Below is an example of what can be achieved when a group of people with their own individual skills work together to produce something magical. Raigan Young is a Primary 7 pupil who is skilled in art of any kind, but particularly in digital images. Mr Shanks had an idea for a project to teach Health and wellbeing to younger children, and Miss Smith wanted to create a programme of study about the wellbeing indicators called ‘The SHANARRI Buddies’. Matching the skills of these three individuals resulted in a project that ticks all of the boxes for content and outstanding presentation.
Raigan came up with digital images of ‘The SHANARRI Buddies’ that we could use in the print materials for teaching and learning that Miss Smith created. Here is a sample of what he came up with (and what he can do):
If your child will be in Primary 1-3 at Carmondean PS next session, they will get to know the ‘Buddies’ really well. A huge ‘thank you’ to Raigan and to Miss Smith for their creative genius and an outstanding partnership. We are certainly going to miss both of their skills when Raigan goes off to High School and Miss Smith heads off for maternity leave at the end of the session – but WHAT a legacy to leave behind!