We hope you had a relaxing long weekend. The children returnedĀ to school on Wednesday ready to learn more about our ‘Hot and Cold Countries’ topic.
Primary 2C visited Dynamic Earth on Thursday. They learned a lot about life in cold countries, as they took part in an interactive story telling session about a polar bear and his friends. On Friday the class wrote fantastic stories about their trip.
Last week Primary 2M learned more about animals that live in cold countries and made brilliant walruses from paper. A role-play igloo has been set up at the back of their class. The children are enjoying playing in it but it was agreed that they prefer to live in a house made from bricks as it is much more roomy!
Indoor gym is on Wednesday for both classes. Outdoor gym is on Thursday, weather permitting. Quite a few children have been forgetting gym kit. Please could you remind your child to bringĀ gym kit on the appropriate day.
Have a great week.
Ms Matheson and Miss Clark