I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and the lovely sunny weather!
We are all glad to be back together in class and are getting on with our new topic ‘The Seaside’. We have been learning all about what the seaside was like a long time ago, what people wore and the entertainment they had. We have learned about Punch and Judy shows and are starting to make our own puppets to play with in the classroom.
In Maths we have started work on time. The P1 children are looking at o’clock and half past and the P2 children will be doing work on quarter past and quarter to. This is something that you can be discussing lots at home to see how well the children are remembering what they have learned.
In Language this week we have been looking at alphabetical order and dictionary work. The P1 children have been sorting words into alphabetical order and the P2 children have been finding words in a simple dictionary.
Homework will resume next week as normal.
Quick reminder that PE is on Thursday with Mrs Ferguson and PE kit is required then. We will also be doing outdoor PE on Monday.
Thank you for your support
Mrs Steel