Last week primary 3 learnt all about Poland as part of our ERASMUS project. Over the week the children had the opportunity to learn a Polish dance which we videoed to share with the partner schools. The children also tried a variety of Polish foods and created a Polish menu. We all liked the Polish biscuits and wafers but some children were not so keen on pickled gherkins, a famous Polish delicacy! Throughout the week the children created a lot of artwork which is now displayed in the classroom. We annotated maps, made Polish coat of arms, created Polish flags and drew famous Polish stories. The children all enjoyed learning about Poland and were very interested in exploring a different culture.
This week there will be no homework. PE will be as normal (Tuesday for both classes, Monday form Miss Rafferty’s class and Wednesday for Miss Christy’s class).
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy and Miss Rafferty.