There was great excitement in Primary 7 this week as our first official recording of CPN was shown to the rest of the school ! We have had a very positive reaction from the other pupils and their feedback has encouraged us to make more improvements.
We were researching life on Japanese classrooms and we were surprised to find out that in Japan the pupils have to clean their own schools, serve their own lunches and eat them in their classrooms! We wonder how successful we would be if Scotland decide to do this!
Once again primary 7 have inspired us with their mature discussions around our class novel Wonder. This week we have discussed in depth the actions of characters, relating them to real life circumstances and how we would have perhaps dealt with certain situations.
Our focus in PE is now hockey. Please remember to dress appropriately for Scottish weather.
PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays
Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris