This week in P3 we will be handing out Assembly parts. Your child will have a line stuck in their homework diaries and we would appreciate your support with helping your child to learn these. We have also adapted Ed Sheeran’s song, ‘Castle on the Hill’ and we have given these words to your child to learn. We will be singing this daily in school and the link for the music is below.
Both classes will have football on a Tuesday for the next 5 weeks and P3S will have PE on a Wednesday also. Please ensure indoor kit is brought in on both of these days.
On Thursday it is World Book Day and we will be celebrating this on Friday with a grand tour of each stage’s book corner and a sharing of the books that each child chose to add to their new reading corner.
Other homework this week will be spelling and reading as normal.
Also the weather is set to turn colder again so please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and coats, scarves, hats and gloves.
Have a good week!
Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon