Primary 7

It was lovely to see so many of you at our meet the teacher session on Wednesday, thanks to those who came along. Our first term newsletter has now been distributed and it provides a brief overview of what we will be working on. We continue to be very impressed with the attitude all the primary sevens are demonstrating with regards to their buddies, well done!
“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind”
We are currently reading Wonder by R.J.Palacio. We will be continuing with the novel over the next few weeks and discussing the themes of kindness, inclusion and friendship which are explored throughout the story.
We have reiterated the importance of times tables and will continue to do so throughout primary 7. The pupils have been shown a number of games and activities to help their recall.

( Two Player activities )
1 . Rock Paper Scissors

Each player writes down the same word on paper. They face each other and with their fists closed they make the action used at the beginning of the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. After counting to three they each hold up a number of fingers eg. Player one may hold up 6 fingers and player 2 chooses to hold up 8. The first person to shout out the answer to 6 x 8 crosses off the first letter of the word. The winner is the person who manages to cross off all the letters of the word first.
This game can be made more difficult by making the value fingers greater of smaller. For example each finger is worth 10 or 0.1 .

2. Multiplication Snap

A pack of playing cards are dealt between two players . Player one placed a card face up on the table. Player 2 places a card face up on top . The players multiply the cards together; the player who calls out the answer first wins the cards.
To make the games more difficult the value of the cards can be changed , for example a 3 could become 30 or 0.3 .
Please ask your child to explain the I Say , You Say game . ( Number Bonds to 10 , 20 , 50 , 100)
We have explained that we may not send home a physical maths sheet every week , however we do expect the pupils to practise their mental maths every week .

Next week we will be beginning our topic on Japan.

PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays
Indoor Kit Wednesdays
Homework –spelling words will be given on Mondays; we will have a spelling test in class on Fridays.
Numeracy Homework – Due Friday 6th September

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Wylie , Mrs Muir and Mrs Macaulay

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