Happy New Year to everyone!
We hope you have had an excellent holiday.
It has been a short but busy week in primary 7. We have started practising for our school show which this year is ‘Alice the Musical’. The children have been auditioning for parts and learning the songs. Next week they will being home a song booklet to help them to learn the words of the songs.
The children have been working hard on their My life so far. This will now be done at home as in class during reading sessions we will be working on literacy circles, source work and key comprehension.
Our topic this term will be WWII. They will be learning about all aspects of life during this time.
This term the children will have indoor PE on a Tuesday and outdoor PE on a Friday. For the next 3 weeks for Mrs Gilmour’s class this will be swimming at the high school.
After school clubs start next week
Spelling homework
Burns Poems to be learned
On Tuesday we are visiting the Risk Factory.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour