Primary 2 had a great week last week! They continued to settle back into school routines and enjoyed working and playing with their friends in the new play areas.
This week we are finishing our work on ‘In our hearts’, a book all about feelings. The children will be exploring the feeling of ‘shyness’ and will be putting their feelings books together to bring home. They will also be learning about the final SHANARRI buddy and will finish their buddy diary.
This week we are beginning our structured phonics and maths work. We will be revising the sounds sh, ch, th and ng from Primary 1 in phonics and will be looking at the numbers 1-30 in maths. Please look out for a reading book coming home today in homework folders. This book is to come to school every day so that we can read regularly in class. We will be assigning one SEESAW task for homework this week. A password for SEESAW has been sent home today in homework folders. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing your child’s homework and we would be happy to help.
A reminder that all children need indoor shoes to wear in class. PE days are Wednesday and Thursday, please come to school prepared for PE on these days. PE kit consists of a white T-shirt, navy/ black trousers or shorts and a school jumper.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy and Miss Belleza