Primary 7 – 10.03.17


This morning we are off to DCHS to take part in the Hurricane challenge. We will give you more details of how we got on next week.

We are continuing to practise for our school show, Alice the Musical. The children have been working very hard learning their lines and the songs. Please continue helping them with these and I’m sure we will have a fabulous show! Please can you send in all costumes as soon as possible. Thank you.

The children had their last dance rehearsal in PE and they will be performing their dance to P1s and the rest of primary 7 on Tuesday.

PSA Spring disco was a great success. The children had a great time dancing their socks off!




Spelling homework

Maths homework

Practise songs

WW2 Project due Friday 17th March


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



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