Primary 1 News

This week the children had the opportunity to do a class talk on their favourite dinosaur. Many children brought in excellent posters and powerpoints to show to the class! Well done to everyone in Primary 1 for having the courage to stand up in front of an audience. We were all very impressed at how hard you worked on these at home!

week in phonics we have been revising some of the sounds we have learned. The children consolidated their learning of h, w, j, v and revisited y,z,q,x. They took part in sound sorts and were encouraged to blend words with these letters in them. Some children have started non-fiction reading books in class and all children are focusing hard on their comprehension strategies. (prediction, cloze reading and responding to questions).

In maths this week the children have been using their own strategies to help them solve addition problems. They were using number lines and doing bunny hops forwards to help them with adding. They have also moved on to subtraction this week and have been using cube towers to assist them with this.

In other areas of the curriculum, the children have been continuing to work hard on their fitness and co-ordination in P.E. Thank you to all of the parent helpers that have assisted with this. We focused on the concept that ‘Nobody is Perfect’ through our Bounceback programme in health and wellbeing. We also used listening skills to take part in a whole class drama about Mary Anning, one of the greatest fossil hunters that ever lived! It has been an exciting week in Primary 1!

Friendly Reminders

P.E. days are on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure that your child has a labelled P.E. kit on these days. Primary 1 do outdoor learning on a Wednesday afternoon so we ask that you send your child to school with some wellies.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening next week! Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 1 teachers

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