Setting Our Table

It’s been another very busy and enjoyable week at St Nicholas ELC.  The children are continuing to settle in and are doing great at becoming familiar with all our routines.  It’s been such an enjoyable time for everyone.  The children have now had the opportunity to sample some of our healthy and nutritional snacks which are offered to children mid-morning and mid-afternoon.  The children are encouraged to visit the snack table as it’s a great opportunity for them to try new foods and follow good table manners.  Healthy eating and physical activity is essential for growth and development therefore we take great pride in preparing and offering a full range of healthy snacks.  Children’s early experiences of food play and important part in shaping later eating habits and good eating habits support healthy growth and development.  The children have also had the opportunity to sample our lunches.  The children are coping very well with this routine and they are sitting beautifully during lunch.  Our lunches are offered in a caring and warm environment in order to make it an enjoyable experience and to expose the children to healthy eating patterns from an early age.  The children are encouraged to take their time and enjoy the experience of sharing a meal with their friends.   Here are a few pictures of the snacks we offer and the children enjoying the lunch experience.

Primary 1’s Week ! Week 3

We can hardly believe that we have been at school for three weeks already! Time is speeding by and we are having so much fun. Read on to see what what we have been up to.


We learnt two new sounds this week, s and a. We learnt how to write these sounds through play using string, spaghetti and slime!


We learnt how to write numbers 3, 4 and 5. We have been using loose parts to help us with our counting and had lots of fun exploring pattern.

Health and Wellbeing

We listened to the story, ‘The Colour Monster’. We learnt that the little colour monster is having a hard time, as his feelings are all jumbled up. He is red, green, yellow, blue and black, all at the same time. It’s making him very confused and he doesn’t know why. Luckily, the little colour monster he gets help and learns to make sense of his mixed-up emotions. We spoke about things that make us feel happy, sad, excited and confused and learnt that it is ok to feel lots of different emotions.

Religious Education

We continued talking about what makes us special and started special pictures of ourselves that our teachers are going to hang up in the corridor. We will take pictures of these for you all to see once we are finished.


We are learning through play. We have lots of areas set up including: a writing area, a storybook corner, a loose parts area, a construction area, tuff trays, a home corner and a craft area. It really is fun being at school!

Bye for now everyone!
Primary 1.




Our week in Primary 2


This week we have been focusing on ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ sounds and bending them with our other familiar sounds, this helps us to improve our reading fluency. We wrote a letter to Mrs Kellock requesting what we would like in our new playground and we can’t wait to see what it will look like. We took turns reading aloud in our reading groups and really impressed our teachers. We have also been practising our letter formation skills.
This week we continued practising counting to 20 through various activities such as matching the quantity to the number, bingo, and ordering number puzzles. We also started our new topic on 3D shape which involved sorting 3D shapes, and making 3D shapes.
Health and Wellbeing
Everyday we have been using a well-being check-in to help express our emotions and feelings. We have been focusing on how to stay safe by discussing how we can stay safe in the classroom and identifying hazards. We also explored the SHANARRI indicators and what they all mean.  We know they are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Responsible, Respected and Included.
Expressive arts

In music we have been exploring rhythm using a wooden percussion block, and we have been singing beautifully. In art we made portraits of Katie Morag.

Miss Cortellessa

P6a’s Busy Week w.b. 30.08.21

P6a have had a very busy week with lots of super learning opportunities. Please have a look at what we have learned.

  • Maths- This week we have been learning about place value to 6 digits. We have learned to recognise the values of the digits in the numbers according to their place value. We have enjoyed taking part in lots of active learning and games using Heinemann Active Maths to help us. We have also really enjoyed using Izak 9 cubes to develop our problem solving skills with Mrs Heather.
  • Literacy- In reading, we have completed a comprehension task, examining the song lyrics of ‘This is Me’ from The Greatest Showman. This links to our mini topic of ‘Wonder’ which we have enjoyed reading and discussing in class. In Writing, we have unpacked our St Nicholas Vision and worked in teams to rewrite this in our own words, this will help us to grow in understanding of our school vision, values and aims.
  • HWB- This week we have been learning all about Growth Mindset and strategies we can use if we are faced with a challenge. We have enjoyed creating slogans to help ourselves and our friends when they are finding something difficult. In PE with Mr Muldoon we have begun our lessons on basketball. We really enjoyed the challenge of seeing who could bounce the ball the fastest!
  • RERC- We have been learning all about St Cuthbert this week in preparation for our P6 Mass celebrating the feast of St Cuthbert. We created posters to showcase what we have learned as well as preparing for our Mass through practising our hymns, readings and Mass responses.

Our Week in P3 and P3/2 3.9.21

We have had a very busy week of learning in P3 and P3/2 . Here are some of the things we have enjoyed:

  • In number this week we have been learning about place value. We have been learning how to make numbers and that they are made up in hundreds, tens and ones. Our favourite games were the online basket ball game and the beanbag toss.
  • We have been working really hard to practise our cursive writing during handwriting time.  We have been enjoying the challenge and found the letter d trickiest of all!
  • We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox together as a class. We made wanted posters for Mr Fox because he had been stealing food from all the farmers.
  • In art we have been learning about the work of Kandinsky. He used a lot of colours to make abstract paintings. We had a go at making these ourselves too.


Learning is fun in Primary 2

Literacy :

This week we have been building CVC words and reviewing our common words, these skills will help us to become excellent readers. We also took home our new group reading books to read with our families.  We wrote a letter to Katie Morag telling her all about Broxburn as she has never visited the mainland. We also took a virtual trip to the Edinburgh Book Festival where Debi Gliori read us her latest book called ‘A cat called Waverley.’ Debi showed us how she created the illustrations using charcoal so we decided to give it a go too!


We have been counting to twenty, ordering numbers to twenty, developing our number formation, comparing quantities using the terms ‘greater than’ and ‘smaller than’.

Health & Well-being:

We have been learning about the importance of keeping our hands clean and learned a fabulous wee song to sing as we wash our hands. Every day we have been using mindfulness sessions to help us to be calm and relaxed. We had such a fun time at ‘Build Up’ time sharing chalk and bubbles as our reward for having a great week at school.

Katie Morag:

This week we were identifying Scottish wildlife that Katie Morag  would see on the Island of Struay. We also found out some interesting facts about these creatures.  We looked at photos of the Island of Coll and compared island life to life in Broxburn. We used directions on a grid to find places on the island using forwards, backwards and left and right. We managed to find all the character’s homes. We had fun using phrases from the book such as Bobby Dazzler and Gee Wilikers! We have been learning some Scottish songs too!

Class Charter & Rights Respecting School:

We discussed the importance of knowing our rights and what that would look like in school. We created our class charter using a favourite character… Paddington Bear. We have all signed our promise agreeing to follow the class decisions on the charter.


Fun in Primary 1 ! Week 2.

It has been a super week for us all in Primary 1 and very exciting as we started our phonics learning and our numeracy program. What have we been up to this week?


This week we learnt how to read and write sounds m, and c  We did this using a variety of methods including tracing the letters in sand, shaving foam and hair gel.  We made monsters for sound m , cool cats for the letter c and slippery snakes for the letter s.  We had lots of opportunity to play whilst reinforcing these sounds and had lots of fun! The construction area and the dressing up areas seem to be firm favourites!


For numeracy we learnt how to write the numbers 0, 1 and 2.  We learnt that there is a number zoo that will help us to form these. So far we have met Greedy Zero, Penguin One and Ticklish Two.  The number  0 is a gorilla named Greedy Zero as his tummy is the shape of a zero. The number 1 is named after ‘Penguin One’ as this penguin just loves sliding around in the snow which makes a dirty mark on her tummy in the shape of a one and Ticklish Two is a beautiful swan who looks just like the number 2.

Religious Education

We learnt that when God made us he made us unique and it is this uniqueness that makes us special.  We learnt about our teacher’s families and some of us spoke about our families and our talents.

Health and Well being

We learnt that everyone at St Nicholas has a trusted adult, someone who when can go to if we ever need help or a chat if we ever feel worried.  We also spoke about the trusted adults that we  have in our families that we go to when we need help: mummies, daddies, grannies and grandads etc..    We have chosen our trusted adult for school and know that St Nicholas is a big family where we all look out for each other.

We also made a start on our class charter.  Our charters are based on the United Nations Rights of the Child.  We learnt that at St Nicholas we ALL have the right to feel safe and listened to.

It has been a wonderful week indeed! Enjoy a well deserved rest at the weekend.

Primary 1 teachers.



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Welcome to St Nicholas ELC

It’s been a fantastic week welcoming all our lovely children and their families to St Nicholas ELC.  It has been lovely getting to know all our new little children.  They have all done exceptionally well and it has been a delight getting know everyone.  The main focus of the week has been helping our new little ones and our returning children to settle into the nursery ensuring they feel safe and secure.  They have all enjoyed getting know one another and have been amazing at learning nursery routines.  There has been lots of wonderful activities taking place to help our children feel welcomed and nurtured.  We have spent lots of time outdoors enjoying the lovely sunshine.  Some of the children noticed that our sunflowers have grown over the summer.  We thought this would be a good opportunity to measure the sunflowers to see how much they have grown over the summer.  We have also enjoyed summer walks looking for signs of summer and appreciating the wonder of nature.  The children have equally enjoyed playing inside the nursery and here are a few pictures of some of the activities the children have experienced.  The staff at St Nicholas ELC are looking forward to a new and exciting term and want all our children to feel welcomed and enjoy their time at nursery.

Good start in P3 and P3/2

P3 and P3/2 are off to a great start this year.  We have been working very hard. Keep reading to find out what we have been learning.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about different ways to show a number – we can use numicon, rekenreks, tens frames, coins etc. We have been playing lots of different number games.  We also revised odd and even numbers.  We know even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

In Literacy, we have started reading Fantastic Mr Fox.  We have been drawing a character description of Boggis, Bunce and Bean. We also completed a ‘picture it’ for the setting of Mr Fox’s house.  We have also completed some spelling and reading checks to see what we can remember from before the summer holidays.

In HWB, we have completed our check in and selected our trusted adults in school and at home. We also revised SHANARRI indicators and what they all mean.  We know they are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Responsible, Respected and Included.  We have also thought about our hopes and dreams for this term.

We have also made our class charter. P3 selected the theme of animals and P3/2 selected Minecraft. We have revised our rights as a child.

In RERC, we have read the story of Noah’ Ark and created pictures of the animals.  We have also thought about how Father Jeremy is like the Good shepherd and looks after us.  We drew pictures of Father Jeremy. We also created prayers for the year ahead.

In PE, we were playing games and learning to work together.

In Art, we created a self portrait to decorate our classroom doors so that everyone knows who is in our classroom.

We also created a welcome poster for anyone who is new to the school.  We told them about the school rules, where things are and what they need to wear to school.

We have enjoyed our first two weeks back at school and we are working hard.

Welcome to Primary 1! Week 1

Ta dah! We would like to introduce  our lovely Primary 1 children to you all.

Primary 1a

Primary 1b

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Primary 1c

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It has been a great first week.  We have spent the time learning new routines, getting to know one another and learning and having lots of fun through play.  The primary 1 teachers are all really looking forward to the year ahead.  Dear families, please check this blog each Friday for a weekly post to see what we have been doing.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Macdonald P1a, Miss Doolan P1b and Mrs Koziel P1c.


Good Luck and Farewell

We would like to wish all our little pre schoolers who are moving onto Primary 1 the very best of luck on that start of a new and exciting chapter.  It has been an absolute joy watching you all grow and blossom during your time with us.  We would also like to thank all our wonderful parents for their support over the years.  It certainly has been a challenging year, but we’ve made it.  We are never far away for any support and advice you may need.

