P2 – 23.03.20

Good Morning P2,

It is Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here. We hope you are all well today and everyone is fit and healthy.

You have your home learning packs and have your week 1 sheets for literacy/numeracy and learning across the curriculum. We suggest you choose 2 activities from the literacy/numeracy sheet and 1 from the learning across the curriculum sheet each day. You have your new jotters so why not start by decorating the front cover? If you can, upload photos to the comments so we can see your creative designs!

It is a dry day today so if you have a garden or outdoor space why not go outside for some fresh air? Joe Wicks is doing a PE lesson each day at 9am – search for ‘The Body Coach’ on YouTube. You all have your Education City log ins – there are lots of games, think-its and topic tools on there to keep you amused.

Make sure you are listening to your grown ups and keep washing your hands regularly.

Speak to you all soon,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3

This week we are going on a woodland walk on Wednesday in the afternoon, please make sure your child comes to school in appropriate footwear as weather has not been good so far this week!

Homework as normal: spelling focus is on ‘sq’ words and our maths focus is on division.

Please make sure your child brings in their PE kit on the appropriate days:

P3S: Tuesday & Wednesday

P3R: Monday & Tuesday

Our focus this week in our ‘Outstanding Outdoors’ topic is on how we look after our local community and we will be coming up with our own mascot to promote this. We will also be looking at how our community can be neglected so if you are out for a walk have a look for any evidence of either of these things and have a chat with your child about it and how it makes them feel.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith, Miss Rafferty & Mr Woodward

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