Eco Warriors

Welcome to our Eco Committee blog. Here you will find out all the wonderful Eco things that are happening at Carmondean.

At Carmondean we are all Eco Warriors! 

Current news – 

8th Green Flag!!!

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have achieved our 8th Green Flag! We are so happy and were blown away by the amazing feedback from our application.

The Eco committee has worked extremely hard to lead the rest of the school in our whole school eco journey and even though it has been incredibly tricky at times due to covid and the restrictions… we did it!!

Massive well done to everyone! We are all ECO WARRIORS!

September 2021


Morrisons have launched a new initiative called ‘It’s good to grow’ which we have signed up for. For every £10 you spend in store or online, you will receive one Grow Token. You can then choose Carmondean as your nominated school and we can redeem tokens for a wide range of gardening and growing equipment. Exciting!
Here is the link for more information.

Nursery garden

The nursery garden is looking fantastic. They have worked very hard creating a wonderful vegetable patch and flower garden. They have now started harvesting and are enjoying eating their yummy food. Some of the things they planted include carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, onions and much more. Look at the difference in these photos. Wow!   


VIP garden

The VIP Garden has also grown some veggies like (spring onions parsnip carrots broccoli). They are starting to harvest the garden and are very excited to use what they have grown.  


We are looking forward to getting our new wormery.  This will make good use of the food waste from the kitchen.  Hopefully it will arrive in the next couple of weeks.


*Most people are bringing in reusable water bottles. Well done! We want to completely cut out the plastic bottles that are coming into school from home. Please bring in a reusable one instead.  

*Use less energy from lights and smart boards and laptops. Always switch off when not in use.  

Updated by Alfie and Sarah P6

August 2021 update

We hope you all had a wonderful Summer. We are back and excited to continue our Eco journey.

For those who are new to Carmondean, our Eco committee is currently made up of pupils in p5-p7. This will extend to p3 and p4 very soon. Our aim is to help lead the school in becoming more eco friendly and to look after our wonderful world. Remember – we are all Eco Warriors at Carmondean!


Before the Summer holidays, lots of boys and girls in the school chose to plant and take home a sunflower seed that they had planted in a biodegradable pot with soil.

How are they doing? Who managed to look after their sunflower? Who has grown the tallest sunflower?

Please send in any photos you have of your sunflower via Teams or Seesaw. Your teacher will pass these onto the eco committee.

We will post photos of our sunflowers that we planted in school next week.

Green Blue Peter badge – P2

We are delighted to report that the two Primary 2 classes from last session achieved their Green Blue Peter Badge. Massive congratulations to them! They achieved this by learning about Climate change, what causes it and what we can do to help stop Climate Change.

They also made pledges for Plastic, Power and Plants that they worked on at home and school and they also had a class pledge for the classroom which they achieved successfully.

We are very proud of them!

Here is a copy of their letter, their wonderful stage certificate and a photo of one of the badges. They can also now apply for a Blue Peter Badge Card. Exciting!

If anyone else would like to be a Climate Hero, here is the link to the Blue Peter  website.

Crisp packets

We are still collecting all brands of crisp packets.


If you have any you wish to hand in from home or your office etc then please do. Every crisp packet we send away helps us raise money for the eco committee and school. So far we are putting the money towards a wormery for the food waste from the kitchen.

Rag collection

Remember the Rag collection bin is also a great way to recycle and raise money for the school. You can find it in the school car park.


Wrapper Free Wednesday

Reminder that we are promoting the use of less packaging every day of the week but particularly on a Wednesday when we have Wrapper Free Wednesday. Please send in snacks and lunches with no wrappers. You can use Tupperware boxes, bees wax wraps etc instead. We are delighted that lots of boys and girls have told us that they have reuseable boxes now for their sandwiches rather than cling film or sandwich bags. Great work and keep it up!