On behalf of all the ELC team thank you and good luck to everyone.

St Nick’s Ice Cream Parlour

The children had a great time this week role playing in the requested Ice Cream Parlour.  They had the opportunity to handle money and use their imagination through this fun activity.  They also practised turn taking and developed their listening skills.  As the children were working with a 3D shape, the cone, we decided to extend this activity by putting  out other 3D shapes at the maths table for everyone to explore.  The children have taken a keen interest in learning 3D shape and have managed to remember some of the names, especially the cone. well done everyone!

Sunny Day Beach Fun

Sunny Day Beach Fun

What an amazing week it’s been in the nursery.   The children have been loving the fantastic sunny weather we have been experiencing.  There has been lots of opportunity to enjoy the outside area with lots of discussions about summer.  The children have chatted about how they would like to go to the seaside, eat ice cream and build sandcastles in the sand.  In order to extend the children’s learning and following on from lots of quality discussion the children decided they would like to make a beach hut in the role play area.  The children said they would like shells, sand, spades and buckets.  The children worked hard to put this together.  The end result was a beautiful and calming little beach hut where the children can engage in some creative imaginary role play.  The children have enjoyed getting into character and there has been lots of different scenarios, which has been fantastic to see.  Role play is more than just fun it’s an important element of learning.  Children learn from experience and from what happens around them.  Through this our children can play and have fun will develop healthy connections and choices in life.  To continue the summer theme the children also decided they would love a beach in the outdoor area.  The children have absolutely loved this.  Not only has there been lots of role play taking place there has also been lots of quality learning taking place covering all curricular areas.  The children have been counting buckets, spades and shells.  They have been comparing the size of their sandcastles using a good range of mathematical language.  Let’s hope the sunshine continues so we can continue to enjoy and learn lots more about summer.

School’s out for summer!!

When the cats away the mice can play………

The children have loved their week at nursery.  They have enjoyed spending time outside while soaking up the sunrays and exploring areas of the school when it was too hot outside.  The parachute made an appearance and the children participated with great delight and excitement.

Team building and turn taking…..

Investigating and exploring the footprint the children found in the nursery garden….’I think it’s a dinosaur’s footprint’…. Watching and listening through the eyes of a child is not only powerful but magical…

Nursery News



We would like to say a huge congratulations to Miss Malone on becoming a published Author. She has recently had her first book “Nigel the Naughty broomstick” published and our children love it!!! We are so luck to have such a talented member of staff in our nursery.


Summer Holidays

The nursery will be open throughout the summer holidays as normal. If your child won’t be attending can you please let a member of staff know.

Pre – school Leavers

Unfortunately we haven’t been able to have a Leavers Assembly this year so we have put together a Graduation sway to share with our pre-school children . The sway will be sent out v ia email to all our pre-school parents . We want to wish  them all  good luck as they start their journey to P1.Mrs Nicoll will be leaving us during the summer holidays. We want to wish her luck and happiness for the future and are going to miss her very much.


Week 5: Our last transition sway

Hello everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed visiting your classroom and your new teacher last week. We are all so excited for you starting St Nicholas PS after the summer.

In this week’s sway, your teacher has sent you a little video that you can watch over the summer. This video will remind you about what your classroom looks like, where the toilets are, where you will play and you’ll also see your teacher in the video.

We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing summer and we will see you on your first day on Tuesday 17th August at 9am. Children should then be collected at 3pm. From Wednesday 18th August, they will start their school day at 8:40am until 3pm.

Go to this Sway


Mrs Evans

P3/2’s busy week

This week in P3/2 we have been very busy.  Keep reading to find out more.

In Maths, we have been  have learning about capacity and volume. We know we can measure liquids in millilitres and litres. We know there are 1,000ml in 1 litre!

In Literacy, we have written recounts of our fiction books this week. We enjoyed creating these. In handwriting, we have been using the cursive script to write the days of the week.

In RERC, we have been learning about Jesus’ miracles. We have read the stories Jesus heals Peter’s Mother in Law and Jesus heals the Blind Man. We know Jesus was able to perform miracles as He is the Son of God. The people had great faith and trust in Jesus.

In Science, we have continued our Energy topic. This week we discussed light energy and why we need to look after the environment.

In Art, we have made Fathers’ Day cards this week, we enjoyed making these and following an Art Hub for Kids video. We also created a football art work where we drew different line patterns on a football using a handwriting pen. We used lots of different patterns.

In P.E, we enjoyed our potted sports events in our Sports Day. We all had lots of fun.

In STEM, we worked as a team to create a model of the Forth Road Bridge.  WE had to make it 3D.

Some highlights from the week have been the school barbeque, watching the P1 and P2/1 Assembly and watching the Scotland game on Monday.

We had a great week in P2, see what we did below :)


We were doing some handwriting and later to see if our handwriting has improved, we wrote about our weekends and practised our spelling words. We wrote about our dream holiday and the one we liked best from the past as well as learning how to write info reports – it was really interesting! We also learned an important part of writing – similes and metaphors. We now know their meanings and how to use them (e.g. She is a star (metaphor) He is as tall as a tree (simile)).

We revised our division and taking away, tall things and smaller things. Shorter things and longer things etc.

In RE we were learning about Mary and the Holy Spirit as well as having a class discussion on the importance of prayers.

We were outside a lot since the weather was beautiful! Sports day was amazing too, we danced in class. We also did some posters about moving to P3 and we discovered that it is a great way of finding out how we feel about things.


Have a lovely weekend – one more week to go!

Kind regards,

Mrs Koziel

P3’s Busy Week! w.b. 14.6.21

Maths- We have been continuing our measurement topic. This week we have learned about capacity and volume. We know we can measure liquids in millilitres and litres.

Literacy- We have written recounts of our fiction books this week. We enjoyed creating these. It was challenging to put the plot into our own words.

RERC- We have been learning about Jesus’ miracles. We have read the stories Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother in Law and Jesus Heals the Blind Man. We know Jesus was able to perform miracles as He is the Son of God.

Science- We have continued our Energy topic. This week we discussed light energy and why we need to look after the environment.

Art- We have made Fathers’ Day cards this week, we enjoyed making these and following an Art Hub for Kids video.  Linked to our learning about the Euros, we created football art work where we drew different line patterns on a football using a handwriting pen.

PE- We enjoyed our Potted Sports events in our Sports Day. In our PE lesson we practising skills we have learned in a range of games.

Some highlights from the week have been the school barbeque and watching the Scotland game on Monday.

P1 Transition – Parent’s questions

Hello everyone,

Thank you so much to everyone who completed this form as part of our transition feedback. If you haven’t completed it yet and would like to do so here is the link:

We have pulled together all the questions that you have asked and have put them into the following sway with answers. Please keep checking back on this sway because I will add more questions and answers as they come in.

Go to this Sway

Kind Regards,

Mrs Evans

Buddy Question Time!

Thank you to our pre-school children who have sent in questions that they would like to ask their primary 6 buddies. This sway will be updated regularly so keep checking back to find the answers to your questions.

Go to this Sway

Kind Regards,

Mrs Evans

Great week in P2!

In maths, we have been reviewing some of the knowledge gained in P2 e.g. adding using a 100 square, multiplying, dividing, subtracting, positive and negative numbers on the number line and much more…

In literacy, we have been drawing and writing cards for Father’s day, and we know now a new sound ‘e-e’, for example : these, here, eve, Steve, complete, even. Like every week, we were practising our handwriting too! This time we were focusing on the letters Ee and Ff.

In Spanish, we were learning how to say and write the days of the week and months of the year, it was a little tricky but we did great.

During our HWB lesson and our topic ‘Healthy body- healthy mind,’ we were learning about how important it is to regularly exercise. We also had a dance competition – it was good fun!

In PE we had a wonderful time playing dodge ball, also we did our ‘mile a day’ almost every day as the weather was beautiful!

In science we were learning about some small creatures, we know that insects have 6 legs, female mosquitoes bite people as well as other animals, and we know that our world could not exist without bees!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Mrs Koziel

Week 4: Questions, questions, questions!

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all having a lovely week this week! Please click on the link below to find the transition activities for this week.

Next week’s reminders:

  1. Buddy visits – on the same day of the week as last time!
  2. Classroom visits – dates and times will be given out by nursery staff. If your child is in nursery next Tues-Thurs afternoon, they will be taken to their visit by the nursery staff as per the information email.
Go to this Sway


See you all soon!


Mrs Evans

Week 3 Transition – It’s all about you!

Hi Everyone,

We hope you’ve had a lovely week and are enjoying this lovely sunshine. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the sun is here to stay!

This week’s transition activities are attached below. The theme this week is all about them. We are encouraging your child to think about what makes them unique. Have a go at some of our transition activities and remember to send any photos into our school inbox:


Go to this Sway

Primary 6 – The week we met our buddies.

A lovely week for Primary 6 where they met and spent quality time reading stories to their buddies who are about to start school in August.  We also planned a healthy lunch for our buddy as part of Fitness Fortnight. We had to think very carefully about the nutrition and the flavours that would appeal to our new friends.

Lots of new skills were introduced this week too. In Numeracy we were learning how to work out percentages and how they relate to fractions and decimals. We made our own compass and then used them to follow directions to discover treasure that had been hidden in the classroom !

In Literacy we were developing the skills of skimming and scanning to discover facts about Stonehenge. We also used a picture cue to write mystery story about a creature with huge tentacles! We also created a discussion piece of writing debating the arguments for and against shorter lunchtimes. The outcome ? The majority decided to opt for lunchtimes that had no changes.  We looked at the AR results and had two AR Rockstars for the month of May. Our first Rockstar had a pass average of 97% and our second Rockstar passed 32 tests.

In outdoor learning we tried out the ‘Shake a Tree’ method to find some tree dwelling mini-beasts and identify them using our ID sheets. Our first creature found was a weevil.

Finally, we planned our outdoor learning day for next week together. We are looking forward to learning some new skills using nature, water and fire !!

Lots of work in P2!

In maths, we were revising our knowledge about kilograms and grams and taking away whilst using a 100 square to help us. We were also doing number talks where we used 10 frames to help us and we practised the partitioning strategy.

In literacy, we did our spelling test! We were all a little bit nervous but we think that it went well 🙂         We also wrote our weekend news and we presented our stories with Scottish words.

We continued our mini-beast hunt! It was really fun! We also know that a food chain consists of producers, prey, predators and consumers.

In RE we were learning about Corpus Christi as you know, this Sunday is the feast of Corpus Christi.

Lastly, we took part in some races for sports day – we love to exercise!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Mrs Koziel

Fun in the Sun in P3a! w.b. 31.05.21

We have had another busy week in P3a!  Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.

In Literacy, we have been learning more about information reports. We know we need to use present tense when we are writing an information report. We have continued to learn more about cursive script and have been trying to write some capital letters this week. We have been learning how to use contractions.  We know you use a apostrophe to replace the missing letters. For example do not =don’t, could not = couldn’t.
In Maths, we have been learning to use the empty number line strategy. We have tried lots of different subtraction sums. We have been putting a 100 square together and using our knowledge of number to work out where all the parts go.
In RERC, we talked about the Eucharist and how we need to be thankful. We tried to write a thanksgiving prayer to God. We thanked him for our family, friends, nature and His love.
We have used the laptops this week to help us learn to type and find the keys on the keyboard using a game called Dance Mat Typing- we had great fun!
We had the first part of our sports day this week.  We had to race against our year group in lots of different races. It was a fun and lovely morning. Please check the school app or our Twitter page to see pictures of the winners of each race. We cannot wait for part two!
In Science, we were learning about fossil fuels in our Energy topic. We know that coal and oil are found underground and that they have a range of uses. We use energy everyday.
In Expressive Arts, we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian. He painted pictures with lots of different squares and rectangles. He could make lots of different pictures out of the shapes. He used primary colours in his art work.  These are red, yellow and blue.  We created our own picture using a ruler and the primary colours.
In HWB, we were thinking about how we can make the world a better place to live in.  We thought about the sustainability goals and how we can help the world.
This week have been presenting to our class about our hobbies.  We have learned all about football, dancing, hiking, gymnastics, roller skating, swimming and Lego building.  The talks were fantastic! Thank you for all of your support in helping your child to create them.

