Tag Archives: Expressive Arts


On Tuesday the first day back from the holiday we had a pantomime of ‘Cinderella’. We really enjoyed it. After that we were doing the Harvest alphabet for the harvest assembly on Thursday.  Some people came up with really good ideas. The last thing we did on Tuesday was music with Mrs Drummond. In music we learnt a song for the harvest assembly. We also talked about what are favourite thing was from the pantomime.

On Wednesday the first thing we did was some writing. We were doing personal writing. Some people were writing about our class novel character called Peter from ‘Because of Mr.Terupt’.  Others decided to write about themselves. We were writing about our emotions. In our class novel we are at the top of the ‘story mountain’ which means it the most exciting part! After lunch we were doing maths. We were revising our times tables. We were playing a game for our warm up.  We got given four numbers and we had to find the calculation. For our real maths we were doing a mild challenge and we had to do a calculation crossword. The last thing of the day was philosophy with Mrs Hocknull. We watched a video called ‘The girl and the fox’.

On Thursday in the morning we were doing some drawing for the harvest assembly the P5’s were going to. We had to draw fruit and veg that we harvest. Then the P5s had a practise. Then we had maths. We had a times table challenge. That afternoon p5 went to their cluster Harvest assembly at the Lanthorn centre and shared their Harvest alphabet with the pupils from the other schools. 


P5-6 Bloggers this week – Brooke Lockhart and Lachlan Drennan

P1/2 Reporting Back on Last Week!

P1/2 worked really hard last week.   In maths we worked on counting groups of objects accurately and then worked out how many objects there were altogether.

In literacy we learned two new sounds ‘u’ and ‘d’.  We practised writing the sounds and using all of the set 1 sounds to read and make words.  We loved working at the craft table where we made umbrellas and dinosaurs.

We watched a live authors event and were a very attentive audience as the author read her book ‘Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam’.  It was a very funny story and we enjoyed listening to it.  The illustrator of the book showed us step by step how to draw one of the main characters from the book.  It was great fun and we all did really well.  What do you think of our art work?  Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Stewart were very impressed!

Fairyland Fun!

P1b have had a very exciting week.  The class were shocked to find that a friendly dragon had visited the class and left a letter and some glittery footprints!  The dragon was asking if we could help him to rebuild fairyland as it has disappeared and the dragon was feeling very sad.

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Luckily, the children were all very happy to help and they wrote back to the dragon to tell him.  After we read ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, Charley suggested that we could begin turning the classroom into by Fairyland by building our own beanstalk.  The children worked with a partner to begin making the stalk and leaves and our beanstalk has been growing!  We still have a few more leaves to add but it is looking great already!

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Our structured play area has been turned into Fairyland and the children have had great fun dressing up, completing fairytale jigsaws, making castles out of construction materials and counting and making patterns with Jack’s magic beans.

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Today we had a think about what we think the friendly dragon looks like.  We discussed our ideas with a partner before we used our black pens to draw detailed pictures. Mrs Ferguson visited our classroom and said they looked fantastic.  Well done everyone.

I wonder what the dragon will be up to next week!  We’ll keep you posted!

Fun in the sun and some structured play!

P1b had fun outside with the parachute today and were practising their listening skills at the same time!  They managed to put the parachute high up in the air and also worked together as a team to keep the ball on it!

Afterwards, we went to the structured play area and worked hard making some healthy meals at the craft table, investigating with the cars in the small world, threading and working on our fine motor skills to make creative pictures and role-playing in the house corner.  What a busy day!!!

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This Week in Structured Play

P1a made very good use of the structured play area today when they were involved in a wide variety of activities.  Some good role play was going on in the dressing up area and symmetrical printing was successfully completed in the art area with lots of accurate work being produced.  Matthew’s big sister Nikita very kindly handed in a castle that she had previously made for a school project so that the boys and girls could play with it in the small world area – this proved to be very popular today so thank you Nikita!  In the maths area the children were sorting some Goldilocks and the Three Bears pictures as well as sorting the compare bears under the size categories big, medium and small.  At the literacy area, some people used the magnetic letters to write some words while others relaxed in the library area with a book! Lots of good work today Primary 1 – keep it up!

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Burns Competition Winners

Congratulations to all of our ‘confident individuals’ and ‘successful learners’ who performed Scots Language poetry in front of the whole school at the successful Burns Assembly organised and co-ordinated by Mrs. Murdoch, Principal Teacher. All adults in the school had a voting sheet and all participants scored over 200 points!
Adam Brown in P.3/4 was the overall winner of the school based competition with 265 points! His rendition of ‘The Wee Malkies’kept everyone in The Great Hall highly entertained with drama and performance from start to finish. Well done Adam!
The pupils who will represent Bankton at the West Lothian heat of the National Burns Competition are:
Kai Wilson – P.6/7 ‘A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation’
Katie Tripney – P.6/7 ‘The Joyful Widower’
Beth Kinroy – P.5 ‘Scots Wha Hae’
Eric McLeod – P.4 ‘Street Talk’ by JK Annand

One of our talented brass musicians, Louis Hartl Hazette, will also go through to the local heat, playing a confident rendition of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ on his trumpet.

We have our fingers well and truly crossed for all of you! Some of our honourable runners-up will have another opportunity to perform their poem at this term’s assemblies

The Dragon Returns!!

Yesterday P1 were shocked to find that the friendly fairyland dragon had been back for a visit.  This time, he left a letter complimenting our beanstalk and also left all of the children a present.  The children now all have a castles book which the dragon has asked them to write in and tell him about how they are getting on with turning the classroom into fairyland.  Keep an eye out for the beantstalk photos coming soon.  Also, good luck to Mrs Ferguson on her personal challenge of climbing our beanstalk to see what’s at the top!!!!

P1a’s Surprise Visitor

P1a had a shock on Thursday morning when they came into the classroom to find some big, green glittery footprints leading from near the window over to the library corner.  After closer inspection, Jason found a letter sitting on a chair in the library and upon reading the letter we found that it was from a friendly dragon.  He has asked for P1a’s help in turning our classroom into Fairyland as his home has disappeared.  P1a have already written back to the dragon to explain that they would love to help and we have begun thinking about how to turn our classroom into Fairyland!