“Your deeds are your monuments”
( Wonder by R.J.Palacio)
Mr Browne’s percept this week created some interesting discussing in class. We thought August summed it up very well, “The things we do are the most important things of all…That’s why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of with stone. “
In the first section of the book we listened to the voice of August, the second section is told through August’s big sister Via. It opens with the words, “Far above the world, planet earth is blue”. We wonder is anyone knows were these words come from?
Linked to our topic, we have started to research natural disasters and we have decided we are rather lucky that Scotland is not near the ‘Ring of Fire’! We have issued a ‘Big Homework’ task, completed tasks should be returned to school by Monday 25th October . Each pupil has a copy of the homework and details can be found on Teams.
Participating in Scottish Maths week, Primary Seven learned about M.C Escher and created some impressive tessellations of their own.
PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays
Indoor Kit Wednesdays
Thank for your continued support.
Sayonara !
Mrs Wylie and Miss Kane