June 2021 update

Whole-school Litter pick

On Monday we had a successful whole-school litter pick. We focused on our school grounds and the paths surrounding Carmondean. We also completed a survey. Out with the school grounds we sadly found a lot of glass, cigarette butts, water balloons, bottles and even a frying pan, a broken walkie talkie and a hub cap! We even noticed a lot of dog poo and dog poo bags which was very disappointing.

Here are some litter posters primary 2 have made and we will all continue our campaign against litter.

Zero waste uniform

If you have any uniform that no longer fits and is in good condition still then please pass it on to a friend, neighbour etc. We had hoped to host a second hand uniform stall but due to Covid restrictions this is currently not possible. When we come back after the summer holidays we hope this will be different.

Rag clothes

Remember we have a RAG clothing bank in our school car park. Here you can donate lots of different textiles.

Please don’t put any school uniform with a logo in here.

Crisp packets

If you have been collecting crisp packets at home and you would like to hand them in for recycling, then please do ASAP as these will be packaged up and sent away to Terracycle for recycling on Monday (21st  June). Monday morning is the last time to hand any crisp packets in.

We have been collecting crisp packets in school and each class now has a crisp packet box.


A big thank you to those that handed in seed donations. We have started planting them and look forward to seeing them grow.

Also in school, the Primary 3s have been busy planting lots of vegetables including parsnips, rocket, broccoli, spring onions, carrots, runner beans, cress and basil. They also have strawberry and gooseberry plants in their greenhouse which is located outside the office. They have also planted wild flowers and sunflowers. Primary 1 have been planting wheat as part of their farming project and also bee friendly seeds and lavender.


Sunflowers will be coming home next week. Please make sure you look after them over the summer by giving them lots of water. Fingers crossed for a sunny holiday!

Fun facts –

  • The Tallest Sunflower is Over 30 Feet tall and was confirmed by Guinness World Records on August 28, 2014.
  • During the day, the young sunflower follows the direction of the sun across the sky from east to west.

Waste Free Wednesday

Thank you to those that have been making a super effort to make sure they are reducing their waste and taking part in Waste Free Wednesdays. We will be continuing this after the summer and have noticed a reduction in the waste particularly in packed lunches all ready. Well done everyone!


Thanks for reading.

Remember we are all Eco Warriors!

Erin and Demi, P6 Eco Committee


May 2021 update

As an Eco Committee, we have found it hard to move forward with a lot of our plans over the past year due to Covid. We have, however, been busy in the background with some virtual meetings and lots of work in different classes.

We are delighted that the last few weeks we have managed to meet in person (socially distanced) and put a lot of our plans in place!

Drastic Plastic Campaign 

Before the pandemic started last March, you may remember the Eco Committee carried out a Waste Survey in the lunch hall. We were SHOCKED by the amount of packaging and some of this has got even worse due to Covid!!!!

We would like to launch – Waste Free Wednesday 

We would love everyone to get involved in Waste free Wednesday. To do this you need to bring in a snack and your lunch with no wrapper on it! Please try and use a reusable tub rather than cling film, sandwich bags or tin foil. By doing this you will be helping us make the environment cleaner and safer for the next generation!

Crisp packet recycling 

Remember – we are a drop off point for crisp packets. If you have any you would like to hand in then please hand in to the office and they will pass to us. If possible, please shake them so no crisps are left inside and then flatten the packet.

Last time we sent away 3 large boxes full of crisp packets and this has given us £16.80 in our school terracycle account. It is great that we are helping the environment and making some money that we will spend on eco related products.

Here is a video explaining the recycling scheme.


Planters – P5 

Have you seen the planters in our school grounds?

Back in September/October, P5A were very busy weeding and then they planted lots of bulbs. They look wonderful now they have bloomed!


Climate Change – P2

Primary 2 have been learning all about Climate change. Here is some of their wonderful work.

What causes Global Warming?


What happens because of Global Warming?

What can we do to help stop Climate Change?


They are also working towards their Green Blue Peter badge. Here are some of their pledges to become Climate Heroes.

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