Fun and learning in P3/2

Another busy week in P3/2. Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.
In literacy, we have been learning more about information reports. We know we need to use present tense when we are writing an information report. We have continued to learn more about cursive script and have been trying to write some capital letters this week. We have been learning how to use contractions.  We know you use a apostrophe to replace the missing letters. For example do not =don’t, could not = couldn’t.
In numeracy, we have been using the empty number line strategy. We have tried lots of different subtraction sums. We have been putting a 100 square together and using our knowledge of number to work out where all the parts go.
In RERC, we talked about the Eucharist and how we need to be thankful. We tried to write a thanksgiving prayer to God. We thanked him for our family, friends, nature and His love.
We have used the laptops this week to help us learn to type and find the keys on the keyboard.
We had the first part of our sports day this week.  We had to races against our year group in lots of different races. It was a fun and lovely morning. We cannot wait for part two!
We were learning about fossil fuels in our energy topic. We know that coal and oil are found underground. We use energy everyday.
In Expressive Arts, we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian. He painted pictures with lots of different squares and rectangles. He could make lots of different pictures out of the shapes. He used primary colours in his art work.  These are red, yellow and blue.  We created our own picture using a ruler and the primary colours.
In HWB, we were thinking about how we can make the world a better place to live in.  We thought about the sustainability goals and how we can help the world.
This week have been presenting to our class about our hobbies.  We have learned all about painting, football, cricket, gymnastics, roller skating, swimming and cars.  The talks were fantastic!

Help The Bears

This week the children participated in a problem solving STEM activity.  They had to help the bears cross the river by building a bridge for them.  This activity was very challenging for the children as they had to negotiate with each other, turn take, listen, problem solve, use their initiative and imagination.  Despite the challenges, the children had lots of fun with this activity and managed to construct a variety of different bridges.  Well done everyone.

Primary 1 Transition Calendar

Hello Everyone,

Please find below this month’s transition calendar. Next week, our preschool children will have a practise lunch in our dining hall. This will take place on Monday and Thursday of next week. If your child is in St Nicholas Nursery on a different day, they will have their practise on a day that they are in. Our preschool children that currently attend a different nursery will be contacted shortly to discuss this further.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Evans

Oh La La!!!!

The children have had great fun learning French words during carpet time and then reinforcing the learning through role play and games.  We set up a little fruit and veg shop to give the children the opportunity to use the French words that they have learnt.  The children have expressed a lot of enthusiasm for learning French and have participated in all the French activities well.  They are becoming good at remembering the words for fruit and vegetables in French and have now decided  during registration time to respond in French.


  Lots of fun shopping!!                                                         


Yet another busy week in P2!

In maths, we were revising our knowledge about acute, obtuse and right angles. We also learned about greater than >, less than < and equal to =, signs and we used these to help us compare the sizes of different angles. As well as that, we were learning about kilograms and grams. We were using a scale to check how heavy various objects are. We were counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and to help us with number talks, we used ten frames.

In literacy, we were writing our senses poem about spring and because we were learning about onomatopoeia (words that describe different sounds e.g. woof, bang, ping etc.), we included that in our poem too. Of course, we practised our handwriting too and practised the second hundred’s fry’s words. Some of our pupils presented the stories they wrote at home, those stories were special as they had to contain Scottish words.

In R.E., we were learning about the miracles performed by Jesus and we watched bible stories about that.

There are many living things around us, and not all of them are humans. For science, we went on a minibeast hunt! It was so fun! We used a magnifying glass to get a closer look at the little creatures and marked them off on our worksheets. We’ll continue the work next week. 🙂

For health and wellbeing, we were talking about good friendships, what they are made up of and what skills we need to possess to be a good friend.

We all know how important it is to have lots of exercises. For P.E. Mr Muldoon took us outside and we were throwing bean bags!


Kind Regards,


Mrs Koziel

Our new learning activities in Primary 6

Last week Primary 6 had quite a few new learning experiences. We tried out making some sculptures using model magic for the first time. It was a strange texture but we quickly used our skills in creativity to make a snail sculpture and a textured tile landscape scene. After a couple of days drying out we could then add colour to our creations.  We had also been learning the names for collective nouns and had a few guesses at the correct name for a group of snails. We discovered that the correct name is a rout of snails.

Outdoor learning provided two tasks. Exploring a method to measure the height of the tree in our playground. Our estimates were too low as the correct height was 57 metres. We also used twigs to create 3D shape creations which were very challenging but we managed it.

Our exposition writing topic this week was about the process of making bubble gum. It was very enlightening and put some people off eating it again ! Using Languagenut on our ipads and computers to learn more phrases in Spanish and French has become very popular. It is a fabulous resource.

We began our studies in God’s Loving Plan and thought about the changes we have already experienced in our lives and our gifts and talents. We also read passages from the Bible to help us understand about the journey of Paul as he spread the good news about Jesus.

Week 1: Getting ready for school!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to your child’s transition activities!

Please click on the link below to access week 1. These activities are not compulsory but we hope that your child will enjoy doing some of them at home as they prepare to begin their school journey.

Please send any transition photos that you would like to share with us to our school mailbox:

Speak to you soon,

Mrs Evans

Go to this Sway

Rainy Day Science

The children have had a fantastic week engaging in lots of new learning.  Through group discussion the children observed that we have had a lot of rainy days.  They spoke about splashing in puddles and wearing their wellies.  This opened up the children’s curiosity to find out more about where rain comes from and how it is formed.  The children listened to a story called the Rainy Day and watched a children’s science documentary which explained the cycle of water.  Through this the children learned how that the water cycle consists of four main processes which are evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.  In order to enhance the children’s learning we decided to make our own water cycle diagram which illustrates this process.  Some of the children also made their own art work which illustrated and interpreted their understanding.  It has been wonderful to listen to the children use scientific terms to describe their work.  Furthermore we now plan to track how much rain water falls on a weekly basis. We have placed several buckets in the garden and will measure the water each week, we will keep you updated on this.  Please also look out for some of our fantastic science experiments which will follow in the coming weeks.

Following on from our mini beast madness blog the children have continued to make butterflies and have chatted a lot about symmetry.  In order to extend the children’s learning they have been participating in lots of smart board activities which looked at matching shapes and patterns.  The children really enjoyed this and were fantastic at matching the corresponding pattern.  The children have also been busy making various symmetrical pictures.  They have worked collaboratively and have displayed good problem solving skills.  They have also used squared paper to make their own symmetrical pattern, which is amazing.  This has been a fantastic week for fun mathematical and science learning.  Well done everyone!

Busy week in P2 :-)


This week in literacy, we wrote our weekend news, learned about different rhymes and practised our spelling with the well–known strategy, ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’. Also, we did our personal statements (What I am best at, what I am proud of and what I have improved on.)

This week, we were taught about angles. We know now that an acute angle is under 90 degrees, a right angle is exactly 90 degrees and an obtuse angle is over 90 degrees, but below 180. Additionally, we practised some division and we were making 26 with the most efficient strategy possible.

Our continuous topic is Health and Wellbeing, Resilience. We know that a resilient person is one, who never gives up, always tries best, knows that after a ‘down’ in life, there is always an ‘up’. We were VERY resilient too – when we were doing the ‘mile a day ’. Although it was quite hot and doing 6 whole laps around the field is quite tiresome, we managed it in the end 🙂

As you may know, Pope Francis has asked everyone to pray to the Virgin Mary to end the coronavirus pandemic, therefore, we were praying to Mary, too.

It’s fun learning another language! This week we were still revising our knowledge of how to say numbers, colours and simple greetings in Spanish.

Lastly, we painted our very own pictures of the Eiffel Tower painting by George Seurat using paint and cotton swabs. Our paintings were very good, not as good as his!


Have a lovely weekend – and remember; we have Monday off! 🙂

Kind Regards,

Anna Koziel

Lots of work in P3/2

In Literacy,  we have been learning about the features of an information report. We know that an information report needs a title, general statement, a description and an evaluative statement at the end.  In Grammar, we have been learning about irregular past tense verbs. We know that you cannot just add ‘ed’ to the end of these verbs. An example would be swim and swam.  We are continuing to learn how to form our cursive script.
In Maths, we finished our money topic this week, rounding off by learning to use an empty number line to calculate change. We also created some money posters to show what we have learned about coins and change. We have started to learn about rounding to the nearest 10. We know that if the number has a 1,2,3,4 in the ones column we round down to the ten before the number and if there is a 5,6,7,8,9 in the ones column we round up to the next tens number. We enjoyed playing lots of rounding games such as bingo.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have continued to learn about regulation strategies which is the yellow cog. We thought about our worries (triggers – the blue cog) this week and chose a regulation strategy that we could use when we feel these worries.  We know that we can have big and small worries and we can think of different strategies to help us with these worries.

In RERC, we have learned about Pentecost. We know this is when the Holy Spirit came to the Disciples and blessed them with the gift of speaking all languages to share the good news of Jesus. We know that the disciples then spread the good news around the world.

In PE, we were playing team games to try to earn points.

In Social Studies, we have continued our learning on climate zones, focusing on the Mediterranean climate. We know about the countries, weather, food and languages that are spoken in this climate. We made tourism posters to advertise holidays in this climate. We also look at animals that live in the temperate zone and we tried to draw a picture of a hawk.

In Science, we have started a new topic about Energy. This week we have created a mindmap to show our understanding of the different types of energy we have in our world. We know energy makes things happen.

P3a Hard at Work! w.b. 17.5.21

P3a have been hard at work again this week! Keep reading to find out what we have been learning this week.

  • Maths- We finished our money topic this week, rounding off by learning to use an empty number line to calculate change. We also created some money posters to show what we have learned. We have also begun to learn about rounding. We know that 1,2,3,4 in the ones column we round down and 5,6,7,8,9 in the ones column we round up.
  • Literacy- We are learning about the features of an information report leading up to writing our own next week. In Grammar, we have been learning about irregular past tense verbs. We are continuing to learn how to form cursive script.
  • HWB- We have continued to learn about regulation strategies. We thought about worries this week and chose a regulation strategy that we could use when we feel anxious.
  • RERC- We have learned about Pentacost. We know this is when the Holy Spirit came to the Disciples and blessed them with the gift of speaking all languages to share the good news of Jesus.
  • Social Studies- We have continued our learning on climate zones, focusing on the Mediterranean climate. We know about the countries, weather, food and languages that are spoken in this climate. We made tourism posters to advertise holidays in this climate.
  • Science- We have started a new topic about Energy. This week we have created a mindmap to show our understanding of the different types of energy we have in our world. We know energy makes things happen.

Busy week in P2….

This week we were learning about division – we used concrete materials, games and Number Talk strategies to help us consolidate knowledge better – we also revised our previous maths knowledge.

In literacy, we wrote special friendship recipes (e.g. add a pinch of compliments, a big dollop of smiles, one cup of understanding and 2 tablespoons of care and support. Mix them all together in your heart) and on Monday we wrote our weekend news. We loved learning some Scottish words! Here are some that we learned; auld – old, bonnie – beautiful, braw – good and wheesht – quiet – that’s Mrs Koziel’s favourite word because she uses it a lot.

