This week we have had a particularly barbaric week in Primary 3 during topic time. We looked at medieval crime and punishments and it was up to the classes to decide what suitable punishments might be for a range of different crimes. Needless to say the pupils were ruthless in their judgements and they made some of the medieval punishments look relatively tame!
We have been developing our knowledge of time and we have looked at quarter past, as well as looking more at o’clock and half past. So far the pupils have been whizzing through time and have been going through the topic with confidence!
In Health, P3S have looked at medicines to begin a new health topic. The class had a great discussion about different medicines, different types of medicines and what are good and bad medicines. The pupils handled the discussion very maturely and showed a good deal of knowledge as well as asking a lot of insightful questions. P3W finished off their science topic about forces by looking at the effects of magnets of different objects. They thought like scientists to hypothesise and then tested their theories, writing down their results and coming up with some important conclusions about how magnets work to demonstrate push and pull.
We have our P3 trip to Stirling Castle coming soon and the forms have now gone out so can we ask that pupils bring their forms back as quickly as possible?
Miss Smith’s Class – Indoor PE: Wednesday Outdoor PE: Thursday
Mr Woodward’s Class – Indoor PE: Monday Outdoor PE: Thursday
Thanks for your continued support,
Miss Smith and Mr Woodward