Primary 6 25.05.19

What a busy couple of weeks we’ve had in Primary 6. Last week, we had a transition morning at Deans Community High School where pupils had a taster of different lessons such as Science, P.E, English and Computing, to name but a few. This was a fantastic insight for all pupils and they have many more transition activities to look forward to in Primary 7.

We also took part in the Community Sports Festival with our fellow cluster primary schools. Pupils were mixed between schools and were able to try out 8 different sports – Cricket, Taekwondo, Football, Rugby, Handball, Athletics, Hockey and Dance.  Lots of fun was had by all and we were so lucky with the weather.

This week, we came back refreshed after our holiday Monday into assembly mode for next Friday. The pupils are bursting with ideas for their assembly and it’s really taking shape. We have been creating lots of bright and colourful posters for Deans Gala Day using persuasive language. Pupils have also been planning and researching their big homework – creating a graphic novel. This is due on 21st of June. Pupils have a challenge sheet to help them complete this and can ask for guidance from their teachers also. Graphic novels can be created using different apps or a paper version. We look forward to seeing these progress.

Primary 6 pupils spent time with getting to know their soon-to-be Primary 1 buddies in Outdoor Learning. They were helping the nursery boys and girls to learn new games and vice versa. Pupils will get the chance to do Outdoor Learning with the nursery pupils every week.

Reminders for next week:

Wednesday – outdoor P.E kit needed with Mrs Ferguson.

Friday – Spelling homework due. Primary 6 assembly, parents/carers are welcome to come and watch.

Please remember to bring a water bottle to school and on warmer days, apply sun cream before coming to school in the morning.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Hunter and Mr Woodward.

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