To prepare for the challenges of P3, we have been working extra – hard on our handwriting.

Since yesterday was Ascension Day, we have learned all about it. Pope Francis has asked for all of us to pray for the end of the pandemic, so we were praying to our Lady using the prayer ‘Hail Mary’.

To help us improve our Spanish, we have learned to say ‘a Home–packed lunch, please’ it’s: ‘La tartera, por favor’, when we order our lunches at school. Of course, we still practise the days of the week and colours in Spanish, also.

Our Sunflower is growing beautifully too! Their growth was recorded in our ‘Sunflower diary’.


Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Koziel





What a week in P3/2

P3/2 have had another busy week. Keep reading to find out more:

In Numeracy,  we have been learning to calculate change. We have been using our subtraction strategies for this. We enjoyed playing lots of games to practise giving change. Our favourite game was on the laptop – it is called Toy Shop Money Game.

In Literacy, we  have  been learning about pronouns and wrote some sentences to practise using them correctly. In Writing, we have been learning about characterisation and we made a character profile for a Disney character thinking about their internal and external traits.  We have been continuing with our cursive handwriting this week.

In HWB,  we discussed all the different ways that we can keep healthy.  We know we eat healthy, drink water, sleep, brush our teeth and wash our hands. We also learned about the Yellow Cog (emotional triggers)  and identified strategies to help us.

In Science,  we have continued to learn about the skeleton and in art we made skeleton pictures using paint and cotton buds. We also tried to identify the bones as we painted.

In RERC we have been learning how to pray the Rosary this week. We have also discussed each Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.

In Social Studies,  we have been learning about desert animals and how they have adapted to live in their environment. We created a slide on our laptops about a desert animal and shared them with our class.

What a busy week.

P3 Hard at Work! w.b. 10.5.21

P3 have had another great week, keep reading to find out more:

  • Maths- We have been learning to calculate change. We have been using our subtraction strategies for this. We enjoyed playing lots of games to practise giving change.
  • Literacy- In Writing, we have been learning about characterisation, we wrote a character profile for a Disney character thinking about their internal and external traits. We also learned about pronouns and wrote some sentences to practise using them correctly.
  • HWB- We have discussed how to keep healthy such as brushing teeth and washing our hands. We also learned about emotional triggers (the Yellow Cog) and identified strategies to help us.
  • RERC- We have learned how to pray the Rosary this week. We have also discussed each Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.
  • Social Studies- We learned about desert animals and how they have adapted to live in their environment. We created a slide on our laptops about a desert animals.
  • Science/Art – We have continued to learn about the skeleton and we made skeleton pictures using paint and cotton buds. We also tried to identify the bones as we painted.

Election Week in Primary 6.

A short week but a busy week in Primary 6 as we completed the final stages of our topic on the government. We finalised our manifestos through some internet research to choose our top three priorities for the future of Scotland. We then prepared our debates and took turns sharing our thoughts under the guidance of our presiding officer who ensured everyone was respectful and did not go over time in their debate.  After the debates everyone in class had the chance to put their vote in the ballot box and the presiding officer counted the votes. With 30% of the votes our new First Minister was from the Conservative party.

We had our second group of children sharing their personal presentations on a topic of their own choice. This week we heard about Concorde, Dolly the Sheep, Marine Animals, Art and the movie Tangled. It was lovely to hear that the Concorde presentation inspired another member of the class to make a visit to the Museum of Flight this weekend.

This week pupils took over the role of leading the Number Talks and encouraging their friends to participate. It is not as easy as it looks!

This week in nursery

we have had another fun busy week learning lots of new exciting things. We have been focusing on literacy and so we got to use some of our new resources for practicing our letter formation. Some of the girls and boys were able to recognise the letters and then trace over the top of them using a pencil and some paper using our light up letter boards.

We spent some time together learning about the syllables in our names and how to tap them out,  first learning to clap them out with our hands and then learning to use a range of musical instruments to tap out the sounds. The children all really seemed to have fun and enjoy this activity.

Primary 6

Primary 6 have had a very busy fortnight and definitely deserve a long weekend of rest.  We have been learning all about Fractions.  We have been using the cuisennaire rods and outdoor games to help us understand the concepts.  We have written persuasive letters to Design Engineers to try to persuade them to choose our creative designs to build.  We have worked collaboratively in teams to create amazing videos about ways we can prevent adverse climate change.  We have also written Manifestos and created campaign speeches for our mock elections on Tuesday.

Mini Beast Madness!

The nursery children have been very busy making lots of spring time observations this week. They were delighted to find a centipede in the nursery and used their magnifying glasses to take a closer look at it . Some children noted how it had lots of legs and moved really fast and that although it was small it was  long too. This prompted a mini beast hunt outside to see how many we could find in our garden.

Here are some of the activities that followed.

The children made this wonderful art display  which illustrates the lifecycle of a butterfly . The children worked collaboratively and discussed what materials they would use. Some children thought it was a good idea to label the illustration using some of the new vocabulary they had learned. with some adult help the were able to copy the words and display them on our wall.

Lots of mathematical language was used during our discussions.  We spoke about symmetry and how both sides of the butterfly were the same. Some of  children made some of their own symmetrical butterflies and could talk about symmetry. We played a lady bug counting game on the smart board where the children could touch count or subitise  the spots.





What a week in P2… have a read.

We have been learning about capacity, volume and about a litre and half of a litre. We know that 1L is 1000ml so half of a litre is 500mg. The capacity is the total amount of space in the container. Volume is the amount of something in the container.

We were learning about a new sound this week o-e, like home, alone, stone, broke etc. We also were learning about ‘Narrative Writing’. First, we create a narrative planer, then we wrote our narrative writing using: A title, an orientation, a complication and a resolution. We also practised our handwriting, paying special attention to keeping our writing neat.

In RE we were learning about the parable of the Good Samaritan. We were so happy that there was finally one person who helped this poor man.

In our topic, we are going to learn this term about Healthy Body- Healthy Mind. We will be learning more in-depth about SHANARRI. S-safe, H- health, A-active, N-nurtured, A-achievement,  R-respected,  R-responsible, I-included

In science, we planted our Sunflower seeds, and now we look after them, by watering them every day. We started to observe their growth by using our Sunflower Dairy. It was such an interesting experience.

Outdoor learning was fun too, Mr Muldoon showed us some great games and even the weather was not too bad this week.

In Spanish we were learning about Los colores, we were playing the ‘Corner Game’ using Spanish the language.


Have a great long weekend everyone!


Kind Regards,


Mrs Koziel


Another busy week in P3/2

Primary 3/2 have been working very hard tis week.  Keep reading to find out what we have been learning.

In literacy, this week we have been creating targets for this term.  This gives us a goal to work towards and we thought about how we can achieve this goal.  We also completed a narrative story about a lost polar bear.  We know all the different features of a narrative text.  We continued to work on spelling this week.  We also learned about past tense and know how to make a verb into a past tense verb.

In maths, we have been learning about measure. We have been measuring the length of things. We know that you measure length in millimetres, centimetre, metres and kilometres.  We know that there are 10 mm in 1cm and 100cm in 1m.

We have been learning about your skeleton and the names of our bones.  Our skeleton is important because it protects the organs in our body.  Without a skeleton we won’t be able to stand up, talk, walk etc.

We have been using pattern to decorate a vase this week then we used paints to create the flowers.  They look beautiful in the area.

This week we were learning to football rounders.  We were learning to work as a team and listen carefully to instructions.

We looked a climate zone and thought about facts we know about the area.  We researched the area and found out the weather of the area and animals that live there.

This week we set targets for numeracy and mathematics too.  We thought about an area we felt we needed to improve on  and how we could achieve our target.

We can change the world with our own 2 hands.

We have been very busy this week discovering lots of new information and facts about Earth Day which was on the 22nd April. Our research and discussions led us onto talking about the planet we live on and the important part we play to protect and preserve it. The children discovered the important  role trees have and the fact they act like lungs as they breath in the dirty air that we produce by the way we live and give out clean air in the form of oxygen.  It became apparent that trees keep us alive and healthy and that we could not survive without them.  We spoke about the practical benefits of trees. Some trees provide fruit that we eat and the paper we write on all come from trees.  Bees and insects got discussed so we are going to look into the importance of their role more closely next week.

Our promise to the earth.




Here we are learning about all the different parts and functions of trees.








As a nursery we decided we would do our bit in saving our planet by ensuring we turn off the taps once we have washed our hands and only use one paper towel instead of using a handful of them.  The children were keen to  ensure they placed their empty milk cartons into the correct recycle bin.  We made a big effort on turning the lights off for most of the day in the nursery.



The children really embraced this topic and stayed engaged and focus throughout.  Well done everybody you are all amazing!!!




First week back in P5!

Our first week back at school has been so enjoyable, the good weather helped and it was great to be back and seeing one another again.

What did we do?

We learnt how to spell words using the phonemes, se and ce.  We learnt that when these letters when grouped together sometimes make the ‘s’ sound.  We practised the spelling of these words using a variety of methods including: rainbow writing, fancy writing, bubble writing.  We also made word searches.  We also learnt how to use personal pronouns effectively and the difference that these make to our writing.

Numeracy – We moved on to percentages. We learnt that percentages are out of 100.  We learnt how to convert percentages to fractions and decimals and are have just started learning how to find percentages of amounts.

Health and Wellbeing– We spoke about all of the strategies that we can use to build up resilience.  We also spent a lot of time outdoors this week due to the weather being kind and played team games and walked our daily mile.

R.E – We learnt that God has given us talents that he wants us to use well.  We spoke about our talents, (we REALLY are a talented bunch) and advise you all to look out for us all as we are stars in the making, ha!

Topic – We started our sustainability project, ‘Life Below Water’. We learnt that on 25th the September 2015, the United Nations agreed to 17 Global Goals to end extreme poverty and improve our world by 2030. One of these goals is to improve things for life under water. The goals are;

  • By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas.
  • By 2025, marine pollution will be reduced.
  • Enforce laws which stop illegal fishing, overfishing, and other destructive fishing practices.
  • Minimise and address the impact of ocean pollution.

We will work hard over the next few weeks to learn what we can do to help with these goals.  One thing that we can instantly do is to take our litter home with us or bin it each time we visit the beach.  Earth Day, (which we celebrated this week) was a reminder to us all that we only have one earth and we need to cherish it and look after it for us and the creatures and animals that live on it too.

First week back in P3/2

P3/2 have had a busy first week back at school after the Easter holidays. We have been busy learning lots of new things.

In numeracy, we have been learning all about Area. We know that area is the space a shape covers. We have used counters and cubes to measure the area.  We have also counted squares to measure the area.

In Writing, we have been looking at writing a Narrative story. We know the structure of a narrative and we have used this to help us write a plan for our story. We had a go at writing a story about a lost pet. We have been learning all about fact and opinion and we know the difference between them. A fact is something that is true and can evidence to back it up.  An opinion is something you think and can change from one person to another.  We also continued to learn more about cursive script.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about self-regulation and coming up with our own calm down strategies when our emotions don’t feel so good.

In RERC, we have been learning about Jesus’ Resurrection. We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed it.

We started our new topic ‘Climate Zones’ and completed a KWL grid about what we already know, what we want to learn and how we would like to learn about climate zones.

We have learned an artist called Romero Britto. He used bright colours and patterns in his work. We enjoyed recreating his style in a lovely Spring picture of tulips.

We also looked at internet safety and why being safe on line is a right that we have and why it is important. We know it links to our right to privacy and safety.

In STEM, we created a new transport vehicle to move people or things around.  We thought about the problem, identified solutions and materials and then designed our model.

