Primary 2 have been really busy making things for our garden centre and cafe role play area. We have decorated flags, designed flower pots and even made flowers from tissue paper and art straws. By the end of the week we will have a fantastic garden centre to play in. We will also be using it to develop our money skills.
Last week, as part of our ‘garden centre’ topic, we all planted a bean seed. We planted them in clear cups so we can see the root system as it develops. We will be measuring them every week to see how tall they grow.
Now, as the weather is warmer, please could you send your child to school with water every day. Last week there were a few children who came to school with nothing to drink.
As mentioned in the newsletter, outdoor gym is on Tuesday (weather permitting) and indoor gym is on Thursday. Please could the children bring appropriate clothing to school on these days?
Have a great week.
Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir
Ben is loving the Garden Centre topic, He is talking about it at home!