Primary 7

It was lovely to see so many of you at our meet the teacher session on Wednesday, thanks to those who came along. Our first term newsletter has now been distributed and it provides a brief overview of what we will be working on. We continue to be very impressed with the attitude all the primary sevens are demonstrating with regards to their buddies, well done!

“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind”

We are currently reading Wonder by R.J.Palacio and just as Bradley Chalkers became an extra member of our class in primary six , August Pulman  seems to be having the same affect  . We will be continuing with the novel over the next few weeks and discussing the various precepts …primary Sevens please explain what that means!

We are easing gently into numeracy and maths, looking at rounding, estimating and symmetry. Due to popular demand we are starting Beat That! today.

Our Bounce Back hall display is almost complete and the impact of the programme is evident in how much the pupils can recall about the stories we looked at last year. We will continue to discuss strategies that we can use to build our resilience and determination.

Within our writing lessons this week we used Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes as inspiration to create our own twist on traditional tales, our pupils’ imaginations made it a rather surreal experience!

Next week we will be beginning our topic on Japan .



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays

Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework –spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie , Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

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