What a week in Primary 2….


In Maths we were learning about non-standard unit measurements. We checked how many feet our classroom is. We also checked objects in the playground using natural materials e.g. sticks or stones.

We learnt about a new artist called Jackson Pollock, we tried to express ourselves using his method of painting. It was such good fun!

In literacy, we were writing about our holidays and, we’re proud to say, remembered all the SC. We were learning about speech bubbles and speech marks then we made our own comics using all the knowledge we gained. We were learning about a new sound i-e, we know now how to read words bike, like, white etc. It was not very tricky.

Outdoor learning and doing a mile a day were great – especially in this lovely weather we have been having, recently.

In digital learning we were learning how to use the Paint app – we loved it!

Also, Yesterday was national EARTH day so to celebrate this, we wrote acrostic poems about our planet, it was so interesting, later we learned how we can save our planet by learning about Global Goal no. 12, Responsible Consumption and Production, so we made some posters about this and agreed on some next steps. We decided to bring our water bottles as much as we can but if we forget, we are going to use just one plastic cup per day. The cups will have our names written on them so we will know who has which cup. We also decided to not moan when we have to wear clothes after siblings and that it is a good idea to give the clothes that are too small for us to charity. It will help our Earth definitely.

Lastly, as part of R.E., we carried on our discussion about Easter and what happened then.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!





A Flying Start to the New Term in P3!

P3a have had a great first week back at school after our Easter holidays. Have a look at what we have learned.

Maths: We have been learning all about Area. We know that area is the space a shape covers. We estimated the area of some places in our classroom and we drew some shapes to find the area. We know to count the squares that the shape covers and then use cm2 to label our answers.

Literacy: In Writing, we have been looking at Narratives. We know the structure of a narrative and we have used this to help us write a plan for our story. We had a go at writing a story about a lost pet. We have been learning all about fact and opinion and we know the difference between them.

HWB: We have been learning about self-regulation and coming up with our own calm down strategies when our emotions don’t feel so good.

Social Studies: We started our new topic ‘Climate Zones’ and completed a KWL grid about what we already know, what we want to learn and how we would like to learn about climate zones.

RERC: We have been learning about Jesus’ Resurrection. We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed it.

Expressive Arts: We have learned an artist called Romero Britto. We know he uses bright colours and patterns in his work. We enjoyed recreating his style in a lovely Spring picture.

P6 – End of Term 2

We started our week sharing our experiences whilst taking part in Earth Hour on Saturday evening. Some pupils enjoyed family time, others played board games or had a candle lit indoor picnic.  We enjoyed learning about Holy week and created some Easter crafts and cards with a peace dove.

Outdoor learning was based upon Spring. We created an artistic expression of ‘Spring’ by Vivaldi after listening to the music in class. We also went on a scavenger hunt to find signs of Spring within our school grounds.

We ended our week reviewing our learning within term two to create a learning across the four contexts display board and also thinking about our personal improvements and next steps for term three.

We ended our week with a few April Fools pranks which included researching the endangered tree octopus !!!

Another busy week in St. Nicholas Nursery….Happy Easter everyone!!!!

Well what another busy week it has been.  The children have been focused and engaged , this was evident to see throughout the week. Amazing learning  was going on as the children contributed some fantastic ideas and scenarios.  Our spring topic continues to expand and develop as is our flower shop / greengrocer.  To extend the children’s learning  on last weeks work the children have added their own spring flowers, spiders, bees and more beehives , all of these are bespoke to the individual child.  We have very talented children here at St. Nics. Here are a few pictures of the wonderful work that has been going on throughout this week.


Have a great Easter everyone, and try not to eat too many Easter Eggs!!!!

P7 Blog Week Beginning 22nd March

P7B’s week
In literacy this week we have been working on techniques for our biographies on famous people of our choice. After we did our biography we self-assessed our work.
In maths we did mixed numbers, improper fractions and factors.
In number talks we were doing three subtraction sums and naming our most efficient strategy and why it was most efficient.
We did some ultimate multiplication times tables challenge with lots of sums on them
We did simplifying fractions and a worksheet where you had to use common factors to simplify
Health and Wellbeing
In Health and Wellbeing we designed our own roller-coasters with sticks and things we found outside which signified our ups and downs in life.
We also made worry monsters. Worry monsters are used to tell you that if you get talk to others about your worry it’ll shrink and shrink until it disappears.
In R.E we wrote the Our Father prayer and decorated it beautifully. We also wrote our own personal prayers about whatever we wanted. We did a mind-map on how you can offer service in your family, your school and your community.

Rights respecting school
We are currently working on some articles: article 6, article 12 and article 24 and created poster on earth hour which is celebrated on the 26th of March where you have to turn your lights off from 8:30 – 9:30.

We are also working on one global goal: ZERO HUNGER. We answered questions to find out more about what charities where doing about this. We wrote about what we could do in our local community, at school and at home.


P6 are enjoying being back at school.  We have had a very productive and fun week.  We enjoyed learning about BODMAS and the order of Operations.  We worked together to help each other to understand this new concept.  We worked in teams using our IZAK9 cubes to consolidate our knowledge and understanding of BODMAS.  We got a little competitive.😀.
We researched Earth hour and we created posters to demonstrate the importance of taking action to sustain our planet.  P7 kindly helped with some brainstorming ideas.
In art this week we recreated sunflowers in the style of Van Gogh.  We really enjoyed this activity.
We also created handy hints posters for BODMAS and for Plural Spelling rules.
In Outdoor Learning P6b were crowned the winners of a tactical defence game.  It was very close and next week P6a are determined to snatch the title.  Will they succeed?

Primary 5’s Week.

P5 have had a great week and worked well.  What did we get up to?

Literacy – In literacy our spelling this week focussed on ci, cy and ce words. We learnt that these letters when grouped together sometimes make the ‘s’ sound.  We practised the spelling of these words using a variety of methods including: rainbow writing, fancy writing, bubble writing, and we also made word searches. We also recapped how writers use similes and metaphors to create effective imagery.  We were astounded to learn that every day expressions that we use are in fact, metaphors and silmiles!

Our writing focus this week was functional writing.  We looked at information reports and deconstructed them paying close attention to the key features.

Numeracy – We consolidated our learning with fractions recapping how to add, subtract, find equivalent fractions and simplify.  We moved on to area and perimeter this week too and know how to find the area and perimeters of shapes, a useful skill to know  for when we get our own houses and need to buy materials for the garden etc…

Health and Wellbeing– We spoke about all of the strategies, including: staying connected, exercising, talking, mindfulness, deep breathing that we can use when we are faced with challenges and difficulties.  We know that a problem shared is a problem halved.

R.E – Lent continued to be our focus this week. We enjoyed the community Mass and are really looking forward to the day that we can go to Church again as a school.  As part of our Lenten journey we looked at the Stations of the Cross and were once again reminded of the sacrifice and suffering that Jesus went through on that journey.


RRS – We looked at Article 29 which says that children have the right to an education system that nurtures their talents and skills.  We had a very thought provoking discussion about about how lucky we feel to be in a school that promotes talents and offers such a wide range of after school clubs.

Topic – We used our research skills to find out about the captain of the Titanic, Edward Smith.  We learnt that:

Edward Smith was 62 years old when he sailed on the Titanic  – HI

He was born on the 27th of January, 1850 – DD

He died on 15th of April 1912 when the ship sank – BP

It is said that his last words were, ‘Well done boys, we have done our duty’. – JZ


We created beautiful Spring art work in the style of Pablo Picasso. We drew butterflies, daffodils and tulips and carved up the images drawing a series of straight lines in all directions.  We then used the different tones of colours to bring each segment of the picture to life.   We are so proud of them as they look wonderful and have brightened up the room!

Primary 6 learn about Article 27

Primary 6 have been learning about Article 27. We watched a video of a girl in Kenya and compared her school day to our school day. Some things were the same but some things were very different. We felt emotional watching the living standards that some people have to live in.

We then made little paper houses and wrote words on them to show the things that we would expect as our rights. For example :shelter, love, food and clean water and a cosy bed.

It was very interesting learning about article 27.

Authors: P6a

A Busy Term in P3a!

P3a have had a very busy and successful term after Christmas, keep reading to find out what we have learned!

  • Maths- This term we have learned about data handling where we have learned to read information and create our own bar and tally charts as well as pictograms. We have also worked very hard on division. We know that this is the opposite of multiplication so we have continued to practise our tables to help us with our division strategies. We have also been learning about time. We can read o’ clock, half past, quarter past and to on analogue clocks. We have learned to read these times on digital clocks as well. Some of us have learned to read 5 minute intervals on analogue clocks too!
  • Literacy- In Literacy we have continued to practise our reading skills through answering Blooms questions both orally and written. We have continued to use Reflective Reading to practise reading skills. Our favourite activity is Blankety Blank where we have to guess the missing words in a passage. We have also learned lots about poetry this term, focusing on rhyme and rhythm.
  • Health & Wellbeing- We have revised our Class Charter this term as well as learning all about the Sustainable Development Goals. We chose Goal 3- The right to good health and wellbeing, we thought of ways that we could improve this in our school. We have also been thinking a lot about friendship this term, linking this to Emotion Works. We have also been completing weekly tasks based on our right of the week.
  • Social Studies- We have been really enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians this term. We have prepared talks about Gods and have combined our learning with STEM challenges. Our favourite one was designing a model Shaduf, which was a tool used to water crops in Ancient Egypt.
  • Science- This term we have taken part in lots of STEM challenges, we have designed catapults and pyramids. We have also been learning about freezing and melting.
  • RERC- We have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this term, to prepare for this we have been learning about the symbols of Baptism and forgiveness.
  • Expressive Arts- We have linked our artwork this term to our topic. We enjoyed creating portraits of a pharaoh using oil pastels. We focused on skills of line, form, shape and colour in this task.

Busy time in P2….

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost the end of term! It flew by so fast. In Maths we were recently learning about…

-Calculating area in cm2 and m2.

– ‘The splitting strategy’ by adding and subtracting.

– We also learned about fractions

E.g., ½ ¼ ¾ etc…

-and we revised our other maths skills we learned before.

In Literacy, we learned about Narrative writing. We now know that we need;

-A title

– Orientation


– a resolution

-And Pictures!

We then planned out our writing and later wrote our stories about ‘The Little Duck’.

For our Sustainable Development Goals, we had an amazing idea to create a robot that gathers used plastic and makes them into toys!

Also, recently everyone saw our assembly about St Patrick, and we’re proud to say that it was a huge success!

For digital learning, we learned how to use Chatterbox by making funny talking pictures! 🙂

 We are finishing our topic about schools in the past – and after what we learned, we can say that we prefer to present schools much more!

Lastly, in science, we were learning about Living and Non-living things.


Have a lovely weekend everyone,


Mrs Koziel



P3/2 hard at work

P3/2 have had a busy term both at home and in school.  We have been working very hard since we returned to school.  Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been learning about time over the last few weeks.  We have been reading the time on digital and analogue clocks. We took our learning outside and played times outdoors as well as indoors.  In number talks we have been trying to think of the most efficient strategy for addition problems.

In Literacy, we had been learning about poetry and the features in a poem.  We even managed to write our own poems about sounds. This week we worked with Mrs Scott to learn about Narrative story writing.  We know that you need a title, orientation, complication and resolution.  We created our own stories about a Little Hippo. We also learned more about self assessing our writing.  We know that we should check our writing targets and re-read our work to ensure we have covered all of our targets.

We have revised our class charter and discussed our rights as a child.  We know that we have rights and can list these rights. As a class we discussed Sustainable Development Goals and we decided that we would look at the Goal of Life on Land (number 15). We are going to try and make sure that we reduce litter in the playground. We thought if we continue to eat our snacks indoors that will reduce litter and we could organise a litter pick in the playground to keep the litter from building up in the playground.

