In topic we continued with our Money, Money, Money enterprise topic where the children will be working in groups to create items to sell at the Christmas Fair. The children have organised their groups and have decided on the product they wish to make and sell at the Fair. They also had to compile a shopping list of items they required and how much they would cost. Next week they are going to start making their products. Let the chaos begin!
P5 have been selling Children in Need wristbands each morning for £1 or £1.50. Sales are going well. On Friday 15th November the school will hold a dress down day. The theme will be dress up as Pudsey or Blush, wear pyjamas, come as a superhero, wear yellow or wear spots.
In science the children learned about Scottish endangered animals. They have chosen the animal they wish to create a fact file about. They will complete this in class but can do some of the research at home. When we have completed the fact files the children will then present the information as a class talk. Look out for the instruction sheet about this coming home next week.
Any visitors in school have commented on the landmark models displayed in the corridor. They have been a big talking point when the children are passing by. The models will come home soon.
P5M -Outdoor PE- Monday.
P5G-Futsal (indoors) -Monday
PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.
Spelling homework due every Friday.
Maths homework- due Thursday
Research about Scottish endangered animal at home
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir