Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all. We hope that you had a lovely break, it was lovely to see all the boys and girls yesterday and hear all their news from their time off.
This term we will be starting a new topic on Dinosaurs. We will be introducing this this week and finding out what the children already know and what they would like to find out. We are excited to see all the fun activities that the children will come up with!
This fortnight’s homework and a new Reading book was sent home today. Can children please bring in book bags every day as at times we get extra Reading practise?
There will be an extra piece of homework sent out this week in preparation for our annual Scot’s poetry competition. Each child will be given a poem to learn and recite to the class. We will also be doing work on this in class but we would appreciate your help at home to learn them.
Gym days this term continue to be Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor with Mrs Ferguson).
Reminder that the Families Connect coffee morning is on Thursday 17th January at 2.30 and you are all welcome to come and find out more about the Families Connect programme.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel