Primary 3 have been very busy! We hope you all enjoyed our meet the teacher video which went live on Seesaw at the end of last week. It gave you an insight to what our classrooms look like, how they are run and what might be happening in the beginning of this academic year. Homework has also been posted on Seesaw today giving you and your children to complete tasks in Literacy, Numeracy, French and Interdisciplinary (Weather).
In Numeracy we have been practising skip counting forwards and backwards in 2s,5s and 10s. In Maths we have revising our 2D and 3D shape names and properties. The children have demonstrated a good understanding of their shapes!
In Literacy the children have been working on their reading aloud skills such as decoding and fluency. We have also been making predictions about what might happen in a book and why. Mrs Smith has been in supporting our writing. Our focus this term is recount which the children have been working very hard on. We have been using our core and genre targets to help!
In our topic of the weather the children have been identifying the different types of weather, what they look like and sound like. We have also been looking at the weather symbols and determining what they mean. We are looking forward to creating our very own weather forecasts this week.
Remember our P.E days are Monday and Thursday- kits must be worn to school.
You can keep updated on our class activities on Twitter @MissRafferty4 and @MissBonar_
Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar