Primary 1 are having a fantastic week and enjoyed spending some time in the sunshine yesterday. It looks like the weather is going to continue to be hot this week. Please send your child to school with sun cream on when it is going to be sunny and feel free to provide a sun hat for their time outside.
Yesterday the children were very excited to film the end of year flash mob. We can’t wait to show you the finished video at the end of the school year. The children did a great job learning and performing the dance and we were very proud of them!
In phonics we are revising the sounds ee, oo and ai. The children are learning to read and write words with these letter sounds and are making great progress with this.
In maths we are learning to skip count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Here are some fun songs you might want to listen to at home to help practise:
In farming we are learning about livestock farms. The children will be thinking about the different animals which are found on a farm and about where their food comes from.
Thank you for all your support, please be in touch if you have any questions.
The P1 teachers.