x2, Ron and Hermione! (Leon, Connor, Charlie and Hannah)


Spidermen! (Leo, Ciaran and Justin)


Belle, Elsa and Cinderella! (Bella-Rose, Emily and Christy)


Pirates! (Kacper and Alexander)


Brave knights! (Lucas and Tomasz)


Magical fairy and cat! (Poppy and Paula)


Jack, Goldilocks and the dragon from Fairyland! (Sam, Cerys and Matthew)


Olaf, Woody and Wolverine (Phoebe, Max and Cameron)


The dragon has left footprints!

Primary 1 received a letter from a very sad, sad dragon. He needs help! Fairyland is gone and the dragon and his friends have nowhere to live anymore. Jack doesn’t have his beanstalk, Miss Muffet has lost her tuffet and the three bears have lost their cottage! The dragon has asked Primary 1 to help bring back Fairyland…

Today we found dragon footprints in our classroom! They belong to the dragon and his family. We decided to measure these footprints to find out what size the dragon is.

Well done Primary 1. Keep working hard!

Miss Toner


Primary 1 Measure!

Article 29

Our education should help us use and develop our talents and abilities.

We have been learning about ‘tall’ and ‘short’ in measure. Everyone in the class arranged themselves in height order. We found objects in the classroom which were taller or shorter than 10 cubes and sorted them. We made tall and short trees and flowers from playdough for Fairyland. We even got to measure Jack and the Giant with pencils to see who was taller!

Dragon visit!

Primary 1a and Primary 1b were very excited this morning to discover a glitter trail in their classrooms after playtime! The trails led to letters from the Friendly Dragon asking for our help. We decided we would help all the fairytale creatures by building Fairyland in our classrooms. We checked with Mrs. Brown that we would be allowed to re-build Fairyland and she said it was OK. We wrote a letter to the dragon to tell him all the things we would do.