We have been learning about the Egyptians this term.  We know why the River Nile is important, who Egyptian Pharaohs are, how they built pyramids and lived.  We also created a model of a pyramid and a shaduf as STEM challenges.  We have been reading books about Egyptians and mummies. We created beautiful art work of the pyramids and pharaohs.  We also learned to write our names in hieroglyphics.

In our RERC lesson we have been learning about choices, forgiveness and saying sorry.  The children in our class who are preparing for Reconciliation have been learning more about forgiveness and learning the Act of Sorrow prayer.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about friendship.  We know the good qualities friends should have and what good friendships look like.  We discussed the importance of eye contact, turn taking and listening.  We played different games to help us with turn taking.



Busy Week in the P2/1 and P1 area!


We have had a super busy week down in our area.

In number, we have been learning all about place value. We know that numbers are made up of hundreds tens and ones and we have been playing a wide range of games to demonstrate our learning.

In literacy, we have learned some new sounds. P1 were learning all about the sound oi/oy and P2 have been learning the tricky sound tion. In writing, we have been learning how to check and self-assess our work against our writing targets. Thank you to Mrs. Scott for showing us how!

For health and wellbeing, we have had lots of opportunities to exercise our bodies both inside and outside. We have also been learning about healthy relationships and how to build and maintain friendships. We decided that to be a good friend it was important to share, listen, smile, play, and always use kind words and encouragement. We learned how to resolve fallouts and get our friendships back on track!

This week we have also been revisiting the UN rights of the child. In P1 and P2 we know we have the right to feel safe and protected from harm. We spoke about what this means for us in school and how it benefits us as learners.

What a busy week in nursery!

It has been so nice to see all our children returning  to nursery after lockdown. They have all settled back into the routine really well and are coping brilliantly in their new ‘Bubbles’.

It has been a busy week with the children enjoying the arrival of our new sensory tent and light up toys.

We have introduced our new Spring topic this week after the children noted some of the seasonal changes taking place outside.

Here are some of the spring activities we had in nursery. The most popular was our shop where they could pretend to buy flowers, fruit and veg using real money. Lots of opportunity to count and recognise numbers.


They were all very excited to spot a Bee in the nursery and as a result the children decided it would be a great idea to make their own beehive . They researched what beehives look like and then tried to create their own using black crepe paper and yellow paint. lots of lovely pictures were produced by our talented children.


P6a – Being back at school is awesome !!

This week Primary 6a were delighted to be back in the classroom with their friends. We were learning about the tactics used to win the Battle of Bannockburn and found out that Robert the Bruce did not look like the statues made to honour him.

We looked again at the art work of Vincent Van Gogh. Last time we created a landscape in his style but this week we re-created his Sunflowers art work.

We have been completing our assessments in literacy and number and have pretty good scores. We wrote letters to Mrs Kellock, our new head teacher to help her settle in.

Outdoor learning this week taught us new games and challenges and we also learned how to do CPR to the beat of Stayin’ Alive.

Overall we have been doing very well at school this week.

Authors : Primary 6a boys

P6 Final Week Online Learning

As we look forward to being back in the classrooms on Monday we have continued to develop our skills across the curriculum.

P6 researched and created their own weapons for the Battle of Falkirk. We are feeling more confident about handling emergency situations and discussing colours in Spanish.

We thank Father Jeremy for taking time to send us his presentation on the Stations of the Cross and ended the week think about our wonderful mums in preparation for Mother’s Day on Sunday.


Primary 5’s Week

Pin on Homes


P5 have worked well again this week.  What did we get up to?

Literacy – In literacy our spelling this week focussed on ci words. We learnt that sometimes, ‘ci’ makes the ‘si’ sound. We also learnt about suffixes and learnt some rules for adding suffixes to the ends of words.  We focussed on imaginative writing and are in the process of planning and writing a story.  Watch this space!

Numeracy –  We recapped the layout and practised dividing 3 and 4 digit numbers using the short division method.  We also looked at equivalent fractions and learnt that to find equivalent fractions, what you do to the top number you must do to the bottom.

Spanish – We learnt how to talk about the weather this week and pets.  We played a variety of games and sang to help us with this.  It was so nice to be able to say ‘Hace calor’ for one of the days this week instead of ‘Hace frio!’

R.E – Lent continued to be our focus this week. We all have a picture of a stained glass window in our house and every time we do something kind we colour in a part of the window.  By the time Lent finishes we hope to have each part filled in.

Topic – We learnt how the Titanic was constructed and about the materials that were used.  It was really interesting to see where the first and second class passengers slept and the grandeur of the ship.  What a beauty!

Busy, busy, busy in Primary 6

What a fantastic week of learning in Primary 6. So many facts and skills covered in only a few days.

  • Using grid references
  • Spelling using ‘ly’ at the end of words
  • Grammar using contractions
  • An introduction to the Scottish Wars of Independence
  •  Fairtrade Fortnight
  • Books from other cultures
  • How to cope with challenges
  • Creating a Crazy Golf Course
  • Exploring being nurtured
  • Using brackets in numeracy
  • Writing a recount of a school trip
  • Telling the time in Spanish
  • Problem solving within a maths escape room
  • Learning about St Bernadette and St Therese of Lisieux
  • Daily Mindfulness

Thank goodness it is the weekend and time to charge our batteries.

Primary 5’s Week!


Free Titanic Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart  Library

P5 have worked well again this week.  Here is an overview of it!

Literacy – In literacy our spelling this week focussed on sion words.  We also learnt about prefixes and how they can change the meaning of words.  We hadn’t realised that there were so many pre prefixes and that they all mean something!  For our writing we moved on to procedural writing and learnt how to write detailed sets of instructions on revolting recipes.  Some of the recipes were sooooo disgusting that they made the teachers feel sick whilst reading them.

Numeracy –  We recapped the rules for adding and dividing by 10/100/1000 and worked on finding fractions of whole amounts.

Health and Wellbeing – We learnt how important mindfulness is for our health and wellbeing and how crucial it is to take time out to relax.  We used some relaxation techniques including meditation, doodling, listening to peaceful music and deep breathing. It was really enjoyable.

R.E – Lent was our focus this week with us thinking about what we can all do during this important time to prepare for Easter.

Topic – Exciting news! Our new topic for the next few weeks will be on ‘The Titanic’.  We were over the moon when we learnt through the use of picture clues what our learning is going to be. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you all and working through each of the tasks that we suggested to our teachers as specified on the KWL grid that we constructed as a stage. Some ideas included: learning songs about the Titanic, constructing models of the Titanic, learning about the survivors and much, much more.  Super job Primary 5!

Love from Primary 6

Another busy week in Primary 6. We had an introduction to grid references and continued our work with factors in numeracy.

On Tuesday, we investigated online safety during Internet Safety Day. We are making sure that we were keeping ourselves safe by using age appropriate apps and not sharing any personal details online.

We now have our team selected for the West Lothian Euroquiz competition. We completed our studies on Europe by studying the Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh and creating art work in his style. We have also been learning how to count to 50 in Spanish.

We are all set now to enjoy a snowy half-term holiday!

Primary 5’s Week

Image result for chinese new year

P5 have worked well again this week.  Here is an overview of it!

Literacy – In literacy we learnt the rule for adding ‘tion’ to words that end in e, you drop the e! We practise our weekly word using a variety of methods including: rainbow writing and bubble writing and we also looked for hidden words within words. We also participated in spelling challenges on Sumdog. We also recapped when to use ‘where’ ‘were’ and ‘we’re’.

Numeracy – We looked at electronic timetables and learnt how to read these which will be an invaluable skill for us throughout life.  We also built upon our previous knowledge of multiplication and practised solving calculations using the standard written method.

Health and Wellbeing – We spent this week focussing upon food from other cultures.  We really enjoyed learning about the delicacies from other countries.  We also spent time revisiting food hygiene.

R.E – We learnt about the importance of forgiveness through the Old Testament Bible story. ‘Joseph and his Brothers’.  Joseph forgave his brothers despite their poor treatment of him.  We used this Bible story to reflect on times when we have shown or needed to show forgiveness. .

Topic – We continued with our topic, ‘Body Systems with focus this week being the digestive system.   The digestive system consists of the parts of the body that work together to turn food and liquids into the building blocks and fuel that the body needs. It is so interesting!

Chinese New Year– To round off the week we celebrated Chinese New Year and familiarised ourselves with some of the customs surrounding this important event. A very ‘Happy New Year’ to you all!

We learnt that it is the year of the Ox! Those born in the year of the Ox are said to be reliable, strong and sometimes stubborn! Do you know anyone who has these traits? If so, they fit the Ox personality according to the Chinese Zodiac.




Progress in Primary 6

Another week completed in Primary 6 with lots of new knowledge. We used our skills in area to plan a playground. We started work on mulitples and researching the mathematician, Eratosthenes.

We thought about our emotions and how they affect our body along with a focus on our mental well-being.

We continued to develop our skills in reading for information with a focus on Scottish squirrels and experienced writing another style of poetry, Diamante poetry.

Our Scottish poems from last week were sent to the website, Scots Hoose. Author and poet, Matthew Fitt was very impressed with our poems and said : They are braw, gallus and just pure brilliant. I had a great time reading them.

As a thank you he sent us a video reading of ‘The Eejits’ by Roald Dahl. What a treat!

Primary 5’s Week!

Image result for great work clipart

P5 have worked well again this week.  Here is an overview of it!

Literacy – In literacy we learnt other spelling rules for making words plural and practised our sets of words using a variety of methods including:  rainbow writing and bubble writing and we also looked for hidden words within words which, is a great strategy for helping us to remember some of the trickier words.  We continued to hone our skills in persuasive writing and researched different persuasive skills that writers use. We also recapped the different uses of the homophones ‘their’ and ‘there’.

Numeracy – We learnt how to calculate durations of time and continued with multiplication.  and used our knowledge of the number talks strategy, ‘partial products’ to help us to solve more multiplication calculations.

Health and Wellbeing – We spent this week focussing upon tasks for mental health.  We know how important it is to look after our mental health and had some great discussions throughout the week sharing strategies for keeping ourselves healthy.

R.E – We learnt about Saint Teresa, a lady who could inspire us all! We learnt about her life and how she dedicated herself to the poor.

Topic – We continued with our topic, ‘Body Systems with the main focus being on the respiratory system.  We made a set of lungs and learnt where they they are in the body and of the importance of looking after them.

STEM – To round off the week we were given another super STEM activity to work on, ‘The Catapult Challenge’.  Through making one we learnt what potential and kinetic energies are and learnt all about the projectile of an object.


Primary 5’s Round up.

Another a busy week in P5!   Lots of engagement across the class with super work being produced!

Literacy – In literacy we were learning how to make words plural, how to write contractions and we learnt some persuasive techniques that can be used in our writing. We created awesome adverts for a product of our choice using a variety of methods including IMovie and and Sway. We used some persuasive techniques that advertisers use to engage the consumer and had lots of fun whilst creating these.

Numeracy – We moved on to the written formal method for multiplication and learn how to read and convert 24 hour times. We used our fantastic knowledge of different number talks strategies to complete a solve a variety of different calculations.

Health and Wellbeing – We spent this week focussing upon our talents and it goes without saying, P5 are definitely a talented bunch!  Some of us are very sporty, others are musical, some of us are entertainers and lots of us are very creative!

R.E – For R.E we focussed upon a really important quality, ‘Kindness’.  We shared ideas on what we can do to spread kindness and took time out of one of our afternoons to do a random act of kindness for our parents and teachers.

