A big thank you to parents/carers who came to parents’ night on Wednesday and Thursday. We really appreciate your support to ensure the children are meeting their full potential.
On Monday we went to watch ‘The Wiz’ at Deans Community High School. The children really enjoyed it and we could see how much time and effort the high school pupils had put into the production.
We have had a week of witnessing a variety of natural disasters. The children had worked very hard to create their 3D models and many worked very successfully. We had volcanoes erupting, tsunamis flooding, earthquakes shaking and tornadoes/cyclones twisting. We were all weathered out by the end!
The children wrote fabulous newspaper reports about various natural disasters. Hopefully you had a chance to read some of these on parents’ night.
The children are working on their non-fiction book about Japan. They will be reading these books to P4 after the holiday. Some children have chosen to work on these over the holiday. We will have one session once we are back from the holidays to complete these.
After the holiday, our RME topic will be Remembrance. If you have any photos, memorabilia or experience of attending Remembrance ceremonies and would be happy to share these with the children then please let us know.
Week beginning 24.10.16 spelling homework will be given on Tuesday but children must complete the whole week.
Wednesday 26.10 – P7W swimming and PE
Wednesday 26.10 – P7G – Maths with Miss Thomson DCHS
Thursday 27.10 – PSA Halloween disco