Last week was another busy week for primary 4.
On Tuesday it was Halloween. We all wrote spooky stories in our writing lesson. The stories had a variety of scary adjectives in them, which frightened our friends and teachers. Also on Tuesday, Karen from the Youth Choir of Scotland taught us some scary Halloween songs and rhythms.
On Wednesday morning we went to Craigswood Sports Centre for a handball festival. There were teams from four other Livingston schools. We were divided into teams and played 4 matches against them. A lot of fun was had by all.
We have now finished our Viking topic. This has proved to be a highly enjoyable topic. A lot of learning took place about Viking travel, weapons, homes and clothing. Our ‘real’ Viking visitors that came in October were a particular highlight. Our Viking homework is due on Monday. We can’t wait to see the fantastic models and pictures!
This week we will be beginning to learn about electricity. As part of this topic we intend to make a room of a house that includes a light switch. To make this we will need boxes, about the size of a shoe box. It would be great if the children bring these in.
Have a great week.
Ms Matheson and Miss Donaldson