Tag Archives: active maths

Fun at P6b

We did some measuring- we estimated and measured the perimeter  of large rectangles in the classroom. We Made some paper clovers for St Patrick’s day and paper chains. We enjoy reading for pleasure and this week we went to the library. We have been doing research on careers and we are now working on a presentation about it. In writing we did a recount on Frankenweenie and in HWB we wrote questions to ask our parents. By Melanie and Victor


Primary 5 Create Sets of Seven

Today Primary 5 worked on understanding their seven times table by getting very messy!  Their task was to quickly show the meaning of several seven times table sums by creating an array of dots using a variety of media (the clock was ticking!). This also helped us demonstrate exactly how multiplication sums could be turned around so that 3 x 7 became 7 x 3 and 6 x 7 became 7 x 6 and so on. Speedy work Primary 5!

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Primary Six are SHAPING up to have a super year!

This week primary 6 have been working on shape in maths! Some of us have been looking at properties of 3D shapes and some have been focussing on how 3D objects can be made up of 2D shapes. We’ve been embracing active maths in the classroom and choosing our own learning tasks to make sure we are all being challenged in the areas we are confident in and supported further in areas we’re not!

Have a look at some of the great things we’ve been getting up to…



Primary 3 completed lots of work recently on fractions. To show our understanding of all that we learned we completed Miss King’s ‘PIZZA CHALLENGE’ we had to work n pairs to create our very own pizza but it had to meet a very specific criteria! Each quarter had to be different and we could only use a certain number of toppings! It was great fun! Then on Thursday we made our pizzas then waited a whole 24 hours… On Friday morning Mrs Thomson form the kitchen put our pizzas in the oven and by playtime our pizzeria was in full swing! We all ate our creations and listened to Italian music.


Puzzling Mental Maths

Primary 6b have been very busy this week working on their mental maths skills. 

Lots of us find mental maths tricky so we wanted to find a fun way to develop our mental strategies.  To help with this we worked in groups to practice our fraction, multiplication and division skills.  To make this more fun, we worked in small groups to try out some new mental maths puzzles.  These included loop cards, tarsia puzzles and jigsaws.  We found this fun because we are working together and discussing different ways of solving problems.

Over the next few weeks we will continue practicing these skills and have some fun along the way!

Fantastic Fractions in Primary 5!

This week primary 5 have started to look at fractions as our maths topic!

To help us really understand what a fraction is we began our topic by cutting up a huge chocolate cake into halves, then quarters, then eighths, then sixteenths!

Some of us have been creating our own ‘Fraction Paths’ by cutting up 1 whole piece of paper into fractions, we were then comparing and coming up with statements about what the paths show us! Have a look at the fantastic effort by Kieran and Hannah in the photo gallery.

Some of us have started looking at comparing equlivent fractions as well! This is when 2 fractions mean the same amount, like 1/2 is the same as 2/4!