Just a formal welcome back after our first full week in Primary 3, it has been such a busy week. We have been working hard completing our Class Charters and the pupils have had some really good discussions about class rules and why we prioritised different things. We have also been doing a lot of work on our achievements and celebrating our achievements which will go towards creating our frieze for the small hall, we have a talented bunch! We have had Meet the Teacher and it was lovely to see so many people there. Thank you for handing back our achievements sheets and class charter forms so quickly, can those who are still to hand theirs back please hand them in at your earliest convenience?
Please continue to check homework diaries and the blog for updates.
Indoor PE – Wednesdays(Mr Woodward)/ Thursday (Miss Smith)
Outdoor PE – Tuesdays (Miss Smith)/ Thursdays (Mr Woodward)
Homework Folders – Mondays
Please ensure your child brings their homework folders and reading books every day,
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Smith and Mr Woodward