Free Pictures Of Kids Working Together, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip  Art on Clipart LibraryTopic – We continued with our topic, ‘Body Systems’.  It is fascinating to learn that parts of your body are linked and won’t work properly unless other parts are healthy! We are focussing on the respiratory system now and will continue with this next week.

STEM – To round off the week we were given a STEM activity to work on which involved making bubbles. STEM activities are great because they make you look at the world in a different way and they involved us using maths, science and technology skills.  And there we have it, another great week in  P5!

Jings! Crivvens! Help ma Boab in P6!

This week has held a plethora of Scottish experiences for Primary 6. We started off our week  celebrating the birthday of our national poet, Robert Burns. We were able to do a virtual tour of his cottage and use an interactive classroom to learn about his poetry and songs.

On Tuesday we met another well known face in Scottish literature with our reading task based upon the Oor Wullie comic strip.

You can see the influence on our work this week with a selection of some of the fabulous Scottish poetry that the P6 pupils created yesterday.

We have continued to develop our skills in measure with a focus on perimeter and using budgets to practise our money calculations.

In Spanish we have been learning to discuss the weather. We were also learning about customs in European countries and famous artists and musicians.

Well done Primary 6.

ELC Update

Hi Everyone,

We hope you are all safe and well. You should have all been getting messages with nursery home learning send to you via your child’s online learners journal. If you have not been receiving these messages please let us know by e-mailing the nursery

We have been sending out home learning weekly however we know that lots of parents are busy with home schooling so these are just ideas and suggestions to do with your little ones, It is not compulsory.

Today is Robert Burns day so we thought we would share this link with some ideas on how you could learn and celebrate Robert Burns at home. If you do have a burns supper or enjoy any of the activities please post a picture on your child’s learners journal via the parental contribution button.

Here is the link…

Stay Safe and Take Care,

The ELC Team

Primary 5’s roundup!

Free Pictures Of Kids Working Together, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip  Art on Clipart Library


It has been a busy week in P5! We were given lots of work to complete and learnt lots of new things via a mixture of live lessons and recorded lessons and have worked really well! A big round of applause to P5 for engaging well and working hard.

Literacy – In literacy we were given new sets of words to learn and practised these using a variety of methods.  We learnt about the correct using of the homophones, ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’ and all about inference in reading.

Numeracy – We completed lots of multiplication sums using the grid method and used our knowledge of Number Talks strategies to solve even more calculations!

Health and Wellbeing – We spent our week focussing upon our goals and past achievements.  We set new goals for ourselves and planned the steps we need to take to achieve this.

R.E – We researched some of Jesus’ miracles and wrote about them. Favourites included: Jesus turning water into wine and the five loaves and two fishes miracles.

Topic – We moved on to a new topic, ‘Body Systems’ and have made start learning about the circulatory system and more specifically, the heart.  We made sways, PowerPoints and fact files about the heart and drew and labelled it.

Other curricular areas – We followed step by step instructions on how to draw a winter village, the work produced was excellent! We did some yoga, (very good for mindfulness) and learnt about the great Scottish designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.  We presented our learning in a variety of ways and impressed our teachers no end.  WELL DONE P5!  Mrs Kilpatrick and I are proud, keep it up!


Perfect Poetry in Primary 6

Primary 6 have been perfecting their poetry skills this week by creating alliteration poems. We have continued to develop our money skills looking at deals that are value for money. We have been researching European landmarks, flags and currencies. We found this website a fun way to become more familiar with the geography of Europe:          We have been thinking about our personal achievements and the energy we get from food in Health and Well-Being.

Online Learning in Primary 6

Our first week of online learning in Term 2 in Primary 6 and we were offered a variety of learning opportunities to develop our skills across the curriculum. Our numeracy focus was using money budgets and making price comparisons. We used our knowledge of doubles and near doubles to find solutions in Number Talks. In Literacy we had fun creating our own limericks and using a rhythm pattern. In preparation for the Euroquiz we  researched various aspects of European capital cities. As you can see we used different methods to complete our work and upload it to our teachers.

Last blog in 2020!!!


Hi everyone, this week we had lots of fun. We were learning by doing Christmas Maths and Literacy activities. We were watching Christmas movies and learning about different Christmas traditions from all over the world! It was very interesting! We also had a Christmas Party with snacks – yummy!

I wish you all a lovely Christmas and peaceful, relaxing time with your families!

God bless you all and see you Next Year!!!


Kind Regards,


Mrs Koziel


Christmas Party Fun!

Hi Everyone,

It was a busy week last week with all our Christmas parties. Great fun was had by all! The children all looked amazing in their party clothes and all behaved so well, the ladies are very proud of all the boys and girls.

At the party we played musical statues, musical bumps and the corners games. There was lots of dancing, there was even a dance off between some staff and children! ( the children won by miles!!)

After all the dancing everyone enjoyed a nice drink and some party food, it was delicious! We then heard some jingling bells and when we went back into the nursery Santa had left a gift for everyone under the Christmas tree. We all waited so patiently until all our friends had received their gift then we opened them together. Everyone was very happy and grateful for their gift.

This week your child will be bringing home all their Christmas crafts. Every child worked so hard to make these. We are sure you will love them!

The nursery team would like to thank you all for your continued support this year, especially during these difficult times.

We hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas with love and best wishes for 2021 xx


This week we were learning about:


  • In literacy we were upskilling our description story, we tried to use different openers for each sentence. We also remembered about our capital letters, fingers spaces, full stops and adjectives. We were also practising our handwriting.
  • We were learning how to write a proper letter, on this occasion we wrote a letter to Santa. We hope he appreciated our letters. We tried our best!
  • We were practising our common words: live, back, give, things, our etc.
  • In Maths we did the maths test and our teacher was very pleased with our scores. Also, we were learning how to figure our missing addends and we were still improving our knowledge about reading the time (quarter past and a quarter to).
  • We had fun whilst doing Christmas Art which was very nice. We loved it!
  • In RE we were learning about Mary as 8.12 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
  • We had also lots of fun in outdoor learning. We were practising our common words and we expressed ourselves by making art using the resources which we found outside.
  • We have learnt how to say Merry Christmas everyone in Spanish. Feliz Navidad Adornos!


Just one week to go!


Have a nice weekend,


Mrs Koziel

Christmas is Coming! P7’s week.

Curriculum Areas

This week we wrote letters to The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, we chose a world problem and we tried to encourage her to help solve these problems.

We created a Christmas Quiz for other children in the class.

We created snow catcher art work.

In P.E. we did a sports quiz – it was tricky!

In Numeracy we were working on budgets. We had to plan a party with a specific budget.

Opportunities for personal achievement

This week Iga was our star of the week for excellent WW2 homework.

We took part in a Sumdog competition.

Ethos and Life of the School

We have been working on our Christmas Concert – we have chosen our hosts and been practising hard.

We have made our St Nics Come Dancing videos for the live final!! We can’t wait.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We brought in our WW2 homework and shared out learning.

We presented our learning and gave one another feedback.


We are looking forward to our last week!

P3 and P3/2’s Busy Week!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy! Keep reading to find out more…

  • Maths- We have been learning all about shape this week! We have been revising 2d shapes and learning more about 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces that are 2d shapes. We really enjoyed our 3d shape hunt, constructing models of shapes and drawing the shapes.
  • Literacy- We have been focusing on common words this week in Spelling and at home we have been revising sounds that we found tricky this term. We are enjoying using Seesaw to practice our words at home.
  • HWB- This week we continued to learn more about our Green Cog (behaviours and how my body shows them). We listened to a story called ‘The Recess Queen’ and sorted playground behaviours into positives and negatives. This helped us to recognise problems we could solve on our own and those which we need adult help to solve.
  • RERC- We have continued to learn more about Advent this week and have listened to the story of The Annunciation. We know this is when Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel to receive the news she would have a baby called Jesus. We know Jesus is the Son of God.
  •  In Expressive Arts, we listened to the song ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney’. We then created a drama about when Santa got stuck up the chimney in the style of a news report, we interviewed Santa and some eye witnesses. We had great fun!
  • Digital Learning- We created a music video this week using the song ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ to develop our digital learning skills. We created actions for a dance routine and then drew pictures to insert into our video. We can’t wait to watch all of the videos from P1-7 next Friday at  ‘Strictly St Nics Does Christmas’!

Another busy week in P3 and P3/2!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy! Keep reading to find out more…

  • Maths- We have been learning all about shape this week! We have been revising 2d shapes and learning more about 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces that are 2d shapes. We really enjoyed our 3d shape hunt, constructing models of shapes and drawing the shapes.
  • Literacy- We have been focusing on common words this week in Spelling and at home we have been revising sounds that we found tricky this term. We are enjoying using Seesaw to practice our words at home.
  • HWB- This week we continued to learn more about our Green Cog (behaviours and how my body shows them). We listened to a story called ‘The Recess Queen’ and sorted playground behaviours into positives and negatives. This helped us to recognise problems we could solve on our own and those which we need adult help to solve.
  • RERC- We have continued to learn more about Advent this week and have listened to the story of The Annunciation. We know this is when Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel to receive the news she would have a baby called Jesus. We know Jesus is the Son of God.
  • In Expressive Arts, we listened to the song ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney’. We then created a drama about when Santa got stuck up the chimney in the style of a news report, we interviewed Santa and some eye witnesses. We had great fun!
  • Digital Learning- We created a music video this week using the song ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ to develop our digital learning skills. We created actions for a dance routine and then drew pictures to insert into our video. We can’t wait to watch all of the videos from P1-7 next Friday at  ‘Strictly St Nics Does Christmas’!

Another week in P2…


  • We have been learning about St Barbara, St Nicholas, St Andrew and how Advent started in the Catholic Church. We know that the purple candles on the Advent Wreath are for Hope, Love, Peace and the Pink one is for Joy
  • We have been learning about descriptions and question marks, we were practising the formation of the question mark and we know now when we need to use ‘?’ or ‘.’
  • We wrote a description about Goldilocks from the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.
  • We were learning how to tell the time using half past and o’clock, quarter to and quarter past. We know that a quarter of an hour is 15 minutes. We were practising this using the smartboard, laptops and worksheets.
  • We were practising common words e.g. over, little, know, sound etc. some of us were using bubble writing and some of us were using rainbow writing.
  • On Monday, a special guest appeared in our class! We have chosen the name Chippy for the Elf and he has recently done some very funny thing in our classroom. We love to have him in our class.
  • We also had good fun using the Rekenrek, we were learning about the most effective strategy (which this time was the doubling strategy) and how to use it.




Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Koziel

Another busy week in P3 and P3/2

This week in P3 and P3/2 we have been very busy.

  • We have been learning about St Nicholas.  The feast day of St Nicholas is on Sunday 6th December.  We know St Nicholas was a kind man who left gifts to help other people.  We drew pictures of St Nicholas.
  • We learning about Advent and the advent wreath.  We know there are 3 purple candles, one rose coloured candle and a white candle.  The white candle is lit on Christmas Day.  We know advent is a time of preparation.
  • We have been learning about fractions on a number and counting up in halves and quarters.  We know a half is less than a one.  We were counting apples and lemons and trying to work out how many parts we had. We found quarters quite challenging.
  • During outdoor learning we had a scavenger hunt for things around the playground.  We then made pictures of owls using things we found in the playground.
  • We have continued to learn cursive script and have been practising the letters we find most tricky.
  • We have also been continuing to learn more about writing a detailed description and this week we were writing a description of our mum or dad.
  • We have been reading our books and answering questions in our jotters and on the laptops this week.  We are getting good at answering in sentences and remembering to answer the full question.
  • This week we looked at riddles about nocturnal animals and tried to guess which animal the riddle was about.
  • We started to create winter scenes in art using chalk and collage materials.
  • In Health and Wellbeing we were thinking more about the green cog and we tried to show our emotions with our behaviour. We are very good at using our faces to show our emotions.

