Primary 3 News 21.3.19

What a fabulous day we had at Edinburgh Castle! The children were brilliant and an absolute credit to the school. We had lots of fun exploring the different sections of the castle. Particular favourites were the prison cells and the crown jewels. The children got to make their own crowns and dress up too. Photos of the day will be on display at our Friday banquet.

We are now busy rehearsing our assembly and we ask if you could send in any costume requests we made as well as encourage your child to learn any lines they have been given. Below I have attached the song words and a you tube link that you can use at home.

When I was six years old I left my home

Don’t forget to join us next Friday 29th March to celebrate all the children’s learning on Knights and Castles at 11:00am in the new hall followed by a banquet for one member of the family in the small hall. There will be an opportunity to sample some medieval food and play some games as well as have a look at our array of castles! The children will also be able to take these home at the end of the banquet.

Any questions or queries please get in touch.

Mrs Smith, Ms Matheson and Miss Smith


Primary 3 26.2.18

This week in P3 we will be handing out Assembly parts. Your child will have a line stuck in their homework diaries and we would appreciate your support with helping your child to learn these. We have also adapted Ed Sheeran’s song, ‘Castle on the Hill’ and we have given these words to your child to learn. We will be singing this daily in school and the link for the music is below.

Both classes will have football on a Tuesday for the next 5 weeks and P3S will have PE on a Wednesday also. Please ensure indoor kit is brought in on both of these days.

On Thursday it is World Book Day and we will be celebrating this on Friday with a grand tour of each stage’s book corner and a sharing of the books that each child chose to add to their new reading corner.

Other homework this week will be spelling and reading as normal.

Also the weather is set to turn colder again so please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and coats, scarves, hats and gloves.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon

Primary 3 News 13.3.17

First of all, a massive thank you to those of you who were able to come and watch our assembly this morning! We think you’ll agree that the boys and girls were absolute stars! If you weren’t able to make it, don’t worry as we will be hosting a Medieval Banquet in the school lunch hall on Friday 24th March at 11am. The children have been busy planning their invites and they will be handing them to you this week. They will only be able to invite one person and don’t forget to send in a costume for your child to wear.

We will be setting a ‘Drawbridge Challenge’ this week for small groups to carry out in class. To do this we need some junk sent in from home: cereal boxes, toilet/kitchen rolls, small empty packets, empty water/juice bottles etc. We are looking to start this on Wednesday.

Next Tuesday 21st March we will all be heading to Edinburgh Castle, most of this takes place outside whatever the weather so please send your children in to school with waterproof jackets, sensible shoes, hat, scarf and gloves as well as a packed lunch, snack and water bottle. Please send in the orange form we handed out last week with your child’s medical information attached.

Futsal will be taking place tomorrow for all of P3 but from next week PE times will change:

P3S: Kit required on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

P3R: Kit required on Monday and Tuesdays

Maths Homework focus this week is on time: Half past the hour and O’clock

Spelling Homework: ‘aw’ words Please can children write a detailed sentence each night to help them with their writing

If you have any questions about any of the above, you know where we are!

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 News 27.2.17

We had a great week, last week, showcasing Primary 3’s learning to our visitors. The children were fantastic and we could not have been prouder of our school!

This week we will be organising World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March. We will not be dressing up but we will be sharing our favourite books with other classes so if children can remember to do that on Thursday and bring in a favourite story to share that would be great!

Homework this week will be spelling and maths as usual and although our reading focus has changed in class, children will still be bringing home a group book to read with you.

P3S need PE kit on a Monday and Tuesday

P3R need PE kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday

Next week we will be preparing for our P3 Assembly on Monday 13th March at 9am so please pencil the date in you diary as we would love to see you there!

Have a gook week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty



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