This week P6 have been working super hard on their assembly. They came up with some fantastic ideas, some really funny moments and created an entertaining assembly. They managed to cram a lot in to it and it shows how hard they have been working all year that we had to cut things out that we had done, it’s been very busy! We couldn’t be prouder of how well they pulled it off and they rose to the occasion spectacularly.
We have continued with our new class novel, Run Zan Run and it has been good to hear the different accents and voices pupils are putting on to try and get into character, some of the boys have an interesting idea of how girls talk! In Science we have continued learning about electricity and they have started to create drama showing off electrical safety and I know that we will have some educational and unique adaptations of an electrical safety advert. We have also continued to work with buddies and it has been lovely to see how quickly they have been able to build relationships with them.
Indoor PE: Wednesday
Spelling: Homework due Fridays, test on Mondays
Big Homework: Due 21st June (3 weeks)
Maths: Dependent on the class teacher