Another busy week in the nursery.

To celebrate St. Andrews day the children have been learning lots about Scotland this week. They watched a short video about St. Andrew, found Scotland on a map,  did lots of arts and crafts and took part in  some highland dancing .

While trying to find Scotland on our map the children spotted the Scottish flag and decided to try and make their own using blue and white paper.

We then had a look at lots of different types of Tartan and attempted to copy our favourites .

                                  Here are some photos of our learning.


What is going on in P2


  • We read the Big Book, the story about Anna. We were learning how to write a description
  • We were practising our handwriting with letters ‘Oo’ and ‘Pp’
  • We were learning about symmetry and patterns
  • We were practising counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, also we were making numbers in the most effective way using a Rekenrek
  • We were learning about God and Heaven. We shared our vision of how Heaven could look like. We also were learning about Jesus as the Way, The Truth and The Life
  • We were upskilling our Spanish, and we were learning how to say bread/pan, eggs/huevos etc.
  • In Science we were learning about our fifth sense, the sense of touch, we also were learning about parts of our hands
  • We started to learn Jingle Bells in BSL, as we cannot sing right now. That was good fun
  • We had our outdoor learning and we created clocks
  • In PE we had lots of fun with Mr Muldoon



Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Koziel



P3 and P3/2’s Busy Week!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been busy learning lots of new things across all of our curricular areas. Keep reading to find out more!

  • Maths- We have continued to learn about fractions. This week we learned to find halves and quarters of amounts. We have learned that we can draw pictures to help us solve these problems. We also learned about doubling and halving.
  • Literacy- In Reading this week we have enjoyed creating a new character for our books. We labelled our character and then wrote a description about them. In Writing, we have learned how to write a description. We know these tell us about a person, place or thing. They describe what they look like and what they can do.
  • HWB- We have learned about the right to privacy. We know this means that we can have a safe place. Adults have to help us protect our right to privacy, especially on the internet.
  • Social Studies- We have been learning about the phases of the moon. We know that this can appear as different shapes because of the way the light hits the moon. We also learned about shadows, we made shadow puppets and learned how shadows are created.
  • RERC- We have been praying for people who are special to us. We created memory crosses. We have also been thinking about what makes us special.


This week we have been…


  • Learning about the new sound ‘ea’ e.g. leaf, read, dream etc.
  • Learning about verbs, we know that all action words are verbs e.g. painting, singing, dancing etc.
  • Practising our handwriting with the letter ‘M’ ‘m’ and ‘N’ ’n’, we know how important is to have good handwriting.
  • Learning about giving change from 20p. We were using the smartboard, toy shop and worksheets to familiarise it more.
  • Learning about maths through a story where we were talking about a shopping basket and the items we could buy. We were thinking about how many items we could have all together.
  • We also have been learning about Queen Margaret of Scotland who was a great Saint.
  • Learning about our next sense which was taste.
  • In big writing, we wrote a recount story about the book; ‘Never bite a tiger’.
  • We also have been learning about emotions. We were talking about behaviour, then we analysed why sometimes our body is red, or why we cry sometimes.
  • To learn about anti – bulling, we had the discussion about situations which are not very nice and about what to do if something like that happens around us.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Koziel



P3 and P3/2’s week

This has been another busy week for us. Keep reading to find out what we have been up to.

  • In handwriting we have been continuing to learn how to form letters correctly for cursive script.
  • We have been learning about being kind.  This is anti-bullying week so we have been thinking about how to show other people we care and are kind.
  • We have been continuing to learn more about ten frames.  we have been trying to use the mist efficient strategy to show a number.
  • This is Maths through Story Week.  we have been reading the story Pezzettino and learning about halves and quarters.  We can find halves and quarters of a shape and number.  We also designed our own characters.
  • We have been learning more about nouns, verbs and adjectives and can identify them and write sentences with them.
  • We been continuing to learn our spelling words and looking at different sounds.
  • We have been learning about recounts and wrote a recount about tidying our bedrooms.  We shared our tips with our friends! We are experts at tidying up!
  • In RERC we have been learning more about St Francis of Assisi.  We tried to write our own prayers to thank God for all the animals and creation in the world.
  • Father Jeremy visited us this week.  He came to talk to us about God and the Church.
  • We designed a road safety poster for a competition about park smart.
  • We also discussed the special talents and gifts we have.  We created a display about the talents that St Nicholas children have.
  • This week we have also been using the laptops to complete quizzes on our Accelerated Reader books.

What a busy week!

P7’s Week

Outdoor Learning

We have been working on our team work by playing rounders. We are improving all the time!

We did a skills competition with Ross from Active Schools. We had to do things like dribble, jump, step ups. We hope we win!

We have been continuing to do our Daily Mile. We are trying to improve our time.

Maths and Numeracy

We have been learning about decimals. We have been adding them and subtracting. We also had to work out missing number calculations.


We wrote an imaginative story. We were given a door as a stimulus and you had to write a story about what was behind it. It allowed us to be very creative.

We wrote another story about a girl in a jar. We were working on character development.

World War 2

We began our world WW2 topic. We learned about the Blitz, Blackout and evacuation. We also learned about the battle of Britain. We also learned about Pearl Harbour.

We are looking forward to another busy week next week.

Another lovely week in P2…


  • We have been learning about nouns. We know that a name of a person, place or thing are nouns. We were writing sentences and we pointed out how many nouns we can see.
  • We were writing about our weekend using extended sentences with connectives (and, so, but, because). We still practised capital letters, finger spaces full stops and adjectives. We were also practising the sound ‘ay’ and ‘ai’, we know that the sound ‘ay’ goes usually at the end of the word ( day, pray, say) and ‘ai’ in the middle (rain, main, paint).
  • In Maths we were learning about money. We were playing in our toy shop, but also we were using ITC games and traditional worksheets. We were adding using the Rekenrek. The most effective way this time was the near double strategy.
  • We prayed for people who died in our families and for the brave soldiers who died for our freedom as well.
  • In science, we still continued to expand our knowledge about our senses. We were learning about the sense of smell. We were talking about the most beautiful and the most disgusting smell for us.
  • We also had lots of fun during PE and outdoor learning. This week we made 3D shapes from outdoor resources (sticks, stones etc.)
  • We were learning about Road Safety. We know how important it is and we know that we need to: Stop – Think – Use our senses to make sure we are safe when we are going to cross the road.
  • We also had some time to learn about emotions. The topic for this week was about behaviour. We were discussing why sometimes our behaviour is not appropriate and what we can do to change it.



Have a nice weekend,


Mrs Koziel

New Nursery Routine

Hi Everyone,

We just wanted to give you a little update on what has been happening the past few weeks at nursery. We are continuing to keep the children in two ‘bubbles’ but we have now transformed the classroom next door into another fantastic learning space. This means that including our popular garden we now have three learning areas for the children, meaning that the bubbles don’t crossover and the children can still access the same experiences as they would being in the nursery.

All these changes have been put in place to keep all our little learners as safe as possible during these unprecedented times. The staff are so proud of every one of them as they have coped with these changes amazingly well. These changes mean there is less children in each area at the one time and they all seem to embracing this opportunity, keeping busy and engaged in all the activities and fun on offer to them daily.

Staff members are also allocated to bubbles and this means that we when you arrive at nursery with your child, he/she will be brought in by the members of staff in their bubble. This is so we can keep the children in each bubble on separate sides of the cloakroom and we can only have limited numbers in here at a time. We would like to thank you all for your co-operation and support at this time and please be assured that staff will try their best to bring your child into the nursery as quick but as safely as possible. You may need to stand in que for a few minutes but this is for the safety of all the children and we appreciate your patience.

We also want to thank you all for wearing your masks in the playground and for keeping a safe distance from staff at the nursery door.

If you have any questions or concerns and would like to speak to a member of team, please give us a phone on 01506 858907.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

The Nursery Team


Snapshots of our week in P3!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy learning lots, keep reading to find out what we got up to:

  • Maths- We have continued our Money topic this week. We have been learning how to estimate the cost of things. We know that an estimate is a guess. We have also learned to partition using ten frames e.g. 10 is made of 9 +1.
  • Literacy- In Reading we have been answering Blooms Button questions about our stories. In Writing, we have continued to learn about Recounts and we wrote our own about tidying our rooms and we will use this to help us at home.
  • Health & Wellbeing- We have been learning all about our emotions. This week we listened to a story called ‘My Many Coloured Days’ by Dr Suess. We then matched up the colours with emotions e.g. blue represents sadness. We created new characters that would fit in to the book based on the emotion we were given.  In PE, we played Eliminator and we also did some fitness drills.
  • Topic- We continued our Sun, Moon & Stars topic. We learned the way that the Sun, Earth and Moon orbit each other. We now know that this is the reason we have day and night.
  • Art- We created a picture of the Sun, Moon and Earth showing their sizes and their positions. We used oil pastels and focused on light and shade to show day and night on Earth.
  • RERC- We learned all about Remembrance Day. We know this is a day where we think and pray for those who passed away in war.
  • Music & Drama- Miss Doolan helped us to learn all about rhythm, we went outdoors and created rhythms using outdoor objects like sticks and stones.

Have a look at what we have done.

  • This week we were practising our sentences and we remembered about capital letters, finger spaces, adjectives, and full stops. Also, we were learning about the sound ‘ee’, ‘oo’ and ‘ck’ as well as reviewing the previous sounds which we have learnt before. In our Big Writing, we wrote a ‘Friendship Recipe’ and that was a very interesting experience. We were learning about past tense (eg. adding ‘ed’ at the end of a word or changing  ‘go to went, see to saw, buy to bought’ etc.)
  • We also were learning about differences between a fact and opinion. We know that a fact must be proven and opinion is only our point of view.
  • At Maths we practised counting in 2s forward and backwards and we were looking for the most effective way to make a number using the Rekenrek.
  • We were working hard to learn how to analyse data using pictures and Bar Graphs and also Tally Charts.
  • In RE we were learning about All Saints and All Souls Day. We were praying for the people who died in our families.
  • In Science, we were learning about senses. The next sense which we were learning about was sight. We know how important all the senses are.
  • In Art, we were making our Remembrance Pebbles. We painted them white and then we drew lovely poppies on them. We also made firework art when we were learning about staying safe during Bonfire Night.


I hope you will have an amazing weekend.


Kind Regards,


Anna Koziel

P3 and P3/2’s week

This week we have been learning about:

  • In ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ we were learning about why dark is necessary.  We looked at diurnal and nocturnal animals.  We know some animals are awake at the daytime and some at nighttime. Owls are an example of a nocturnal animals.
  • We have been learning about money.  We were looking at a restaurant menu and trying to work out what we could afford to buy.  We looked at the cost of the items and the coins we would use to pay for the items.
  • We painted a pebble for Remembrance Day and then we placed them at the  foot of the statue at the Strathbrock. we know  Remembrance Day is on the 11th November.
  • We were continuing to learn about recounts and this week we write a recount of the main events from our reading book.
  • With our rekenreks we have been using the strategy part, part, whole.
  • This week we looked at bonfire and fireworks safety and we created information posters. We know posters have to have information  and they need to be bright and colourful.
  • This week we also learned about verbs.  We know they are doing words.
  • We have been learning more about our emotions and feelings.  We tried to list all of the emotions that we know.
  • We had PE outdoors and we completed the daily mile and some games where we had to listen and follow instructions.
  • We have also been looking at different ways to show a number – we know you can use coins, tens frames, tally marks, words and pictures.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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