We hope that you all had a lovely weekend.
This week we are learning the ‘ay’ sound in phonics. The children will be spotting ‘ay’ words in sentences, reading ‘ay’ words and writing ‘ay’ words on their magnetic letter boards. Here is a video where your child can practise reading ‘ay’ words at home.
How many more ‘ay’ words can you think of?
It is Maths Week Scotland and so the children will be taking part in lots of fun maths related activities all week. Today we made 100 square jigsaws for our friends to put back together. Check out our Twitter page @Carmondean2b to see some of the other lessons we will be trying this week.
The children are loving learning all about the Romans. Today we made Roman shields using wax crayons and paint. We learnt about some of the armour Roman soldiers had to carry as they travelled about the empire. We are also going to be looking at the clothes Roman citizens had to wear later in the week.
A reminder that PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays. As the weather gets colder please make sure that your child comes to school ready for winter weather. It is helpful to have a coat every day even if the forecast isn’t for rain!
Thank you for your continued support.
Primary 2 teachers.