Good morning Primary 1!
We hope you’ve been enjoying taking part in some of the home learning activities this week. Can you believe that tomorrow is the last day of home learning before the summer holidays? We just wanted to say a huge big well done to all of the children in primary 1 for working so hard at home and sharing all of their excellent work with us. We have been so delighted to see how much you have all achieved and we are very proud of each and every one of you. We also wanted to thank all of the parents for the support you have given us over the last 12 weeks and we appreciate all you have done to support your child’s learning at home.
We would also like to share the SWAY we created for our farming topic this term. We have included lots of pictures and ideas from the children across primary 1 and have showcased lots of their hard work over the last few weeks. This is an excellent way to celebrate all of their achievements and show you their learning journey with this topic. We hope you enjoy! You can find a link to our SWAY below:
Thanks again for all of your efforts,
Primary 1 teachers